Fugitive Poison User ~I Am Somehow Recovering In A World Full Of Miasma~ Chapter 37

Fugitive Poison User ~I Am Somehow Recovering In A World Full Of Miasma~ -

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Chapter 37

The next day .
The Dorimsvoytinfected patients have been quickly recovering due to the defeat of Elbatoxin and things seem to be calmed down for now .
I wonder if Arleaf is holding up okay .
I drop by the apothecary to check up on her but instead I find Arleaf’s father greeting me .
By the way, Muu’s helping the proprietress with some work around the inn .
Perhaps because we’ve eradicated the source of the disease, she’s been getting healthier and healthier as well .

“Oh, Cohgray . Your party’s slayed the monster that was spreadin’ the disease, right? You should go to the town hall and show them a part of the monster to claim the bounty on it . ”
“I see…”

Wait, is it safe doing so again?

‘It should be . Proof that we have defeated Elbatoxin… shall its eyeball do?’

Why eyeball?

‘I saved the rest of its parts . Perhaps they shall be useful as crafting materials in the future . It shall not prove to be much work if I simply gouge them out with a sword . ’

But an eyeball? That’s kinda gross .
Still, I do as instructed by both Arleaf’s father and Veno and reported to the town hall with one of Elbatoxin’s eyeball in hand .
I also handed over other parts that could be easily identified though, like the tip of its tail .
It seems like they can identify which monster I fought with just that much .
In the end, they determined that it indeed belonged to the monster who was behind the diseases and granted me the appropriate bounty .

The bounty consisted of not only money raised by nearby villages, but as well as money from the guild to which those adventurers who spread the diseases belong . This totalled to 400,000 lag .
And it seems like I can sell Elbatoxin’s parts for a pretty high price too .
That’s pretty awesome… it costs me 2,000 lag for a stay with a meal at the inn . With this much money, that would mean I could afford to stay for 200 days .
But that’s not what’s gonna happen… consider this money as funds for my life as a fugitive from now on .

“Hi, Yukihisa!”

Just as I’m being paid out by the clerk, Arleaf, full of energy, calls out to me .
Hmm . Karma Blaze is strapped to her back .
Though I was gonna set off without telling anyone…
Suddenly, I hear the clinks and clanks of a squad clad in full suits of armor walking into the town hall .

“Yukihisa, this way . ”
“Cohgray, right this way . ”

I follow Arleaf and the clerk to the far end of the town hall, though not fully understanding the situation .
Isn’t this the back door?
The clerk calmly and smoothly disappears from our sight .

“We are knights of Saint Yggdra . We have detected the presence of an evil dragon disguised as a human . We request any relevant information!”

Their voice echoes throughout the hall .
Yikes… they’ve sniffed me out already? That didn’t take ‘em long at all .

‘They may have already somehow detected out presence already . ’
“Now that you mention it, there has been some kind of dangerous monster that’s been inflicting all sorts of diseases around here . That’s gotta be the evil dragon, right?”

The clerk responded to the knights with a question .
I looked to Arleaf and she a.s.sured me everything’s fine with a nod of her head .
From the town hall, we booked it straight to the apothecary .
Huh? The proprietress and Muu are here . And even the priest .

“You’ve made it, eh, Cohgray?”
“Umm… exactly what is happening here?”

I ask the villagers while pretending to be calm and collected .

“Well… I don’t even know the full details . But those guys from far away barged in as if they owned the place, something about here to slay a dragon, stickin’ their noses into our village . ”
“Oh… and what about it?”

For some reason, Arleaf’s father ignores my question, but then goes on to talk to his daughter .

“Yesterday, Arleaf, you were shown ardor from yesterday’s battle . If you want to withdraw now, we’ll send someone else . ”
“I understand . ”
“Sister Arleaf, you must complete your mission . ”

Even the priest is like sending her off .
Can’t I just go alone?

‘Humans act in mysterious ways sometimes . If thou sincerely ask, shall thou not receive an answer?’

Didn’t they just ignore me?
Arleaf’s father looks over to me in the middle of my conversation with Veno .

“Cohgray, I know full well you’re surprised with all this . But you were plannin’ to just ditch us without sayin’ a word, weren’t you?”

Gulp… he read me like a book .
How does he know though?
He should have no idea that Veno lives inside me .

“But you can’t just pull somethin’ like that on us . Well, I didn’t think they’d find us out this uick either, but here we are . ”

Arleaf’s parents glance over at the town hall .

“Anyway, Cohgray, our daughter will follow you from now on . You can rely on her . No matter where you run to, you’ll find people to help you too . ”
“No, I couldn’t… I mean, my personal feelings of having Arleaf come with me aside… though true that I was planning to embark from this village, I can’t have Arleaf come risk her life with me . ”

I try to be as polite as I can to leave Arleaf behind, just as I had planned from the beginning .
As soon as the thought came to my mind, she looks at me with these heartrending puppy eyes .
Stop it . You’re hurting me with those eyes .


It hurts when Muu does it too, but I wasn’t planning to leave you behind .
What would happen to you anyway if I were to just leave you?
… what, is Arleaf’s family going to keep you as their pet?

“I will follow you to the ends of the world, Yukihisa . After all, it isn’t like you have done anything wrong…”
“No, I…”
“No matter how much they sully your name, I will be by your side . I know you are trying to escape them . ”
‘It seems like she has made up her mind already… it would be quite the bother to reject her, aye?’

A bother, sure, but that’s my only choice, right?
I can’t just drag these innocent people into this .

‘The fellow’s daughter was also the same, always by his side… I suppose it runs in the blood . ’

I get it, this is nostalgic for you, but we’re trying to run away here, and she won’t take a no for an answer .
… how am I gonna change her mind?
I mean, why does she even want to stick with me so bad anyway?
I don’t even get that part to begin with .

“It’s gonna be… dangerous, you know?”
“Hmm? Are you trying to say that it’s dangerous because they’ll torture the information out of me once they find out that I worked with you?”

Oof, if you’re gonna put it like that…
It seems like those guys back there really would torture Arleaf for information about me .
Sigh… with the way things are, it seems like she’s coming with me no matter what .

“Are you alright with this? She’s your precious daughter after all . ”

I ask Arleaf’s father and he nods without a hint of hesitation .

“Cohgray, you’re the only man in the world who can finish a plate of my daughter’s poisonous cooking . If anything, I ain’t about let go my daughter’s chance at getting married .
“Oh, no, do let it go! Don’t rub salt into her wounds!”

Oops . I didn’t mean to yell at the guy .
I just couldn’t hold back .
Ignoring my quip, Arleaf’s father takes out an old, worn-out book and hands it to me .

“This book contains the story of how our family’s principles came to be . This village is destined to befriend the dragon . ”

That’s pretty incredible… now that you mention it, when you guys pray, you say something about a dragon .
Is that something related?

“And what is this story about?”
“… long ago, the lands were a poisoned patch of waste . The dragon who lived in those lands entrusted our ancestors with it to reclaim it and then to found a nation . ”

Arleaf clasps her hands together, as if she were praying, and begins telling the story .

“The lands were rehabilitated, and people began living on it . They were invaded by greedy men and terrible monsters, but our ancestors worked together to defend their home . The dragon witnessed it all and wished to end the meaningless conflict . He sacrificed himself, offered his body to the world tree, and fell into a deep slumber . ”

I’ve seen all that through Veno’s memories .
I know too well what had happened .

“The world was at peace . The newly-founded nation with its new world tree was in harmony with its people . They would keep the peace until the dragon would arise from his slumber… or so they thought . ”

What goes up must come down, or so they say… but it’s rather unsettling .

“However, the humans were foolish . They began evil research in order to h.o.a.rd the blessing of the world tree, all behind the back of the nation’s representatives . ”

Veno lets out a surprised noise .

“The research failed, and the world tree disappeared . As a result of the failure, the world was filled with miasma . At the time of failure… the people saw a dragon in the explosion and pinned the blame on him . The representatives who knew nothing about the matter found themselves bearing the burden of responsibility and were banished as punishment . ”

Huh… so that’s what happened .
They totally bit the hand that fed them .

“An’ here we are, the descendants of those who were exiled . We want to get rid of the miasma, just like how our ancestors woulda wanted . ”

I see .
It seems like that Arleaf might have seen Veno’s Dragon Claw .
That’s why they think I’m related to the dragon of the stories of yore .

“Our ancestors who settled down here in this remote area harbored a sense of impending disaster because of the evil research into skills that could instantly defeat the strongest of monsters . ”
“This book here is a record of all those skills and spells . You’ll find strategies, solutions, and other fragments of their findings in it as well . It ain’t such a bad give it a look through some time . ”

Well, it sure wouldn’t hurt to have this book on hand .
It seems like your faith wasn’t misplaced after all, Veno .

“According to what they wrote, it seems like they predicted that the bad guys were determined to crush the nation and all those in charge, and so, our ancestors sent their offsprings to every corner of the world . ”
‘Those must be clues for undoing Forced Possession Summoning, but I did not expect it to be so scattered . ’

You may be onto something, but this whole thing is got so complicated .
I’m glad that they don’t hold anything against me for wielding your powers, but I’m afraid they might get unnecessarily involved with this whole mess .

“And if it proves anything, the village that used to be in the swamp was one that had been destroyed by the bad guys . The pollution all stems from those exploding bombs we mentioned earlier . ”
“Father . ”
“Ah, sorry to interrupt you with these ancient tales . Go ahead . ”

Sounds like there’s more to it .
Arleaf nods and beings to speak again .

“Our ancestors left their testaments, wis.h.i.+ng for their descendants to atone for their sins and to seek forgiveness from their very important friend . The ancestors had devised a plan for when the time comes that their friend requires a.s.sistance . When a dangerous situation arises, he would cast magic to escape his perils and shall end up here in this village so that the newly awaken dragon will live to see another day . And so it is written . ”
‘What? That is the reason why I fell with you into the swamp? Blasts…’

‘What? That is the reason why I fell with you into the swamp? Blasts…’

I’m sure you actually did have to resist their magic and to escape from it .
But maybe there’s a reason why we’ve landed in such a convenient place .
It’s because they must know that you’re a Poison Dragon .
We could chalk it up to just coincidence, but everything adds up .
That statue with its protective blessings at that rundown altar… it all felt natural for us because everything here is set up just for you, Veno .

“I know not all dragons in the world are good; there are dangerous and terrible ones . But I know there are good ones too . We owe that dragon one . If we don’t pay him back, I’d feel downright ashamed . ”
“Yukihisa, please allow me to lend a.s.sist you in your travels . The whole village is grateful, and so, if it’s not me… everyone else shall accompany you . ”

Gah… I don’t think I can say no .

‘I see… so I had not been betrayed . ’

I can feel Veno trembling and staring off into the distance .
Is he crying?
I hear the voices from the town hall . It’s not exactly a racket, but I can hear people gathering inside .
It’s only a matter of time they detect us .

… I’ve got no choice then .
I can’t see either Arleaf or the villagers willing to budge on this matter .
Gotta make a compromise, I guess .

“… I understand . This journey will be very dangerous . We might not make it back alive, you know?”
“I fully understand . Father, Mother, thank you for being such great parents . ”
“Come back home in one piece, y’hear? Experience the world and come back to us with the Holy Dragon—with Cohgray, alright?”
“We’ll be praying for the safe return of both of you . ”

As Arleaf embraces her parents, the priest hands me a religious symbol of their church .

“Cohgray, this statue shall protect you . ”
“C-Can I touch it?”
“Of course, go ahead . ”

I’m kinda scared and I gingerly hold the statue .
Like the zap of static electricity, its power flows into me .
It’s just like that time .
Veno must’ve recovered a little mana from that .

“Muu-Muu, I’ll be lonely without’cha . Remember what I’ve taught you and put it to good use, alrighty?”

The proprietress, too, hugs Muu goodbye .
She looks really broken up over it .
And Muu’s holding pretty much everything I left in the room .
I’ve gotta get Veno store it up later .

“We’ve prepared a cart for you two . Hop on and drive it like ya stole it . ”
“Thank you for everything you have done for me . ”
“What are ya talking about, Cohgray? Err… Lord Holy Dragon?”

I guess I don’t need to hide it from them anymore .
They’ve helped me up until the end . It should be fine telling them a little, right?

“I’m not a dragon, but him and I are almost always chattering though . ”
“That right? If you make it back, tell me more about the Holy Dragon next time . ”

Hey, he believes me .
The power of ancestors . Amazing, huh?

“Ah-haha, there is something else that may surprise you, Yukihisa . ”

Arleaf replies while pointing at her ear .

“I’ve been able to hear someone’s voice coming from behind Yukihisa since not too long ago . ”

Arleaf replies while pointing at her ear .

“I’ve been able to hear someone’s voice coming from behind Yukihisa since not too long ago . ”
‘What? Thou canst hear me?’
“Yes . I checked my status and found a new skill called Oracle, so that may be the reason why . ”

Yikes… Arleaf can hear Veno too now . Guess we can’t chat in secret anymore, eh?

‘Rest a.s.sured . I can always speak in a low voice so that no one else hears . ’

Oh, isn’t that right?
You’ve gotten good at this, Veno .

“Lord Holy Dragon, please let me redeem my ancestors . ”
‘… very well . La.s.s, serving in your ancestors’ stead, thou shall follow me as well . ’
“Thank you very much!”

Hey, now, you’re just gonna so casually make these decisions?
Don’t you always say that all humans bound to betray you one day or something edgy like that?

‘Things have changed . ’

You’re hot and you’re cold… sure are a simple dragon .

‘Hmph… I thought I would be so generous to grant a second chance . ’

Well, it’s not like I don’t get how you feel either .
You thought you had been betrayed, but we found out otherwise today .

“Alright, then . See you soon!”
“We’ll be waitin’ . ”
“Give it your all!”

That’s all for goodbyes .
Then Arleaf’s father spoke up .

“Cohgray, leave everything else to us . We’ll stall them as long as we can . ”
“I got it . Thank you so much for everything . ”

Honestly, you’ve all done so much for me .
I’ve been grateful even when you were simply buying herbs from me .
But from now on too with Arleaf’s cooking and everything else, thank you for all your support in advance .

But… Saint Yggdra, right?
I’m not sure if they were the traitors to Arleaf’s ancestors, but they disgust me .
The more you hear about it, the less it seems like Veno’s the bad guy .
I’ve gotta find out more .

“Alright . Shall we?”

The villagers send me off, waving their hands goodbye .

“Let’s go!”

Arleaf follows up with a nod .

‘Hmm . At first after having the spell cast on me, I had many worries . But surprisingly, I have gained much as well . There sure was much to be anxious about, but it seems like a very valuable experience lies ahead of us . ’

I spur the horses on driving them hard while listening to Veno speak… as I leave the warm-hearted village behind .
I hope no harm befalls them .

And with that, we headed into the true beginning of our journey .

The next day . The Dorimsvoyta infected patients have been quickly recovering due to the defeat of Elbatoxin and things seem to be calmed down for now . I wonder if Arleaf is holding up okay . I drop by the apothecary to check up on her but instead I find Arleaf s father greeting me . By the way, Muu s helping the proprietress with some work around the inn . Perhaps because we ve eradicated the source of the disease, she s been getting healthier and healthier as well . Oh, Cohgray . Your party s slayed the monster that was spreadin the disease, right You should go to the town hall and show them a part of the monster to claim the bounty on it . I see Wait, is it safe doing so again It should be . Proof that we have defeated Elbatoxin shall its eyeball do Why eyeball I saved the rest of its parts . Perhaps they shall be useful as crafting materials in the future . It shall not prove to be much work if I simply gouge them out with a sword . But an eyeball That s kinda gross . Still, I do as instructed by both Arleaf s father and Veno and reported to the town hall with one of Elbatoxin s eyeball in hand . I also handed over other parts that could be easily identified though, like the tip of its tail . It seems like they can identify which monster I fought with just that much . In the end, they determined that it indeed belonged to the monster who was behind the diseases and granted me the appropriate bounty . The bounty consisted of not only money raised by nearby villages, but as well as money from the guild to which those adventurers who spread the diseases belong . This totalled to 400,000 lag . And it seems like I can sell Elbatoxin s parts for a pretty high price too . That s pretty awesome it costs me 2,000 lag for a stay with a meal at the inn . With this much money, that would mean I could afford to stay for 200 days . But that s not what s gonna happen consider this money as funds for my life as a fugitive from now on . Hi, Yukihisa Just as I m being paid out by the clerk, Arleaf, full of energy, calls out to me . Hmm . Karma Blaze is strapped to her back . Though I was gonna set off without telling anyone Suddenly, I hear the clinks and clanks of a squad clad in full suits of armor walking into the town hall . Yukihisa, this way . Cohgray, right this way . I follow Arleaf and the clerk to the far end of the town hall, though not fully understanding the situation . Isn t this the back door The clerk calmly and smoothly disappears from our sight . We are knights of Saint Yggdra . We have detected the presence of an evil dragon disguised as a human . We request any relevant information Their voice echoes throughout the hall . Yikes they ve sniffed me out already That didn t take em long at all . They may have already somehow detected out presence already . Now that you mention it, there has been some kind of dangerous monster that s been inflicting all sorts of diseases around here . That s gotta be the evil dragon, right The clerk responded to the knights with a question . I looked to Arleaf and she a.s.sured me everything s fine with a nod of her head . From the town hall, we booked it straight to the apothecary . Huh The proprietress and Muu are here . And even the priest . You ve made it, eh, Cohgray Umm exactly what is happening here I ask the villagers while pretending to be calm and collected . Well I don t even know the full details . But those guys from far away barged in as if they owned the place, something about here to slay a dragon, stickin their noses into our village . Oh and what about it For some reason, Arleaf s father ignores my question, but then goes on to talk to his daughter . Yesterday, Arleaf, you were shown ardor from yesterday s battle . If you want to withdraw now, we ll send someone else . I understand . Sister Arleaf, you must complete your mission . Even the priest is like sending her off . Can t I just go alone Humans act in mysterious ways sometimes . If thou sincerely ask, shall thou not receive an answer Didn t they just ignore me Arleaf s father looks over to me in the middle of my conversation with Veno . Cohgray, I know full well you re surprised with all this . But you were plannin to just ditch us without sayin a word, weren t you Gulp he read me like a book . How does he know though He should have no idea that Veno lives inside me . But you can t just pull somethin like that on us . Well, I didn t think they d find us out this uick either, but here we are . Arleaf s parents glance over at the town hall . Anyway, Cohgray, our daughter will follow you from now on . You can rely on her . No matter where you run to, you ll find people to help you too . No, I couldn t I mean, my personal feelings of having Arleaf come with me aside though true that I was planning to embark from this village, I can t have Arleaf come risk her life with me . I try to be as polite as I can to leave Arleaf behind, just as I had planned from the beginning . As soon as the thought came to my mind, she looks at me with these heartrending puppy eyes . Stop it . You re hurting me with those eyes . Mu It hurts when Muu does it too, but I wasn t planning to leave you behind . What would happen to you anyway if I were to just leave you what, is Arleaf s family going to keep you as their pet I will follow you to the ends of the world, Yukihisa . After all, it isn t like you have done anything wrong No, I No matter how much they sully your name, I will be by your side . I know you are trying to escape them . It seems like she has made up her mind already it would be quite the bother to reject her, aye A bother, sure, but that s my only choice, right I can t just drag these innocent people into this . The fellow s daughter was also the same, always by his side I suppose it runs in the blood . I get it, this is nostalgic for you, but we re trying to run away here, and she won t take a no for an answer . how am I gonna change her mind I mean, why does she even want to stick with me so bad anyway I don t even get that part to begin with . It s gonna be dangerous, you know Hmm Are you trying to say that it s dangerous because they ll torture the information out of me once they find out that I worked with you Oof, if you re gonna put it like that It seems like those guys back there really would torture Arleaf for information about me . Sigh with the way things are, it seems like she s coming with me no matter what . Are you alright with this She s your precious daughter after all . I ask Arleaf s father and he nods without a hint of hesitation . Cohgray, you re the only man in the world who can finish a plate of my daughter s poisonous cooking . If anything, I ain t about let go my daughter s chance at getting married . Oh, no, do let it go Don t rub salt into her wounds Oops . I didn t mean to yell at the guy . I just couldn t hold back . Ignoring my quip, Arleaf s father takes out an old, worn out book and hands it to me . This book contains the story of how our family s principles came to be . This village is destined to befriend the dragon . That s pretty incredible now that you mention it, when you guys pray, you say something about a dragon . Is that something related And what is this story about long ago, the lands were a poisoned patch of waste . The dragon who lived in those lands entrusted our ancestors with it to reclaim it and then to found a nation . Arleaf clasps her hands together, as if she were praying, and begins telling the story . The lands were rehabilitated, and people began living on it . They were invaded by greedy men and terrible monsters, but our ancestors worked together to defend their home . The dragon witnessed it all and wished to end the meaningless conflict . He sacrificed himself, offered his body to the world tree, and fell into a deep slumber . I ve seen all that through Veno s memories . I know too well what had happened . The world was at peace . The newly founded nation with its new world tree was in harmony with its people . They would keep the peace until the dragon would arise from his slumber or so they thought . What goes up must come down, or so they say but it s rather unsettling . However, the humans were foolish . They began evil research in order to h.o.a.rd the blessing of the world tree, all behind the back of the nation s representatives . Wh Veno lets out a surprised noise . The research failed, and the world tree disappeared . As a result of the failure, the world was filled with miasma . At the time of failure the people saw a dragon in the explosion and pinned the blame on him . The representatives who knew nothing about the matter found themselves bearing the burden of responsibility and were banished as punishment . Huh so that s what happened . They totally bit the hand that fed them . An here we are, the descendants of those who were exiled . We want to get rid of the miasma, just like how our ancestors woulda wanted . I see . It seems like that Arleaf might have seen Veno s Dragon Claw . That s why they think I m related to the dragon of the stories of yore . Our ancestors who settled down here in this remote area harbored a sense of impending disaster because of the evil research into skills that could instantly defeat the strongest of monsters . This book here is a record of all those skills and spells . You ll find strategies, solutions, and other fragments of their findings in it as well . It ain t such a bad give it a look through some time . Well, it sure wouldn t hurt to have this book on hand . It seems like your faith wasn t misplaced after all, Veno . According to what they wrote, it seems like they predicted that the bad guys were determined to crush the nation and all those in charge, and so, our ancestors sent their offsprings to every corner of the world . Those must be clues for undoing Forced Possession Summoning, but I did not expect it to be so scattered . You may be onto something, but this whole thing is got so complicated . I m glad that they don t hold anything against me for wielding your powers, but I m afraid they might get unnecessarily involved with this whole mess . And if it proves anything, the village that used to be in the swamp was one that had been destroyed by the bad guys . The pollution all stems from those exploding bombs we mentioned earlier . Father . Ah, sorry to interrupt you with these ancient tales . Go ahead . Sounds like there s more to it . Arleaf nods and beings to speak again . Our ancestors left their testaments, wis.h.i.+ng for their descendants to atone for their sins and to seek forgiveness from their very important friend . The ancestors had devised a plan for when the time comes that their friend requires a.s.sistance . When a dangerous situation arises, he would cast magic to escape his perils and shall end up here in this village so that the newly awaken dragon will live to see another day . And so it is written . What That is the reason why I fell with you into the swamp Blasts I m sure you actually did have to resist their magic and to escape from it . But maybe there s a reason why we ve landed in such a convenient place . It s because they must know that you re a Poison Dragon . We could chalk it up to just coincidence, but everything adds up . That statue with its protective blessings at that rundown altar it all felt natural for us because everything here is set up just for you, Veno . I know not all dragons in the world are good there are dangerous and terrible ones . But I know there are good ones too . We owe that dragon one . If we don t pay him back, I d feel downright ashamed . Yukihisa, please allow me to lend a.s.sist you in your travels . The whole village is grateful, and so, if it s not me everyone else shall accompany you . Gah I don t think I can say no . I see so I had not been betrayed . I can feel Veno trembling and staring off into the distance . Is he crying I hear the voices from the town hall . It s not exactly a racket, but I can hear people gathering inside . It s only a matter of time they detect us . I ve got no choice then . I can t see either Arleaf or the villagers willing to budge on this matter . Gotta make a compromise, I guess . I understand . This journey will be very dangerous . We might not make it back alive, you know I fully understand . Father, Mother, thank you for being such great parents . Come back home in one piece, y hear Experience the world and come back to us with the Holy Dragon with Cohgray, alright We ll be praying for the safe return of both of you . As Arleaf embraces her parents, the priest hands me a religious symbol of their church . Cohgray, this statue shall protect you . C Can I touch it Of course, go ahead . I m kinda scared and I gingerly hold the statue . Like the zap of static electricity, its power flows into me . It s just like that time . Veno must ve recovered a little mana from that . Muu Muu, I ll be lonely without cha . Remember what I ve taught you and put it to good use, alrighty Mu The proprietress, too, hugs Muu goodbye . She looks really broken up over it . And Muu s holding pretty much everything I left in the room . I ve gotta get Veno store it up later . We ve prepared a cart for you two . Hop on and drive it like ya stole it . Thank you for everything you have done for me . What are ya talking about, Cohgray Err Lord Holy Dragon I guess I don t need to hide it from them anymore . They ve helped me up until the end . It should be fine telling them a little, right I m not a dragon, but him and I are almost always chattering though . That right If you make it back, tell me more about the Holy Dragon next time . Hey, he believes me . The power of ancestors . Amazing, huh Ah haha, there is something else that may surprise you, Yukihisa . Arleaf replies while pointing at her ear . I ve been able to hear someone s voice coming from behind Yukihisa since not too long ago . What Thou canst hear me Yes . I checked my status and found a new skill called Oracle, so that may be the reason why . Yikes Arleaf can hear Veno too now . Guess we can t chat in secret anymore, eh Rest a.s.sured . I can always speak in a low voice so that no one else hears . Oh, isn t that right You ve gotten good at this, Veno . Lord Holy Dragon, please let me redeem my ancestors . very well . La.s.s, serving in your ancestors stead, thou shall follow me as well . Thank you very much Hey, now, you re just gonna so casually make these decisions Don t you always say that all humans bound to betray you one day or something edgy like that Things have changed . You re hot and you re cold sure are a simple dragon . Hmph I thought I would be so generous to grant a second chance . Well, it s not like I don t get how you feel either . You thought you had been betrayed, but we found out otherwise today . Alright, then . See you soon We ll be waitin . Give it your all That s all for goodbyes . Then Arleaf s father spoke up . Cohgray, leave everything else to us . We ll stall them as long as we can . I got it . Thank you so much for everything . Honestly, you ve all done so much for me . I ve been grateful even when you were simply buying herbs from me . But from now on too with Arleaf s cooking and everything else, thank you for all your support in advance . But Saint Yggdra, right I m not sure if they were the traitors to Arleaf s ancestors, but they disgust me . The more you hear about it, the less it seems like Veno s the bad guy . I ve gotta find out more . Alright . Shall we The villagers send me off, waving their hands goodbye . Let s go Arleaf follows up with a nod . Mu Hmm . At first after having the spell cast on me, I had many worries . But surprisingly, I have gained much as well . There sure was much to be anxious about, but it seems like a very valuable experience lies ahead of us . I spur the horses on driving them hard while listening to Veno speak as I leave the warm hearted village behind . I hope no harm befalls them . And with that, we headed into the true beginning of our journey .

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Fugitive Poison User ~I Am Somehow Recovering In A World Full Of Miasma~ Chapter 37 summary

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