The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers Part 10

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"I guess I ought to know," grinned Rector, "He jumped me, tied me to a tree, then was about to blow my head off when Tad appeared just in time to save my precious life."

By this time Stacy had slipped from his saddle and striding over to the prisoner stood looking down at him. "So, you're the fellow who potted me twice to-day, are you?" demanded the fat boy sternly. The prisoner made no reply, but he gazed up at his tormentor so savagely that Stacy instinctively took a step backward.

"He is the man, but we landed him," answered Rector proudly.

"Is there any objection to my giving the ruffian a good hard kick for luck?" asked Stacy.

"There certainly is objection to your doing anything of the sort,"

returned Tad sharply. "We have not come to the point where we treat our prisoners of war the way the Germans do theirs. You let the man alone or I'll have something to say to you."

"Stacy!" rebuked Professor Zepplin sternly.

"Yes, sir?"

"You will keep away from the prisoner. Tad, I want to hear all about this."

"There is not much to tell, except that we got him, though he nearly got us. He caught Ned napping. I should have fallen just the same had I been in Ned's place, for this fellow is a bad man. Ned has told you what happened to him, else I shouldn't have said anything about that part of the affair. While Ned was trying to find where the shot came from that caught Stacy last, this fellow spotted and captured him.

I was hunting for the source of the shot at the same time, but went astray. I was finally attracted by the smell of smoke. I arrived on the scene about the time that fellow was getting ready to take Ned's life. At least, that was the way it seemed to me."

"Yes, he was," interjected Rector.

"You were an easy mark!" jeered Stacy.

"At least I didn't stop two bullets," answered Ned witheringly.

"The fellow caught Ned looking at me and knowing instantly that something was wrong he whirled and shot at me. He missed, then I s.h.i.+ed a stone into his solar plexus," said Tad.

"That sounds like astronomy," ventured Stacy.

"You're wrong; it's geography," chuckled Rector. "I'll finish the story. The ruffian fired twice more after the first two shots at Tad; then he went down as the stone landed on him. By the time he had got up, Tad was on the job and punched him in the jaw."

"Boys, boys!" rebuked Professor Zepplin. "One would think this was a prize fight you were describing."

"It's the truth," protested Ned.

"Of course it is," laughed Tad.

"That may be. But be good enough to moderate your language. You can describe the scene without using questionable language."

"Yes, it's disgraceful," added Stacy, whereat Ned gave the fat boy another withering look.

"As I was about to say," continued Rector, "this gentleman of the mountains had got to his feet when Tad gently smote said gentleman on the tender part of his chin. The gentleman fell down and went to sleep like a little child after a full meal. When the gentleman woke up we had him hog-tied---"

"During which time our friend Ned remained tied to a tree," chuckled Butler.

"Pshaw! I thought so," grunted Stacy. "Brave man is Ned Rector! If you were a scarred veteran like myself then you'd have a right to swell out your chest," added the fat boy, gingerly stroking the bullet mark on his cheek. "Well, go on. We're listening."

"That's all there is to tell, Professor, except that we carried the man down here and there he is."

Professor Zepplin stroked his bristling whiskers reflectively.

"What is your name, my man?" he asked stepping up to the prisoner.

But the fellow made no reply.

"I said what is your name?" repeated Professor Zepplin.

"What's that to you, old Whiskers?"

The professor started, a faint touch of color showing under his tan, while audible chuckles might have been heard from the boys in the background.

"Such language will not help you. What is your name?"

"Yours will be Mud when I git out of this, you old scarecrow! Don't you stand there jawing over me. I don't like it," added the prisoner, so savagely that the professor shrank back a little.

"It's no use to question him, professor," spoke up Tad. "He won't answer questions."

"I question our right to hold him," said Professor Zepplin. "We have no proof that he is the man who shot at us."

"I've got proof that he a.s.saulted me," bristled Ned.

"And I that he shot at me four times," added Tad. "I should think that were proof enough. What would you do, Professor?"

"I was thinking that we should let the man go with an admonition."

"No, no, no," protested Chunky. "I don't want to be shot up again to-day."

"Don't be afraid, little boy," urged Rector. "We are not going to let the man go---not if I have to fight for it."

"Professor, this fellow thought us Rangers," began Tad.


"Yes. He admitted in his questioning of Ned that he thought we were Rangers, or that we had been employed by the Rangers to run him down.

That is why he sought to kill us."

"But surely you a.s.sured him we were not," protested Professor Zepplin.

"Little stock did he take in our a.s.surances," scoffed Ned. "You might as well talk to the wind."

"But what are we going to do with him, boys?"

"I have thought of that," replied Tad. "It is my idea that he is a bad man. He must be, else the Rangers would not be looking for him.

He has proved that he is a dangerous customer to be at large---"

"Yes, he's large, all right," mumbled Stacy. "As I was saying, it seems to me to be our duty to turn him over to the officers of the law."

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The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers Part 10 summary

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