Historical Miniatures Part 40

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How could one expect people to believe in Christianity? What added to his trouble of mind was the fact that this painter who had the name of an angel, and looked like an angel, painted Jupiter and nude women!

Nothing kept what it promised; all was dust and ashes. _Vanitas!_ But this heathenism which sprang from the earth, what was its object?

Even the divine Dante had chosen a heathen Roman poet, Virgil, as his guide through h.e.l.l, and a beautiful maiden as his companion on the way to heaven. That was foolishness and blasphemy.

The end of the world must be approaching, for Antichrist was come and ruled in Rome. But an Antichrist had always sat on the Papal throne, which was itself an evil, for Paul had taught that in Christ's Church we are all priests and should form a priesthood.

So he reached his cell again, and recovered himself and his G.o.d in solitude.

The next morning he went out in order to see the Church of St. Peter and the Vatican, which had become the residence of the Popes after their return from Avignon. Since he did not know his way about the town, he happened to come into the Forum. There were several bodies of troops collected for review, and on a great black stallion sat an old man, armed from top to toe in steel. The troops pa.s.sed in review before him, and he seemed to be the commander.

"He looks like a Rabbi," said a citizen, "and he must be quite five and sixty now."

"He seems to me to resemble the prophet Muhammed. And he began as a tradesman."

"Yes, and he has bought the papal chair."

"Well, let it go! But his summoning Charles VIII with the French to Naples was a betrayal of his country. Now he goes against Venice, and leads the troops himself."

"And expects help from the Turks."

"They ought not to play with the Turks, who are already in Hungary and mean to get to Vienna."

"We have forgotten the Crusades, and tolerance is a fine quality."

"Yes, the last thing they did was to undertake a crusade against the Christian Albigenses, while they tried to conciliate the Muhammedans in Sicily."

"The world is a madhouse."

This, then, was Pope Julius II, who had overcome the monster Alexander VI, and now led his army against Venice, His kingdom was quite obviously of this world, and Luther lost all desire for an audience with him.

He went now to the Leonine quarter, where the new Church of St. Peter's was to be built in place of the one which had been pulled down. This, in its turn, was a successor of Nero's Circus, in which the first Christian martyrs had suffered. He found the site enclosed by a iron fence, but at the entrance stood two Dominican monks, and a civilian who looked like a clerk. Between them was a great iron chest, and the monks called aloud the scale of prices for the forgiveness of sins. All who entered, and wished to see the building, threw money to the clerk, who counted and entered it in his book. This functionary had been appointed by Hans Fugger, who farmed the sale of indulgences.

Luther also wished to see the building, and without thinking put down some silver pieces. As a receipt, he received a piece of paper on which was written the formula of forgiveness for some trifling sins.

When he had read the paper, he returned it to the clerk, and burst out, "I don't buy forgiveness of sins, but I gladly pay the entrance fee."

He entered the site, but now noticed the dark-eyed Augustinian monk following him.

"Are you dissatisfied, brother?" said the latter. "Do you think that the forgiveness of sins is bought? Who ever said so? Don't you know that the Civil Law exacts fines for certain Why should not the Ecclesiastical Law do the same? Tell me any reason. What nonsense you talk? What is buying? You pay out money, and by doing so deprive yourself of certain enjoyments! Instead of buying wine and women, you give this money to the Church. Good! By doing so, you renounce the sin with which you would otherwise have polluted yourself."

"Who taught you such arguments?"

"We learn in the schools here to think, you see; we read Cicero and Aristotle."

"Do you read the Bible also?"

"Yes, certainly. The Epistle always lies beside the Gospel on the altar-desk."

"Do you understand what you read?"

"Now you are impolite, Martin, but you are also proud, and you must not be that. Look now at the new church. What we see is only the foundation, but we can go in the architect's cottage, and see the designs there."

The designs were hung up in a little pavilion, and another fee was charged for entrance.

"Now what does my critical brother say?"

"That is simply a Roman bath-house," answered Luther after a glance.

"Caracalla's Thermae, I should say."

"It is a heathen building, then!"

"Yes, if you like, but everything is heathenish here, although baptized.

The heathen were not so stupid.... I won't see any more."

"But look at those two great men there, before you go. The tall man with the patriarchal beard is Michael Angelo, and that slim youth with the long neck and feminine features is Raphael."

"Is that Raphael?"

"Yes; he looks like an angel, but is not so dangerous. He is a very good man; they talk of getting him married. He does not want to, however, for his eye is on a cardinal's hat, which they have promised him."

"Cardinal's hat?"

"Yes, he is spiritually-minded, although he paints worldly objects."

"I remember, but I want to forget them."

"Listen, Martin!" the monk interrupted him, with an insulting air of familiarity; "when you go away from here, and get home, don't forget to curb your tongue! Think of what I say: there are eyes and ears which follow you where you go, and when you least suspect it."

"If the Lord is with me, what can men do against me?"

"Are you sure that the Lord is with you? Do you know His ways and His will?--You only? Can you interpret His meaning when He speaks?"

"Yes, I can; for I hear his voice in my conscience. Get thee hence, Satan, or I shall pray that heaven's lightning may smite thee! I came here as a believing child, but I shall depart as a believing man, for your questions have only evoked my silent answers which you have not heard, but which some day you will hear. You have killed Savonarola, but I am young and strong, and I shall live. Mark that!"

Luther did not stay long in Rome, but he took the opportunity of learning Hebrew, and attended the lectures of the Jew Elia Levi ben Asher, surnamed Bachur or Elias Levita.

There he met Cardinal Viterbo, the patron of the Jews, and many other celebrities, for Oriental languages were then in fas.h.i.+on after the Turks had established themselves in Constantinople.

Luther enjoyed the friends.h.i.+p of the old Jew, for Elias was the only "Christian" whom he found in Rome. It was a pity, to be sure, that he lived under the Law, and was not acquainted with the Gospel, but he knew no better.


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Historical Miniatures Part 40 summary

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