Friction. Part 4

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His eyes snapped toward her and he stepped back, running a hand through already disheveled ebony hair, getting control of himself.

"Yeah, just restless, and hot-did the AC break? I'm heading out for a beer."

She stared at him-the inn was kept at a comfortable seventy degrees, but he did look overly warm.

"Want company?"

They were both surprised at her question, but she didn't take it back-she didn't have anything better to do.


Shrugging, she did an about-face and headed back down the stairs in front of him. At the bottom, she put the magazines back.

"You know anywhere to go?"

"I spotted a small place in town this morning, on my way in. I hope it's still open. It's within walking distance."

"Everything is," she replied with light sarcasm. "The mosquitoes will carry us back and forth. It's bad out there, take it from me. I can drive." She hesitated at the door, wanting to get out, but not relis.h.i.+ng all the itchy bites that awaited her. Logan pursed his lips thoughtfully.

"Hold on."

As she watched him disappear past the kitchen, she wondered what he was up to. He returned a few minutes later holding a small, green aerosol can.

"Heavy-duty stuff. It smells, and you should shower it off so it's not on your skin all night, but it'll do the job for now."

Sarah grinned and held out her arms. "Do me."

No sooner were the words spoken than she felt the clog in her throat, and he slanted her a roguish smile, the tension in his face easing as he pointed the can at her.

"Your wish is my pleasure."

Sarah closed her eyes as he covered her lightly with spray and wrinkled her nose as the strong scent surrounded them and she felt the cool aerosol on her skin. He did both legs and then moved up her torso and by the time he got to her arms, she was tingling all over. It shouldn't have been s.e.xy, but...

"Hold out your hands."

She opened her eyes. "Why?"

"You can rub it on your neck and over your hair without getting it on your face."

She frowned, placing her hands palms up. "This is ridiculous. I feel like I'm going on safari, not for a beer."

"Small price to pay. You should wash your hands before we go, too."

She put her hand out for the can. "Your turn."

"I can get myself."

She shrugged. "It's your skin, slick."

She walked back and washed her hands quickly before rejoining him. The entire lobby smelled like bug spray, but they were done and out the door, walking into the heavy, humid night air. Mosquitoes buzzed around them, disappointed and not biting. Sarah smiled.

"I'm glad you found that spray. I was going nuts in there."

"Having a hard time settling into vacation?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Me, too. It's been a while."

"I guess you have to ease into it. Vacation can be hard work."

They continued the pleasant small talk as they walked the narrow town streets toward the main strip, where they found the bar was still open. There were a few people around, touring the street that looked out over the marinas and the harbor, and the Coast Guard station buzzed with activity just across the way.

The bar was small, quiet and bathed in golden light. Sarah was surprised to see a small band setting up in the corner. Live music-who would've thought? Small wooden tables were scattered everywhere, and Logan led her to one near a dusky corner, away from the band.

They gave the waitress their orders and faced each other quietly in the dim light. Strangers sitting together like old friends, waiting for a beer. It was intimate, uncomfortably so. Sarah s.h.i.+fted in her chair, looking at the handsome man who sat so close to her that their knees almost touched under the small table. She moved hers to the left, trying to discreetly avoid the contact, and smiled at the young waitress when she delivered two frosty beers to the table.



They spoke simultaneously, laughed together, and broke the strain somewhat. Logan lifted his beer to her, and she did the same before drinking.

"It's a shame."

"What's that?" Tilting her beer back, she took a sip, letting the amber liquid slide down her throat. It was perfect.

"The two of us, apparently such workaholics that we can't get into the vacation groove." He smiled across the table, tipping his bottle toward her. "But I have to admit, things are looking up."

Sarah smiled and took another swig, trying to decide how to respond. She didn't want to invite anything inadvertently-or did she? No. She didn't know him, didn't know what kind of man he was. You could never trust the impressions people offered you.

Swallowing slowly, she met his gaze, and found nothing more than friendly interest there. She loosened up.

"I've never had an actual vacation, not since I was a kid. I guess I don't know what to do with myself."

"Who do you work for? They don't offer any vacation time?"

"Oh, no. They offer it, but I don't take it." She began to explain further and then changed her mind. For some reason, she didn't want to talk with him about her job. "Let's not talk about work. Maybe we can help each other get into this vacation groove."

His eyes warmed and she watched as the rim of the bottle was held poised before his straight, firm and slightly wet lips. Uh-oh.

"Fair enough. Let's start over. No work, just play. Sound good?"

She nodded, oddly relieved.

"I wonder what kind of music they're going to have." He glanced toward the band, and then looked back to her.

"I just hope it's not country. That really would be the last straw."

As if by magic, two more beers appeared on the table, and Sarah realized she was feeling a little woozy. She had missed dinner, and the beer, which normally didn't have more effect on her than a carbonated drink, was fuzzing her brain.

"I could use something to eat. Do they have a menu?"

A short time later, more beers were delivered, along with a stack of wings and loaded potato skins. Sarah gazed at the food adoringly and loaded up her plate.

"Ah, heaven."

Logan watched her eat with a combination of admiration and humor, helping himself as well. Sarah seemed to have forgotten him altogether as she concentrated on the food, a slight flush coloring the fine skin of her cheekbones, a little bit of sauce from a wing clinging to her jaw. He reached over, swiping it away with his finger.

"I like a woman with healthy appet.i.tes."

Heat sparked between them, and Logan didn't know if it was the lateness of the hour, or the beer, or both. He didn't care. Sarah was gorgeous, even stuffing her face with wings. He smiled when she sat back, sated.

"So, we can't talk about work, but we can talk about other stuff. Get to know each other a little better."

"Like what?" She frowned, wondering what he wanted to know, though in all honesty she was curious about him, too.

"Well..." He grinned in the direction of the band, definitely of the country-rock variety. "You apparently don't like country music. What kind do you like?"

This was a safe enough topic. "I visit a lot of jazz clubs and alternative music spots in the city. Some punk, techno-that kind of thing. It's where a lot of my friends hang out." She decided to keep things in the present tense-she'd told him before she was from Brooklyn, and there wasn't any reason to complicate things now. And she couldn't explain her move without explaining her job. Depending on what was happening here, maybe it was best he believed she lived back up north.

"They're musicians?"


"Techno, huh? Do you ever rave?" he asked with a smile and she smiled back.

"I've been once or twice. It's a little too crazy for me, and I prefer to keep my mind and body clean. Drugs aren't a requirement, of course, but they're pretty prevalent in the clubs. Not my scene, really."

"Me, either. But it sounds like an exciting life."

"Not especially." She smiled, thinking of the movie portrayals of hackers, all dressed in black with slick haircuts and s.h.i.+ny earrings, attending raves every night and talking the talk.

Some of that was true-there was a distinct "look" among her old set of friends-but the lifestyle wasn't really all that glamorous or exciting. Sitting in front of a computer for hours-or days-on end wasn't the stuff excitement was made of. Not unless you were into it.

"It's just a life." She took a swig of beer, looking at him over the top of the bottle. "So what about you?"

He shrugged. "I like most music, nothing in particular though. I go to outdoor concerts back home, but I have never really been to clubs or anything like that." Except on raids, he thought quietly with a smile.

"Do you dance?"

"Sure, is that a hint?" His eyes sparkled and she almost retracted her question, but decided to let it stand. Why not?

"Well, this music is better than I thought-not the old 'my-truck-broke-down-and-my-girlfriend-left-me-for-my-best-friend' kind of thing. It has a beat."

"Sounds like a good idea to me." He smiled, standing as a new tune rocked the bar and more people crowded into the small joint. "Let's go"

She looked hesitant for a moment, but took his hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor. When they got there she seemed stiff and a little uncomfortable, but after a few minutes, she transformed before his eyes.

Moving like a sinuous wisp of smoke, her long, lithe body caught the beat of the music as her eyes closed and her arms raised above her head, the movements accentuating the line of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and turning his mouth dry. He could hardly move for watching her.

Reaching out, he placed his hands on her trim waist, pulling her in a little closer, settling them into a rhythm together. She smiled and looked at him through heavy eyes, lowering her hands to his shoulders as the rocking music changed to something slower. Following his instincts, he gathered her in more closely, inhaling the scent of her. His body hardened, pressing intimately into hers, and he waited for her response, loosened his grip so she could move away.

She didn't.

"Want to get out of here?" he whispered close to her ear. The feeling of her moving against him was driving him out of his mind.

"What did you have in mind?" When her cheek grazed his as she drew back to look into his eyes, it actually made him s.h.i.+ver.

"A walk on the beach?"

She waited a beat, as if considering, and he held his breath until she answered.

"Sure. That sounds nice."


THEY WALKED slowly, hands clasped, not daring to speak lest the spell be broken. At least, that's how Logan felt, his blood slightly buzzing with alcohol, dancing and desire, his body burning to know what hers felt like, tasted like, inside and out. slowly, hands clasped, not daring to speak lest the spell be broken. At least, that's how Logan felt, his blood slightly buzzing with alcohol, dancing and desire, his body burning to know what hers felt like, tasted like, inside and out.

How long had it been since he'd felt like this with a woman? Had he ever? Maybe once, a long time ago.

Inspired by Sarah, alcohol and a sense of freedom he hadn't enjoyed in a good long time, Logan felt for this one minute like he really was on vacation. It wasn't that his larger purpose for being here was fading, but there wasn't much he could do right now, and he was captivated by Sarah. They turned toward the beach and he set his concerns aside for a moment. Logan shut out everything but the light grip of her hand in his and the warm night air on his face. He didn't want to think about the things that he'd been obsessing over for months, only about the beautiful woman at his side.

They stepped up over a concrete beach wall, hopping down on the other side and landing in soft, cool sand. He thought he heard her laugh softly, and glanced over to see her head thrown back as she looked up at the stars, a whimsical smile on her face. She was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever laid eyes on, and his throat constricted.

"I wish I knew constellations. I can see shapes, but I don't know what they are. Or if I'm even seeing the right ones."

"Never took astronomy in school? I figured all kids learned the basics in science cla.s.s."

She shook her head, a shadow crossing her features.

"I was home-schooled, then sent to a private school. My parents were against the standard scientific curriculum used in the public school system. As an adult, it's just not something I've pursued. Though maybe I will when I get back home."

"Ah." He paused, unsure how to respond. He didn't want to offend her religious beliefs, but he never understood why people couldn't be both devout and educated. His parents had had them all in church every Sunday, but it had never interfered with his broader education. They'd always encouraged him and his sister to know everything they could about the world, to have a thirsty mind.

After all, even the most religious people of ancient times knew how to use the stars for navigational purposes, if nothing else. Then again, Galileo had died while under permanent house arrest during the Inquisition after maintaining that the earth revolved around the sun, not the sun around the earth. Logan remained silent rather than voice his opinions-the night wasn't made for political arguments. But Sarah had already intuited his thoughts.

"It's okay. My family and I don't see eye to eye on...a lot of things anymore."

"So you don't share their religious beliefs?"

She shook her head, looking suddenly sad, and he didn't press. Not just yet.

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Friction. Part 4 summary

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