The Major Part 39

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"Step on--it is easy to say, but--"

"This way," said Nora. She seized hold of the horn of the saddle, put her foot into the stirrup and sprang upon Polly's back. "Oh, there's where the pants come in," she added as her dress caught on to the rear of the saddle. "Now up you go. Make up your mind you are going to DO it, not going to TRY."

A look of serious determination came into Jane's face, a look that her friends would have recognised as the precursor of a resolute and determined attempt to achieve the thing in hand. She seized the horn of the saddle, put her foot into the stirrup and "stepped on."

The riding lesson was an unqualified success, though for some reason, known only to herself, Polly signalised the event by promptly running away immediately her head was turned homeward, and coming back down the lane at a thundering gallop.

"h.e.l.lo!" cried Nora, running out to meet them. "Why, Jane, you have been fooling us all along. You needn't tell me this is your first ride."

"My very first," said Jane, "but I hope not my last."

"But, my dear," said Mrs. Gwynne, who had also come out to see the return, "you are doing famously."

"Am I?" cried Jane, her face aglow and her eyes s.h.i.+ning. "I think it is splendid. Shall we ride again to-day, Larry?"

"Right away after breakfast and all day long if you like. You are a born horsewoman, Jane."

"Weren't you afraid when Polly ran off with you like that?" inquired Nora.

"Afraid? I didn't know there was any danger. Was there any?" inquired Jane.

"Not a bit," said Nora, "so long as you kept your head."

"But there really was no danger, was there, Larry?" insisted Jane.

"None at all, Jane," said Nora, "I a.s.sure you. Larry got rattled when he saw you tear off in that wild fas.h.i.+on, but I knew you would be all right. Come in; breakfast is ready."

"And so am I," said Jane. "I haven't been so hungry I don't know when."

"Why, she's not plain-looking after all," said Nora to her mother as Jane strode manlike off to her room.

"Plain-looking?" exclaimed her mother. "I never thought her plain-looking. She has that beauty that s.h.i.+nes from within, a beauty that never fades, but grows with every pa.s.sing year."

A council of war was called by Nora immediately after breakfast, at which plans were discussed for the best employment of the three precious days during which the visitors were to be at the ranch. There were so many things to be done that unless some system were adopted valuable time would be wasted.

"It appears to me, Miss Nora," said Dr. Brown after a somewhat prolonged discussion, "that to accomplish all the things that you have suggested, and they all seem not only delightful but necessary, we shall require at least a month of diligent application."

"At the very least," cried Nora.

"So what are we going to do?" said the doctor.

It was finally decided that the Browns should extend their stay at Lakeside House for a week, after which the doctor should proceed to the coast and be met on his return at Banff by Jane, with Nora as her guest.

"Then that's all settled," said Larry. "Now what's for to-day?"

As if in answer to that question a honk of a motor car was heard outside. Nora rushed to the door, saying, "That's Mrs. Waring-Gaunt."

But she returned hastily with heightened colour.

"Larry," she said, "it's that Mr. Wakeham."

"Wakeham," cried Larry. "What's got him up so early, I wonder?" with a swift look at Jane.

"I wonder," said Nora, giving Jane a little dig.

"I thought I would just run up and see if you had all got home safely last night," they heard his great voice booming outside to Larry.

"My, but he is anxious," said Nora.

"But who is he, Nora?" inquired her mother.

"A friend of Jane's, and apparently terribly concerned about her welfare."

"Stop, Nora," said Jane, flus.h.i.+ng a fiery red. "Don't be silly. He is a young man whom we met on the train, Mrs. Gwynne, a friend of some of our Winnipeg friends."

"We shall be very glad to have him stay with us, my dear," said Mrs.

Gwynne. "Go and bring him in."

"Go on, Jane," said Nora.

"Now, Nora, stop it," said Jane. "I will get really cross with you.

Hush, there he is."

The young man seemed to fill up the door with his bulk. "Mr. Wakeham,"

said Larry, as the young fellow stood looking around on the group with a frank, expansive smile upon his handsome face. As his eye fell upon a little lady the young man seemed to come to attention. Insensibly he appeared to a.s.sume an att.i.tude of greater respect as he bowed low over her hand.

"I hope you will pardon my coming here so early in the morning," he said with an embarra.s.sed air. "I have the honour of knowing your guests."

"Any friend of our guests is very welcome here, Mr. Wakeham," said Mrs.

Gwynne, smiling at him with gentle dignity.

"Good morning, Mr. Wakeham," said Jane, coming forward with outstretched hand. "You are very early in your calls. You could not have slept very much."

"No, indeed," replied Mr. Wakeham, "and that is one reason why I waked so early. My bed was not so terribly attractive."

"Oh," exclaimed Nora in a disappointed tone, as she shook hands with him, "we thought you were anxious to see us."

"Quite right," said the young man, holding her hand and looking boldly into her eyes. "I have come to see you."

Before his look Nora's saucy eyes fell and for some unaccountable reason her usually ready speech forsook her. Mr. Wakeham fell into easy conversation with Mr. Gwynne and Dr. Brown concerning mining matters, in which he was especially interested. He had spent an hour about the Manor Mine and there he had heard a good deal about Mr. Gwynne's mine and was anxious to see that if there were no objections. He wondered if he might drive Mr. Gwynne--and indeed, he had a large car and would be glad to fill it up with a party if any one cared to come. He looked at Mrs.

Gwynne as he spoke.

"Yes, Mother, you go. It is such a lovely day," said Nora enthusiastically, "and Jane can go with you."

"Jane is going riding," said Larry firmly.

"I am going to Mrs. Waring-Gaunt's," said Jane. "I arranged with her last night."

While they were settling Mrs. Gwynne's protests, and covered by the noise of conversation, Mr. Wakeham managed to get close to Nora. "I want you to come," he said in a low voice. "That's what I came for."

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The Major Part 39 summary

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