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Item, iij. covertorijs argenti enamelid and borage floures in les botimes.
Item, vj. chacyd pecys gilte bi the bordurys, with the towche of Paryce.
Item, ij. pottis argenti potlers, percell gilte and enameled with violetts and dayseys.
Item, ij. pottis of sylver, of the facion of goods enamelyd on the toppys withe hys armys.
Item, j. quarteler argenti, percel gift withe j. chase a bought of rosys and levys.
Item, j. rounde salt seler, gylt and covered with a wrethe toppe with this wordys wreten, _Me faunt fere_, a bowght.
Item, j. salt seler, pacell of the same fa.s.sion sengle.
Item, ij. salt selers of sylver, playne and smale with a dowble rose graven withe armys.
Item, j. basyn of sylver, percell gylte, with a dowble rose, his armis enamelid in the bottom be with his helme and his crest.
_Liberat' London' c.u.m Domino._
Item, j. nother bacyn, white, of the same facion, enamilid with his armys in the bottom.
Item, ij. ewars ther withe.
Item, j. lytyll sylver bacyn playne, with j. flat ewer.
Item, j. goboleit chaced, the bordours gilt.
Item, xvj. sponys of sylver, withe knappys gylt lyke perle.
Item, j. candylstyk of sylver, percell gylt, dowble nosyd.
Item, j. rounde basyn argenti c.u.m, j. ewer argenti playn.
Item, ij. grete bacyns of sylver, the bourdour is gylt and wretyn abought, _Me faunt fere_.
Item, ij. ewers accordyng ther to. Item, j. lytyll stert panne of sylver.
Item, ij. disschys of sylver founden in my lady is chambre.
Item, ij. smale pecys.
Item, j. saltseler boliouned inwarde, covered and gylt.
Item, j. stondyng coppe gylte, with j. knappe in maner like perle.
Item, ij. playn borde clothys for my maister is table, counte ix. yerds in lengthe.
Item, ij. playne clothis for my maisters table, ece counte vj. yerds.
Item, vj. napkyns playn.
Item, iiij. tewelles playn warke, eche cont' in lenthe ij. yerds, dim'.
Item, iiij. playne clothis for the hall, eche of vj. yerds.
Item, ij. wa.s.schyng tewellys of warke, eche of x. yerds.
Item, j. pocter (?). Item, j. overpayn of Raynes.
[[Item, j. overpayn of Raynes.
_final . missing or invisible_]]
Inprimis, ij. antyfeners. Item, j. legande of hoole servyce.
Item, ij. myssayles, the one noted and closyd wyth sylver, and the other not noted.
Item, j. sauter claspyd with sylver, and my mayster is armys and my ladyes ther uppon.
Item, j. mortellege covered withe white ledes.
Item, j. vestement covered withe crownes gilt in the myddes, with all the apparayle.
Item, j. vestement hole of redde damaske warke.
Item, j. vestement of blak clothe of golde, with the hole ornaments.
Item, j. auter clothe, withe a frontell of white damaske, the Trynete in the myddys.
Item, j. vestement of tunekell. Item, j. cope of white damaske, withe the ornaments.
Item, j. awbe. Item, j. stole.
Item, j. favon, encheked white and blewe. Item, j. auter clothe.
Item, ij. curtaynes of white sylke, withe a frontell of the same, with fauchouns of golde.
Item, j. vestement of divers colurys, withe a crosse of golde to the bakke, iiij. birdys quartelye.
Item, j. crosse of sylver and gylt, with oure Lady and Seynt John.
Item, j. chales sylver and gylt. Item, j. pax brede.
Item, j. crucyfyxe, thereon withe oure Lady and Seynt John enamelyd, and full of flour delys.
Item, ij. candylstykkys of sylver, the borduris gylt.
Item, ij. cruettys of sylver, percell gylt.
Item, iij. pyllowes stondyng on the autre off rede felwet withe flowrys enbrawderid.
Item, ij. carpettis. Item, iiij. cosschenys of grene worstede.
Item, j. chayre in the closet of Fraunce, fregid.
Item, j. cosschon of redde worsted. Item, j. sakeryng bell of sylver.
Item, j. bulter. Item, j. ranell. Item, ij. payre wafer irens.
Item, ij. basketts. Item, j. seve. Item, j. payre trayes c.u.m j. coler.
Item, j. materas. Item, j. blanket. Item, j. payre of chetis.
Item, j. coverlyte.
Item, xij. ledys. Item, j. mesynfate [_mas.h.i.+ng tub_]. Item, j. yelfate [_ale vat_].
Item, viij. kelers, &c.
Item, j. gret bras pote. Item, vj. cours pottys of
Item, iiij. lytyll pottis. Item, iiij. grete pottis.
Item, iij. pike pannys of
Item, ij. ladels and ij. skymers of
Item, j. caudron, j. dytyn panne of, j. droppyng panne.
Item, j. gredyren, iiij. rakkys, iij. cobardys, iij. trevitts.
Item, j. fryeyng panne, j. sclyse.
Item, ij. grete square spittys, ij. square spittys cocnos.
Item, ij. lytyll brocchys rounde, j. sars of
Item, j. brasyn morter c.u.m j. pestell, j. grate, j. sarche of tre.
Item, j. flessche hoke, ij. potte hokys, j. payr tongys.
Item, j. dressyng knyfe, j. fyre schowle, ij. treys, j. streynour.
Item, j. venegre botell.
Item, iij. grete standere pannes, j. bochers axe.
Item, ij. saltyng tubbes. Item, viij. lynges. Item, iiij.