Friction. Part 19

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"I have a meeting to attend. Apparently, Mr. MacKenzie didn't get your point-make sure he does."

The guard grinned at Logan, practically salivating. Logan circled the room, bracing himself to take some hard knocks but positioning himself so he'd take them in the direction of the computer.

"Be quick about it. Then get back out on the floor." Valente muttered the warning as he opened the door, wiping a little blood from his lip.

When the door closed behind Valente, Logan sharpened up-no need to let himself get beaten to a pulp now that he was alone with Valente's goon. He smiled sharply as the guard's Neanderthal brain slowly figured out that Logan wasn't drunk at all.

Logan stretched his arms out, bracing himself, ready to get a little revenge for the kick in the ribs. Clued in, but still stupid, the guard charged, and Logan used his own weight against him, swinging him by the arm into the wall behind him. Several framed pictures and doc.u.ments fell to the floor. Logan tsk-tsked.

"Boss ain't gonna like that, big guy."

The guy spun on him, and before it was over, Logan had taken a few of the hard shots he'd antic.i.p.ated, but he'd won out. The guard lay moaning on the cabin floor, and Logan stood over him, a foot planted securely over his throat. Logan smiled down, applying a little pressure.

"Where are the women that you sc.u.m are holding?"

No answer. He pressed down a little, watching the guard's eyes pop a little.


The guard shook his head, no help at all. Logan swore, pulling him up by the coat and hitting him once more, hard, and knocked him cold. He dragged the guard's dead weight over to the corner and tied him securely to a table. All of the furniture was bolted to stay put, so his friend might wake up, but he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Logan fished the computer card out, and pulled out the small transmitter, hoping it worked and they could hear him. He made sure the computer was on, and then inserted the card. Grabbing the phone, he dialed the same number he'd used earlier, feeling triumphant. Ian picked up the phone on the first ring.

"It's done. You can download. Tell me where Sarah is-I couldn't find out if there was anyone else here. Then you can send in the troops."

He heard Ian's voice, scratchy but clear in his small earpiece. "We lost Sarah's signal, Logan. They must have found the transmitter. Find her."

His hands turned to ice as Ian's precise demand hit him over the phone like a hard slap.


He didn't respond, his mind racing to think of where she could be, what could have happened to her while he'd been waiting around all day. He should have tried to find her first.



"We have her last known position in the room at the end of the hall, stern side. Check there first." Then Ian's voice softened a bit, and Logan could tell Sarah's boss was feeling exactly the same fear in the pit of his stomach that he was. "Let us know the moment you have her."

"I will."

He'd barely hung up before he was out the door.

SARAH SAT CALMLY on the bed, waiting for her "date." They'd moved her to a more luxuriously appointed room, though the bed was obviously the centerpiece. Some s.e.x toys and lotions were set conveniently on the bed stand, and she'd counted at least three cameras. She felt dirty just sitting there, but planned on being the last woman they tried to victimize. on the bed, waiting for her "date." They'd moved her to a more luxuriously appointed room, though the bed was obviously the centerpiece. Some s.e.x toys and lotions were set conveniently on the bed stand, and she'd counted at least three cameras. She felt dirty just sitting there, but planned on being the last woman they tried to victimize.

She'd showered and put on the next-to-nothing piece of silk that Valente had left for her-no underwear except for a matching thong. At least the clothes allowed her flexible movement. Certainly, that was for her date's convenience, but she planned on using it to her advantage.

She'd ignored the heels and remained barefoot. She preferred both feet on the floor when she was kicking someone's a.s.s. One of the lethal heels they'd provided was hidden under the pillow-a weapon, just in case. If Logan didn't find a way in, if things went wrong, she'd do what was necessary to protect herself.

But if everything was going according to plan, all h.e.l.l should break loose soon enough and she'd be out of there.

The day had seemed to last years. She didn't know what time it was, but the sky outside the portal was black. The boat should have been heading slowly back to sh.o.r.e. But for now it was still, but for the gentle rocking of the waves.

The door handle slid down and she held her breath.


Valente walked through the door with a shorter, fatter, darker man. Sarah wasn't sure what his ethnicity was, but he had cruel eyes. He looked at her and then his eyes flitted to the table, a greasy smile emerging when he saw the things laid out there. He looked at her again, and she wanted to hide. He nodded at Valente, who smiled and shook his hand warmly before looking at Sarah.

"Our guest finds you acceptable." He pinned Sarah with his gaze. "I know you won't disappoint him. He doesn't speak English, but I'm sure he can make known what he wants from you. Do this well, and maybe you'll have satisfied your debt by morning. If not..." He shrugged, and turned to the man, saying something in his language, complete gibberish to Sarah.

Valente closed the door with one more meaningful look in her direction. She barely noticed as she was formulating a plan to deal with this disgusting situation. She didn't want to touch this toad of a man, but she had to take charge to keep the upper hand. No one knew where she was, and until the boat was raided, she was on her own.

She smiled, in what she hoped was a s.e.xy, come-hither way, and lay back on the bed. The toad was practically drooling. It made it hard to not be overcome with disgust; however, as she thought about what she was really going to do, she got a little more in the mood. With all of the cameras on them she had to make this look good, or Valente would have his goons inside within seconds. One fat man she could take; several of Valente's guards, well, that would be more of a challenge.

Her visitor mumbled something as he strolled slowly to the bed, his eyes glued to her as she leaned back, letting one leg hang over the side of the bed while the other perched in a s.e.xy bend on the blankets. Sarah grinned, using her s.e.xiest voice.

"Bring it on over here, big guy. I am so gonna rock your world."

He spewed a m.u.f.fled little laugh and reached out to touch her thigh appreciatively. She had to bite the inside of her cheek not to kick him in the head out of reflex.

She let him touch, to a point, and then wound her leg around the back of his hip, a move he must have liked very much. She tried to keep as much distance as she could, considering there was only a little bit of silk between them. If she was going to get him where she wanted him, she couldn't be prissy about it.

Then he did exactly what she needed him to do. As he reached down to grab a b.o.o.b, she caught his forearm midgrope and pulled hard, levering up with all of her strength to roll him quickly over and then rolling over on top of him herself. The little fat man was surprised, but then smiled widely, and those pudgy little hands started to travel.

She tolerated what she had to, leaning down over him, pretending to whisper something in his ear, and forced herself to kiss him-mouth closed-and she hoped to G.o.d the cameras couldn't see that she was actually cutting off his blood supply with a sharp pressure from her fist on his carotid artery. He was limp in a second, completely unconscious.

Relief made her sag, too, and she laughed, a.s.suming someone was listening in.

"Well, apparently that was too much for you, hot stuff. Not much for endurance, are you? I'll let you rest a moment, and just see what toys we have on the table over here."

She lifted off the bed carefully, extinguis.h.i.+ng the light, hoping that either no one was watching or they didn't find anything about what had happened suspicious.

She stepped back reflexively as the door handle clunked down and one of Valente's guards stepped in.

No such luck.


LOGAN RUSHED down the hall, checking what rooms he could get into, knocking on the doors of others, hoping to h.e.l.l he would find Sarah behind one of them. She hadn't been in the room where E.J. and Ian had last heard from her. He tried to remain calm, but the truth was she could be anywhere. She could be hurt. Or worse. down the hall, checking what rooms he could get into, knocking on the doors of others, hoping to h.e.l.l he would find Sarah behind one of them. She hadn't been in the room where E.J. and Ian had last heard from her. He tried to remain calm, but the truth was she could be anywhere. She could be hurt. Or worse.

He heard a commotion at the end of the hall and slid to the side, sinking into a tiny alcove as he saw two big guys run down the pa.s.sageway. With guns.

That couldn't be good.

He heard more commotion above him-sounded like the troops had been sent in. Dammit, Ian hadn't held off; Logan's urgency to find Sarah tripled. He had to get to her, and anyone else being held hostage-they'd be in even more danger now that the s.h.i.+p had been boarded.

Das.h.i.+ng back out, he barely took the time to make sure the coast was clear before he ran down the hall shouting her name-why bother trying to be discreet when all h.e.l.l was about to break loose?

Turning a corner, he slammed into someone, both of them grunting loudly at the contact as he stumbled back, then poised himself to fight whoever was standing in his path.

He blinked once, disbelieving.

Sarah stood opposite him, also in fighting stance, her cheek cut, her hair wild, wearing nothing but some sc.r.a.p of see-through material that showed almost everything there was to see. Not that she seemed to notice.

He blinked again, thinking he must be hallucinating. Then she grinned.

"I almost took you out, Sullivan. Should watch where you're going."

His voice seemed a little thin and surreal to him as he relaxed his stance, still staring. "I was coming to...uh..."

She grinned even wider. "Save me?"

He could swear he felt heat invading his face, which hadn't happened in so long he couldn't remember. He stepped forward, reached out and touched where her face was bleeding.

"You're hurt."

"A scratch." She shrugged. "The second guy was a little more difficult than the first."

"The second guy?"

His eyes traveled down the pa.s.sageway past her shoulder, and he saw a man's body lying halfway in and out of the doorway. The guy was big-and knocked out cold. Logan walked past her, feeling a little dazed. As he approached the room, he saw another man, heavyset and balding, lifting up groggily on the bed as if he had no idea where he was.

"You did this?" The incredulity in his own voice shamed him when he saw the flash of hurt and anger in her blue eyes.

"I told you I am more than capable of taking care of myself. I don't need anyone rescuing me, thanks."

She whipped around and started down the hallway in the opposite direction, and he called out.

"Sarah, the s.h.i.+p's been boarded by the Coast Guard. The place will be swarming in a second."

She didn't break her pace, not getting his hint, so he spelled it out for her.

"You're pretty much naked, sweetheart. In case you didn't realize, you're about to give the U.S. Coast Guard quite a show."

That stopped her. She looked down, and he saw her shoulders stiffen. He had to smile. She was so into the fight, the takedown, she hadn't even thought of what she was wearing. She probably could have taken these guys out buck naked, and his admiration for her rose sharply. What a woman.

He couldn't think of much else as she turned around and came back toward him. He knew with stunning certainty he didn't want another man-let alone a boatload of them-getting the same view he was getting. Ever.

She walked up to him, crouched, and pulled the unconscious guard's jacket roughly from his inert body, slipping into it. It was huge, but covered what was important. As she turned to leave again, he caught her elbow.


"What? I need to get up there. Tell them about these guys. Don't let them go anywhere."

"Believe me, we'll be found soon enough." He ran a hand through his hair, confused, raw and so relieved she was okay that it was almost painful. He didn't want to let her out of his sight.

"I'm sorry I came on like a condescending a.s.s. It's more than evident you don't need anyone to save you."

She apparently had no response to that, and just looked down the hall like she was wis.h.i.+ng for the cavalry to show up, but they were still alone. Finally, she looked up.


Sarah wrapped her arms tightly around her middle. Logan searched for words and ended up sending a silent but threatening look to the man on the bed, sending him scuttling back into the room.

He was just going to reach for her, close the awkward distance between them, when Sarah's face tensed in surprise, and she spit out a curse. Before he could ask her what was the matter, she flew past him, down the hall. Unquestioningly, he followed.

"Sarah, what...?" Then he saw.


He was trying to make a break for it with two of his goons, each of them dragging a woman behind him. Rage filled Logan and he picked up the pace, intent on getting his hands on the man who had threatened Sarah and who might finally know what had happened to Mel. Mel was not one of the women whom the men were dragging after them, but maybe...

He caught up with Sarah, easily sprinting beside her as they dashed after Valente. Their rhythms matched, their breath coming evenly, their attention targeted-it was close to s.e.x, he thought, excitement and the thrill of the chase pulsing through his veins.

They turned the corner and saw Valente disappearing up a small staircase that must lead to a hidden exit. Logan bolted, covering the distance in a flat second. He busted through the pair of guards, sending them flying into the bulkheads, and lunged for Valente's legs, throwing him violently down to the floor.

Valente came up swinging, as did his guards, roughly shoving the women they had been dragging along to the floor and taking on the three-against-two battle. In minutes it was over, the guards out cold on the floor. Valente tried to rise, his eyes widening as he saw Logan and Sarah looming over him. Sarah checked on the women, and looked at Logan with concerned eyes.

"They're heavily drugged. They'll need medical care fast."

Logan grabbed Valente by the neck and lifted him, slamming him up against the wall. He looked back at Sarah with a question in his eyes. She met his eyes as she tried to prop the women's sagging forms somehow comfortably against the bulkhead, and just said, in her heaviest Brooklyn accent, "I don't see nuthin'."

Valente swung, striking out hard, and Logan ducked the punch, shoving his adversary back hard against the wall, getting in his face.

"I'm going to show you a picture. It's of someone I know. If you tell me what you know about her, maybe I'll let you go without any bones being broken."

Valente's too-handsome features paled as Logan reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a picture of Mel. Valente nodded, a smirk sliding over his sweaty face.

"Yeah, I can tell you about her. She was real good." He lifted his chin, meeting Logan's look with a sleazy glare. "Real good. Much better than these two put together." He peered at the dazed women on the floor. "Had to have a sample of your friend for myself, if you know what I mean." good. Much better than these two put together." He peered at the dazed women on the floor. "Had to have a sample of your friend for myself, if you know what I mean."

Logan slammed a fist into the man's gut, wiping the leering look off his face, and brought him back up against the wall, gasping.

"Where is she? What did you do with her?"

No matter what horrible things had obviously happened, Logan felt a small glimmer of hope that Mel could still be alive. Somewhere. Valente crushed that hope with his response.

"She's gone. Had to get rid of her. She'd cooperate as long as we kept her loose-"

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Friction. Part 19 summary

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