The History of Currency, 1252 to 1896 Part 3

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" Histoire monetaire de la ville de Bois le Duc.

Anvers, 1845.

Revue numismatique Belge.

D. Groebe Beantwoording der Prijswerk over de Munten en hetgeen daartoe betrekking--1500-1621 (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 1835).

Inleiding tot de heedendaagsche penningkunde ofte verhandeling van der van't geld, etc. Amsterdam, 1717.

Fr. van Mieris Beschrijving van der Bisschoplijke munten en zegelen van Utrecht, etc. Leyden, 1726.

Fr. van Houwelingen Penninck-boeck enhondende alle figuren van Silbere und Goude penningen gheslaghen bij de Graven van Hollandt. Leyden, 1591.

J. Ackersdijck Nederlands Muntwezen, etc. Utrecht, 1845.

Ghesquiere Memoire sur trois points interessant de l'histoire monetaire des Pays Bas, etc. Bruxelles, 1786.

F. Den Duyts Notice sur les anciennes monnaies des Comtes de Flandres, etc. 1847.

R.H. Chalon Recherches sur les monnaies des Comtes de Hainault. 1843.

P.O. van der Chijs De munten der Voormalige Hertogdommen Braband en Limburg (in vol. xxvi. of Tayler's tweede Genootschap. Haarlem. 1851).

Van den Berg Introductory chapter to "The Silver Question."




Breve Resena historico-critica de la moneda Espanola y reduccion de sus valores a los del sistema metrico vigente (a Government Report of 1862).

Juan de Dios de la Rada y Delgado Bibliografia numismatica Espanola Madrid, 1886. (A work of unequalled merit.)

Vicente Arguello Memoria Sobre el valor de las monedas de D'Alfonso el Sabio (memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia).

Edward Clarke Letters concerning the Spanish Nation. London, 1773.

J. Salat Tratado de las monedas de Catalunia.

Barcelona, 1818.

Andrea Merim Escuela Paleographica, folio. 1780.

Cascales Discursos historicos de Murcia, folio. 1621.

A. Heiss Descripcion general de las monedas Hispano-Cristianas, 1865-9. 3 vols. (A model work of immense labour.)

Liciniano Saez Demostracion historica del verdadero valor de las monedas, etc. 1805 (Real Acad. de la historia).

Dr. Clemencin On the Ratio in Spain (in Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia, vol. vi. p.



R. Ruding Annals of the Coinage of Britain.

Hawkins Silver Coins of England.

Kenyon Gold Coins of England.

Numismatic Chronicle.

Lord Liverpool Treatise on the Coins of the Realm.

Sir James Stewart Works.

S.M. Leake A Historical Account of English Money.

H.N. Sealey Coins, Currency, and Banking.

Macpherson Anderson's History of Commerce.

Bishop Fleetwood Chronicon Preciosum, or an Account of English Money, etc. etc. London, 1707

Bishop Nicolson English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries.

Thorold Rogers History of Prices.

Tooke and Newmarch History of Prices.

Sir Dudley North Discourses upon Trade. 1691.

Sir Walter Raleigh Works (Oxford Edition).

Sir Robert Cotton _Posthuma._

Harris An Essay upon Money and Coins. London, 1752.

State Papers Foreign (Record Office). (Absolutely invaluable.)

Close Rolls and Patent Rolls (Record Office).

State Papers Domestic (Record Office).

Treasury Papers (Record Office).

Reports of the Deputy-Master of the Mint, 1870-94.

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The History of Currency, 1252 to 1896 Part 3 summary

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