Guide to West Point, and the U.S. Military Academy Part 5

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{ Mahan's Field Fortifications.

Military and { Mahan's Outlines of Permanent Fortification.

Civil Engineering { Mahan's Civil Engineering.

and Science { Mahan's Fortification and Stereotomy.

of War. { Mahan's Advanced Guard and Out Post, etc.

{ *Moseley's Mechanics of Engineering.

Mineralogy and { Dana's Mineralogy.

Geology. { Hitchc.o.c.k's Geology.

{ French's Practical Ethics.

Law and Literature. { Halleck's International Law. Law and Military { Law, by Prof. French.

{ Benet's Military Law and the Practice of { Courts-Martial.

{ Practical Instruction in fabricating Fascines, { Sap f.a.ggots, Gabions, Hurdles, Sap Rollers, Practical Military { etc.; manner of laying out and constructing Engineering. { Gun and Mortar Batteries, Field { Fortifications, and Works of Siege; formation { of Stockades, Abatis, and other military { obstacles; and throwing and dismantling { Ponton Bridges.

{ United States Tactics for Cavalry.

Tactics--Artillery, { Practical Instruction in the Schools of the Cavalry { Soldier, Company, and Battalion. Practical and Infantry. { Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry.

Ordnance and { Benton's Ordnance and Gunnery.

Gunnery. { Practical Pyrotechny.

For the information of visitors, the "Police Regulations" of the Post of West Point, and the "Regulations of the Encampment," are appended:





1. "Police Limits" include all territory lying north and east of a line running west from the South Gate to its intersection with the Fort Putnam road, and thence by the road to the cemetery.

2. To prevent interruption to the duties of the Academy, carriages will not be allowed to pa.s.s on the road leading by the Academic Hall and Cadets' Barrack, during the hours devoted to study; and at no time by the Hospital, except when required for the accommodation of residents or their visitors, and then at a slow pace.

3. Carriages will be allowed to pa.s.s to the West Point Hotel, through the South Gate, by the road below the Hospital, or through the West Gate.

4. On Sundays the gates will be closed, and no vehicle allowed to drive on the Plain without the permission of the Superintendent, except for the purpose of conveying persons to and from Divine Service, to the ferry landings, to obtain medical a.s.sistance, or for the private benefit of Officers residing on the Post. Officers will not pa.s.s public conveyances through the gates on Sunday.

5. Carts and wagons will use the main road, across the Plain, except when necessity requires them to go upon the private road pa.s.sing in front of the Quarters, Barrack, and Hospital.

6. Carriages and horses are not permitted to pa.s.s, or remain on the road in front of the parade-ground, nor to move about in its vicinity during parade and reviews.

7. Racing, fast driving, and unnecessary noise at all times is prohibited.

8. It is strictly forbidden to drive or ride over any of the sidewalks or paths at West Point, or any part of the Plain or grounds except the carriage roads.

9. All persons are directed to close the gates after them on entering or leaving the public grounds.

10. Officers and citizens may smoke on the Plain; but during the performance of any military duty thereon, no smoking will be allowed on, or in the vicinity of, that part of the Plain which may be occupied for such duty.

11. All persons are prohibited from bathing in the river, during the day, anywhere within police limits.

12. All persons whatever, residing or serving at West Point, are prohibited from hunting or shooting, or using fire-arms for any purpose, within police limits, during week days, and within the limits of the public lands on Sundays.

15. Boats are not permitted to land, except at the public wharves.

16. Every boat, cart, wagon, or vehicle laden with articles, except for officers, may be searched by the officers and non-commissioned officers of the Guard, or members of the Police.

17. All persons are forbidden to receive or transport across the Post any article for excluded individuals.

18. All persons are prohibited from selling any kind of intoxicating liquors, beer, cakes, etc., on the Post, without the permission of the Superintendent.

19. All enlisted men are prohibited from bringing on the Post, or having in their possession, any intoxicating liquor, beer, etc., without the permission of the Superintendent.

20. Persons not connected with the Post, bringing prohibited articles thereon, will be promptly removed by the guard or police, and reported to the Superintendent, to the end that they may be prosecuted for trespa.s.s.

21. Pedlers and all improper persons are prohibited from coming on the Post.

22. Excursion or Pleasure Parties, etc., are not allowed to land on the Post, unless specially authorized by the Superintendent.

26. Cadets will not be allowed to cross the ferries without the written permission of the Superintendent. All such permits will be returned as soon as practicable by the ferrymen to the Adjutant's office.

29. No person will be allowed to cut wood on the public lands, break the branches of the trees on the Plain, at the Cemetery, or in the vicinity of Camptown, or to throw stones or sticks into them. Parents will be held responsible for the acts of their children violating this regulation.

34. No citizen will be allowed to wear the uniform, or parts thereof, of officers, cadets, or soldiers.

36. The iron seats in front of the Superintendent's quarters must not be occupied by servants and children when required for visitors.

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Guide to West Point, and the U.S. Military Academy Part 5 summary

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