A Man of the People Part 13

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You're wasting your breath----


Stanton, I appointed you Secretary of War against the advice of every man about me. You were a cantankerous Democrat and my enemy. You had said the meanest things about me that were ever spoken in Was.h.i.+ngton--and that's putting it pretty strong. You called me a low clown--the original gorilla. In spite of all this, I saw _your_ great qualities! I saw that you were absolutely fearless and absolutely honest, that your nerves were made of steel and your capacity for work was boundless. Even in your pa.s.sions and hatreds, you showed a loyalty to the Union that rose above the parties and creeds of a lifetime. I like men of your strong personality. They stand between a nation and h.e.l.l. And so, I appointed you, my bitter foe, to my cabinet. I've never regretted it for a minute in these years of blood and anguish. You've made the best Secretary of War this country ever had. In spite of your mean traits and your awful profanity, I've learned to love you! Now, you've resigned, and done your duty, as you see it. I've accepted your resignation, _conscripted_ you again, and reappointed you----!

[_Pauses and strokes his shoulder._]

Go back to your desk and stick to the rules--that's your business; and I'll keep right on here tempering Justice with Mercy when I get a chance.


[_Gazing at him a moment hopelessly._]

Well,--I suppose I'll have to try----!



[STANTON _hurries to the door._]


All right now---- But look here, Stanton----

[STANTON _pauses._]

If I _have_ to send over a pardon or two to you this morning----


h.e.l.l fire!


Easy--easy now! You'll know they're _very_ urgent, and will admit of no delay on account of red tape----


[_Throws his hands up in wild gesture of despair._]

Oh, my G.o.d!

[STANTON _exits._]


John, the old Fox _was_ trying to head me off, wasn't he----? Get them in here quick--who's the first in turn----?


A young lady to plead for the life of her brother----


Bring her in!

[_As_ NICOLAY _goes to the door_, LINCOLN _follows to meet the young woman. She enters, a forlorn little figure with baby face and blonde hair. She is plainly dressed in homespun cloth and does not wear hoopskirts. The President greets her with the utmost deference._]

[_Taking both her hands._]

My dear young lady--I'm glad to see you--good old Pennsylvania Dutch! I knew you before you spoke--my folks came down to Virginia from there, in the old Colonial days----



Oh--Meester--Presiden--you are so goot to me--you are so kind----

[_Pauses overcome._]

I haf no speech----


Come now, tell me in your own way what I can do to help you----


Oh--Meester Presiden--you can do all--you can do any t'ing--und I am so happy to see you--I cannot begin----


[_Soothing her._]

Take your time, little girl--all the others will have to wait on you now----


Ya-ya--it is my turn now--ya, und I must hurry. You see, it's mine brudder--he ist just von leetle poy, Meester Presiden--von leetle poy with curly hair like mine----

[_She chokes._]


[_Taking her hand._]

And what happened to him, my dear?

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A Man of the People Part 13 summary

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