On the Tree Top Part 17

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She'll crack the bare ground with a terrible bang!

And out from the clap boards the nails will go, spang!

"She'll spoil the potatoes (if once she gets in), And she'll shake all the people whose bed-clothes are thin!

She'll stop the old clock in the dead o' the night, And make him hold up both his hands in a fright; And--what she _won't_ do, Is more than _I_ know!



I'm all of a s.h.i.+ver, Heart, lungs, and liver!

Jist always, whiniver I think of that o--o--ld SA-ARc.h.i.n.kOLD!"

Then Phunny-kind s.h.i.+vers a little, too; And heaves a deep sigh; and says, "Are you froo?"

Then slides down, quietly, to the floor, Doubtfully watching the outer door.

She says, "Is my bed got a fing like you said-- A 'comfut'--vat I can put over my head?"

"(Oh, Phil! naughty boy!)" says grandma;--"yes, dear Your bed's got a 'comfut,' so never you fear-- And you should be in it, for see, the old clock Points just to your bed-time, and says 'tick-tock!'"

"Well, grampa, I'm goin' as quick as I can, If you'll only give me a handful of 'tan.'

"What _for_?" "Oh, I'm jus' goin' to take it to bed, 'Cos, I recollec' every word that you said, And gramma, and Phil; for _all of you told_ How '_comfuts_,' and _'tan'll' keep out_ SA-ARc.h.i.n.kOLD!"


Missing or invisible punctuation has been silently supplied.

From the time it was put in the ground, [gound]

Then, with a relish, stood chuckling and grinning, [are lish]

Why, a nest, of course, and an egg or so, [_text damaged: reconstructed from "an egg o o"_]

"I wonder," she says, "does the old clock know?"

[_final close quote missing_]

"She'll spoil the potatoes (if once she gets in), [_open quote missing_]

"(Oh, Phil! naughty boy!)" says grandma;--"yes, dear If you'll only give me a handful of 'tan.'"

[_close quotes missing_]

Text unchanged:

"Caspar," "Baltha.s.sar," "Melchoir"--

Down under t'was dark as a mine;

If you may sit on this flower, why may'nt I?

Line division unchanged (_The Gold Spinner_):

The second day 'twas the same; But the third a messenger Came in from the mountains to the queen,

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On the Tree Top Part 17 summary

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