The Student's Mythology Part 2

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_Ques._ What favor did Apollo confer on King Admetus?

_Ans._ He obtained from the Fates, that when Admetus should be about to end his existence, his life might be prolonged, provided another died willingly in his stead. When the fatal day came, Alcestis, the wife of Admetus, devoted herself to death for her husband. Admetus grieved so deeply at her loss that Proserpine actually relented, but Pluto remained inexorable. Hercules, however, descended to the shades, and rescued Alcestis, who was restored to her husband. Euripides has founded one of his most beautiful tragedies upon this story.

_Ques._ Over what sciences did Apollo preside?

_Ans._ He presided over physic, music, poetry, and rhetoric; and the nine Muses were subject to him. He regulated the day by guiding the chariot of the sun.

_Ques._ What else is said of Apollo?

_Ans._ Many absurd and impossible adventures are told. He seems to have been very vain of his musical skill, as we see from the punishment he inflicted on Marsyas, and King Midas for coming in conflict with him on that point.

_Ques._ Relate these stories.

_Ans._ Apollo was challenged by Marsyas to a contest in music. The G.o.d was not content with defeating the presumptuous musician, but flayed him alive, and afterwards changed him into a river, which is still known by his name.

The punishment inflicted on King Midas was not so cruel. This prince had the bad taste to declare his preference for the vulgar music of Pan, in a contest which that G.o.d had with Apollo. The insulted deity caused his ears to grow in length and shape like those of an a.s.s.

Midas endeavored to cover the deformity by his hair, and since it was impossible to conceal it from his barber, he bound him to silence by great promises. This man, however, found it so painful to keep the secret to himself, that to obtain relief, he dug a little hole in the ground, and whispered it to the earth. What was his dismay at hearing the hollow reeds which grew upon the spot, whispering, whenever the wind blew: "King Midas has' ears!"

_Ques._ Is anything else related of King Midas?

_Ans._ Yes; he had kindly and hospitably entertained Silenus, the preceptor of Bacchus, and in return, the G.o.d bade him choose any recompense he pleased. Midas demanded that whatever he should touch might be turned into gold. This prayer was granted, and he was at first overjoyed to see plants, stones and all around him transformed into glittering metal. He soon perceived his folly, however, for when, pressed by hunger, he tried to partake of the food placed before him, it was suddenly converted into gold, and when he would have quenched his thirst, the water was changed into a golden stream. Famished in the midst of plenty, Midas prayed the G.o.d to withdraw the fatal gift.

Bacchus kindly consented, and ordered him to bathe in the river Pactolus. Midas obeyed, but the virtue which left his body was communicated to the waters of the stream, which was famous ever after for its golden sands.

_Ques._ Who was Phton?

_Ans._ He was the son of Phbus and Clymene. At the earnest solicitation of his mother, he repaired to the palace of the Sun for the purpose of having his parentage publicly acknowledged. The youth was kindly received, and Apollo swore by the Styx to grant him any favor he should ask. Phton immediately prayed that he might be allowed to drive, for one day only, the chariot of the Sun. Apollo tried to dissuade him from his foolish wish, but in vain. The rash youth was not able to control the fiery horses of the Sun; they departed from their usual track, and heaven and earth were threatened with one universal conflagration. Jupiter perceived the danger, and struck Phton with a thunderbolt. His body was hurled into the river Po, where it was found and buried by the nymphs of the place. As his sisters were weeping around his tomb, they were changed by Jupiter into poplars.

_Ques._ Who was Daphne?

_Ans._ A nymph beloved by Apollo: she was changed into a laurel while she was flying from the pursuit of the G.o.d.

_Ques._ What things were especially sacred to Apollo?

_Ans._ Among plants, the laurel; among animals, the wolf; and among birds, the hawk, the crow, and the swan were sacred to this G.o.d.



_Ques._ Who was Mars?

_Ans._ He was the son of Jupiter and Juno, and was wors.h.i.+pped as the G.o.d of war.

_Ques._ How was he represented?

_Ans._ As a warrior in splendid armor, standing in a chariot driven by Bellona, a distracted woman, who holds a torch in her hand. Mars is fierce in aspect and brandishes a spear. Sometimes Discord is represented going before him in tattered garments, while Anger and Clamor follow in his train. Fear and Terror are the horses which draw the chariot.

_Ques._ What animals were sacred to Mars?

_Ans._ The dog, on account of its sagacity in the pursuit of prey; the horse, for its uses in war; the wolf, for its rapacity and cruelty; the raven, because it follows armies, watching for the of the slain; and the c.o.c.k, as an emblem of the vigilance which guards against surprise.

_Ques._ What other names had Mars?

_Ans._ He was called Quirinus when he was quiet, Gradivus when he was raging; therefore the Romans built him two temples, one to Mars Quirinus within the walls, that he might keep the city in peace; and one without, to Mars Gradivus, that he might defend them against their enemies. Among the Romans, priests called Salii attended to the sacrifices of Mars, and on festival days went about the city dancing with their s.h.i.+elds. Their name comes from the Latin word "to dance,"

and was considered appropriate, because Mars is inconstant in his temper, and inclines now to this side, now to that, in time of war.

Except the story of his attachment to Venus, the poets relate but little of Mars.

Bellona, the G.o.ddess of war, was, according to some, the sister of Mars. She is generally represented as above, but some poets have described her as rus.h.i.+ng through the ranks of war, waving a flaming torch, and exciting the combatants by her cries. The temple of Bellona at Rome, was without the city, near the Carmental gate. Here the Senate gave audience to such amba.s.sadors as they were not willing to admit within the walls. A pillar stood before the temple, over which the herald cast a spear when he proclaimed war. The priests of Bellona, when officiating, held naked swords, with which they gashed their arms and shoulders, making libations of their own blood, to the terrible G.o.ddess.



_Ques._ Who was Mercury?

_Ans._ He was the son of Jupiter and Maia, the daughter of Atlas. On his mother's account, sacrifices were generally offered to him during the month of May.

_Ques._ How is Mercury represented?

_Ans._ As a young man of cheerful countenance, having wings fixed to his helmet and his sandals, and carrying a rod in his hand, which is also winged, and entwined with serpents.

_Ques._ How are these different equipments named?

_Ans._ The rod was called Caduceus, and possessed a wonderful faculty for quieting all disputes. His helmet was called Petasus, and his winged sandals Talaria.

_Ques._ What were the offices of Mercury?

_Ans._ They were various; his most important function was to carry the commands of Jupiter. Mercury is commonly called the messenger of the G.o.ds. He also swept the room where the G.o.ds supped, and made their beds.

_Ques._ What else is said of Mercury?

_Ans._ He was the inventor of letters, and excelled in eloquence. The Greeks wors.h.i.+pped him as the patron of orators, under the name of Hermes. Mercury was also the inventor of weights and measures, and the patron of commerce.

_Ques._ Were all his talents equally honorable?

_Ans._ No; he was most skillful in the art of thieving. On the very day of his birth, he stole some cattle from King Admetus, although Apollo was keeping them; and while that G.o.d was bending his bow against him, he contrived to steal his quiver. While yet an infant, he stole the tools of Vulcan, the girdle of Venus, and the sceptre of Jupiter. He intended also to steal Jove's thunderbolts, but was fearful they would burn him. Mercury was, therefore, the patron of thieves.

_Ques._ Relate the history of Io and Argus.

_Ans._ Io, the daughter of Inachus, was beloved by Jupiter. He strove to hide her from the anger of Juno by transforming her into a cow. The G.o.ddess suspected the deceit, and begged the beautiful heifer as a gift. Jupiter was afraid to refuse, and Juno consigned the unhappy Io to the guardians.h.i.+p of Argus. Escape seemed hopeless, as Argus had a hundred eyes, of which he closed only two in sleep, while the others watched. Jupiter commanded Mercury to slay Argus and deliver Io. To effect this, it was necessary to set all his eyes to sleep. Mercury disguised himself as a shepherd, entered into conversation with Argus, and at length played so sweetly on his pipe, that, one by one, the keeper's hundred eyes were closed. The G.o.d then drew his falchion, and cut off the head of Argus with a single blow. Juno was grieved for her servant, and placed his eyes in her peac.o.c.k's tail. Io, still persecuted by Juno, wandered over the earth, and at length arrived, faint and weary, on the banks of the Nile. There she prayed Jupiter either to restore her to her original form, or to terminate her misfortunes by death. Juno was touched with compa.s.sion, and allowed Jupiter to grant her request. Io was restored to human form, and married to Osiris, king of Egypt; she was afterwards wors.h.i.+pped in that country under the name of Isis.

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The Student's Mythology Part 2 summary

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