Asura God Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Medicine Mountain

Medicine Mountain was one of the restricted areas of Azure Cloud Sect, it is towering as it pierces through the clouds, it is always covered in mist all year round which made others unable to see the true form of the mountain. The Spiritual Energy so thick that it is considered a treasured land. From the mountain waist to the mountain peak, there is  thirty five medicine gardens according to others, there is also some hidden and special small medicine gardens containing more precious medicine ingredients.

Qin Ming stood at the foot of the mountain looking up to the towering Medicine Mountain. Because of the heavy mist, the air was not only wet, it also has more Spiritual Energy. He took in a deep breath, it was cool and refres.h.i.+ng, the Spiritual Energy here was higher by multiple folds compared to the remote warehouse.

If he could stay here to cultivate, he would be very fortunate.

Qin Ming put away the list as he lifted the stone vat and carefully walked into the Medicine Mountain.

He didn’t dare to go in in the past, but now he is going to take a risk.

Because of the thick Spiritual Energy, not only were there large quant.i.ty of Spiritual herb even the trees here are thick and tall, countless roots looks like huge python coming out from underground intertwined in disorder, there was a lot of branches hanging to the ground, making it difficult to determine if it was a branch or small trees. This place was like a sealed s.p.a.ce, people who have never came here would often get lost.

The Medicine Mountain was a mysterious place to most of the Azure Cloud Sect disciples as no one came here before.

Qin Ming decided to go all out this time as he walked into the thick and humid forest, taking in the air filled with Spiritual Qi greedily while observing the surrounding, hoping to find either a Spiritual herb or fruit.

His ident.i.ty as a servant proved to be quite useful as he could say that he was just delivering stuff if someone ever found him out.

The further up Qin Ming went, the more he liked this place.

This place was basically heaven.

If he is able to train here for a month, it would be worth if he was locked for a year.

"Eh, there are really Spiritual herb?" Qin Ming's eyes shone as he saw a piece of jade green small leaves amongst the messy branches, covered by dead leaves, only exposing a few pieces of small leaves, if it weren’t for Qin Ming's sharp eyes, he would really not see it.

One Low grade Spiritual herb.

Qin Ming put down the stone vat and carefully crawled towards, seeing that there is no one around, he quickly opened his mouth and ferociously chewed the herb.

A gush of refres.h.i.+ng Spiritual Qi spreading throughout his body from his mouth.

He didn’t know what kind of Spiritual herb it is, but all he felt can only be described as, refres.h.i.+ng!

Qin Ming came back to his senses as he steadily lifted up the stone vat while observing the surrounding, not long later he found another stalk of Spiritual herb, blending in with the messy shrubbery.

By continuing to walk up the mountain, in one hour, he managed to find five stalks of Spiritual herb.

Although all of it is just low grade Spiritual herb, it managed to make Qin Ming surprised

"What a thick medicinal aroma." Qin Ming shrugged his nose and quickly walked forward, as expected, in front of him was a wide medicine garden, with thin mist covering, preventing others to see anything, but the strong medicine aroma and Spiritual Qi directly a.s.saults his face, making him want to suck in the air.

"Who's there!" a shout came from the side.

Qin Ming was shocked awake as he quickly put down the stone vat and loudly shout: "This disciple is Qin Ming, according to steward Zhang Dong's request, i am here to deliver stuff."

A disciple with a delicate features came out from the woods at the side of the medicine garden, his eyebrows knitted together and eyes full of malicious intent: "nonsense! When did our medicine garden ask for stuff from the warehouse?"

"This is the list, please read through it, i am only following orders." Qin Ming gave over the list.

The disciple only glared at him without receiving it, he walked towards Qin Ming: "he ask you to send and you send, you have a pretty big gut don’t you, have you forgotten the Azure Cloud Sect's rule?"

"If i deliver the stuff i might get punished, but if i dont i will get punished too, this is the arrangement by the Steward, i have no choice."

"He he, a Steward dares to use the medicine garden to mess with people? I wonder if it’s he don’t know how to think or you are very gutsy." the youth circled Qin Ming, his looks very cold.

"I am only here to deliver stuff, the list is written by Zhang Dong, you can investigate it senior."

"Who is your senior."

"Fine you are not my senior. The stuff is in the stone vat, should i get it out for you?"

"Hold on. You are in Spirit Martial realm? How could a servant be in Spirit Martial realm!" the disciple was suddenly on alert.

"What you said is too belittling of others, why can’t a servant be at Spirit Martial realm, a servant is also a disciple in Azure Cloud Sect."

This moment a clear voice travelled from the medicine garden: "what happened?"

"Ling Xue elder sister, there is a servant trespa.s.sing the medicine garden." this disciple's att.i.tude turned very respectful.

"Servant?" a female disciple walked out from the mist, although unable to see her face, you can still see her tall figure with a white dress.

Ling Xue? The guardian of medicine garden's personal disciple! Qin Ming has heard this name before, being able to have the elder of medicine mountain accept one as personal disciple, this was a t.i.tle that caused others to be jealous.

"You are Qin Ming?" the girl voiced out, sounding very cold.

"Yes." Qin Ming felt surprised as he didn’t expect her to recognize him.

"Go quickly, this is not a place that you should be here." the female disciple turned around and walked into the mist without making any trouble for Qin Ming.

"Many thanks senior sister." Qin Ming lifted the stone vat, muttering, so easy to get away?

"Wait a minute, are we just going to let him go?" that youth seemed a little unhappy.

Ling Xue's voice floated across: "no need to make things difficult for a servant, search his body, if there is no stolen Spiritual herbs there is not need to punish him."

"Look at your senior sister, why make things difficult for a servant." Qin Ming laughed.

The youth looked at Qin Ming and searched his body unwillingly, not even letting the stone vat go. "Quickly go and don’t ever come again."

"May i ask senior to send me out? I am lost."

"Hehe, me sending you out? Are you kidding?" the youth turned around wand went back into the medicine garden.

"Then i’ll go myself." Qin Ming purposely shouted it as he lifted the stone vat and walked into the thick forest. He didn’t directly leave, he continued to wander in the forest trying to find Spiritual herbs, hoping that he might get a middle grade Spiritual herb or any other treasures.

He was very daring.

Medicine Mountain was Azure Cloud Sect's true treasure mountain, both disciples and elder usually get the common Spiritual herbs from here. As the environment was very special, the Spiritual Qi very abundant, for example, the waterfall, it was naturally created.

Some of the special places could even secretly grow out precious medicinal ingredients.

So, those disciples who protects the the medicine mountain needs to regularly walk around the mountain to find the 'missing' Spiritual herbs.

Qin Ming wandered for an hour and found two more low grade Spiritual herb, he would always quickly stuff it in his mouth and swallow it.

He was now  adventuring, adventuring with huge risks! It looks relaxing on the surface, but he was always very tensed, also wondering if he could find a stalk of 'secretly grown' precious Spiritual herbs.

"Who are you?" one patrolling disciple discovered Qin Ming.

"I am here to deliver stuff, Ling Xue senior sister has meet me before and she allowed me to leave, but i got lost." Qin Ming didn’t hide or run, he even quicken his step forward.

"Ling Xue senior sister?" that disciple looked at him suspiciously.

"We met at the medicine garden."

That disciple walked over and personally checked his stone vat and searched his body, he even looked at the list. "Follow this road down, don’t wander around anymore, if i ever meet you again, you won’t be forgiven easily."

"Thanks a lot seniors." Qin Ming quickly walked away, disappearing into the mist, but after leaving the disciple, he onced again slowed down and randomly wandered around, his mouth muttering Spiritual herbs.

Two hours later, his gains were not big, with only 1 low grade Spiritual herb, but have met with three patrolling disciple, one of them almost brought him to meet the elders.

Qin Ming didn’t dare to stay any longer, but he was not willing to leave, so he gritted his teeth and wander once more.

This time, there was finally a gain.

When he was near the foot of the mountain, there was a 45 to 50 meter tall cliff with all kind of dark green vines, amongst the weird intersections of vines, at a remote corner, there was a stalk of blood red fruit being covered by mist and vines, it could only be seen from an angle.

"Finally some gain." Qin Ming saw that there was no one around and he put down the stone vat and took out a rope from the stone vat, he secured one end and started to carefully descend down.

The cliff was very slippery and the vines is full of thorns.

Qin Ming quickly climbed in, but within the vines suddenly appeared a very thick python, and it is aiming at Qin Mings head with its wide open b.l.o.o.d.y jaws.

Its body what dark green in color, so coming out from the vines was too sudden.

Qin Ming's heart jumped, and subconsciously he raised his fist and punched the snake on the head with strength equal to three four hundred jin.

The big python wailed miserably while falling down the cliff.

Without letting Qin Ming to catch his breath, rustling sound came from the vines below, and countless thick python was awoken, glaring at Qin Ming

"Expected of a treasure."

The vines on the cliff were all shaking, there was not only big pythons there were also other poisonous snakes.

"I know, Snake Heart Fruit?" Qin Ming was surprised, middle grade Spiritual herb? There was actually a stalk of middle grade Spiritual herb! Great, it was not a waste of my venture.

But this Snake Heart Fruit seem to be a little bigger than others, when other disciples flaunt their Snake Heart Fruit in the past it was only at the size of an egg, but this one is at least the size of his fist.

"Is this grown in the wilderness? It seems like it." Qin Ming looked at the environment, if it was raised, it would have a sort of marks, but there is none here

The pythons and poisonous snake started to work in group and jumped towards Qin Ming.

The ruckus here alerted the nearby patrolling disciples and a wave of rushed footstep came rus.h.i.+ng towards him.

Qin Ming had no time to think further, so he just looked at the location, and climbed back up to the cliff and keeped everything.

"Why are you still here?" a cold voice travelled here, it was one of the disciples that Qin Ming had met before.

"Senior, just send me out please, i really lost my way." Qin Ming said bitterly.

"Are you really lost or are you faking it? Let me see if you hid anything." that disciple walked over and checked Qin Ming again.

"I’m not that daring, Medicine Mountain is a forbidden place, i know the rules."

"I know who you are, you’re that Qin Ming, i heard that you are in Spirit Martial realm?"

"Spiritual Martial grade 3."

"How did you do it."

"I fumbled my way here."

That disciple did not believe, but he also know that to get the secret from Qin Ming's mouth was impossible: "quickly leave, let me warn you again, don’t come near Medicine Mountain, the next time i see you, you will not be let off easy."

"Many thanks senior." Qin Ming thanked and lift the stone vat to leave. After leaving the Medicine Mountain, he secretly wander at the bottom of the mountain and found the Snake Heart Fruit's location and made a secret marking for next time.

"Not bad, there was some gains."

Qin Ming was feeling good, lifting the stone vat back, thinking that he should come at night to collect it.

But only leaving the Medicine Mountain for a while, Qin Ming frowned and he slowly stopped, he turned his head to the woods nearby: "since you are here, stop hiding."

"No wonder others call you Little Beast, your nose is quite sensitive, you are able to smell the scent on sister's body?" a charming figure appeared from the green lush forest, walking out from the shadow and to the soft light.

It was a charming female who had irresistible charm, other 16 17 year old should looks pure and innocent, but she on the other hand was very coquettish.

With the exquisite and soft body contours and the skin that are exposed looks white and tender like a very charming l.u.s.ter, making others have unlimited wild thoughts.

Zhao Ming! Zhao Lie's sister, the famous beauty in Azure Cloud Sect, that foxy charm that she has is able to make men itch, according to rumors, the Azure Cloud Sect's young master has ambiguous relations with her.

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Asura God Chapter 5 summary

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