Pursuit of Honor Part 15

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"No. Surprisingly enough, we think it was South American drug money."

This piece of information caught Rapp off guard. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Butler continued. "I've been able to piece together a strange string of events which I think will explain how this cell managed to get into your country."

"South American drug money?" Rapp repeated himself, still not quite buying the idea. They had looked into the possibility years ago due to the opium trade coming out of Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. The rationale was that if the cartels could run drugs and sneak them into the country, they could easily do the same with terrorists. "They're all Catholic down there," Rapp said, referring to South and Central America. "And I mean old-school Catholic. The Church has made it very clear that it's their continent, and the Muslims aren't welcome. As strange as it sounds, the cartels are very loyal to the Church on this issue. Plus it would be bad for their business if we found out they aided a terrorist group. The leaders know it'd be a good way to get a two-thousand-pound bomb dropped on their heads."

"I've seen the same reports, and I agree with your a.s.sessment," Butler said, "but this is something different. This third cell," Butler said in an admiring tone, "they're smart. They decided to do something none of them have tried before."

"What's that?"

"They unplugged."

"Unplugged?" Rapp asked with a puzzled look. "What in the h.e.l.l is that supposed to mean?"

"They cut all ties to al Qaeda. Strict operational security."


BUTLER went on to explain what they'd discovered. The other two cells had stayed in contact with al Qaeda's senior leaders.h.i.+p during their training. They sent back regular reports and received orders from their commanders. Targets were adjusted and modified based on the success of the training and the ability to smuggle explosives and weapons into America. "But this third cell," Butler said, "they went dark. No one had heard from them in months. That is, until the bombs started going off last week."

Rapp wasn't here to punch holes in his colleague's stories, but on this point he couldn't resist. "That's normal operational security."

"For us, yes, but there is always a failsafe. We always keep in place a way to contact each other in case the mission needs to be modified or scrubbed."

"We verified," Cheval said, "that they had such protocols in place. We also verified this past week that they feared the third cell had been intercepted months ago."

"Why?" Rapp asked.

"Because no one had heard from them," Butler said. "They went completely dark. No communication whatsoever."

"What about finances?" Rapp asked.

"We found the account. It hasn't been touched in five months."

Rapp shook his head with a bit of skepticism. "We all know how expensive it is to run an operation like this. To move men and materials into position . . . to bribe people to look the other way . . . we're talking a significant amount of cash."

"I agree," Butler said as he reached under the table and retrieved a file of his own. Instead of manila this one was brown, but every bit as worn as the one Cheval had on the table. "And I think I know where they got it."

"South American drug money," Rapp said, still not buying it.

"Yes." Butler tapped the file and with a dire expression said, "Mitch, I can't stress this enough. I trust you. If I didn't, I wouldn't have boarded a plane this afternoon and flown down here."


"What I have in this file is extremely sensitive. It is information that you need to see, but how it came into my possession is one of my government's most closely guarded secrets."

Rapp thought he knew the cause of Butler's cautiousness and nodded. "You're worried about exposing your source."


"Tell me how you want me to handle it?"

"For starters, nothing gets put in writing. At least nothing truthful."

Rapp smiled. "Create a false source-Cuban, perhaps?"

Butler hadn't considered going that far. He was thinking more of a misdirection play, but he instantly liked the idea of creating a ghost. It would unnerve the Cuban intelligence service and force them to dump resources into chasing a mole. "We can talk about that later, but let's go over the background material first. I've checked on this first part. You can confirm this information with your Drug Enforcement Agency. This past week, while the world has been focused on the attacks in Was.h.i.+ngton, a minor drug war has erupted in South America. It started in a remote jungle region of the Triple Frontier and has spread to a half dozen cities. The estimates of those murdered is in excess of one hundred people and while they can't seem to agree on who started it, they all agree on the single event that caused the spark."

Butler retrieved a pair of black-rimmed reading and put them on. He opened the file, withdrew a satellite photograph, and then closed it. He slid the image to the middle of the table so Rapp could see better and pointed at a line of brown in a photo that was filled with green. "Jungle landing strip operated by the Red Command Cartel out of So Paulo. It serves as regional distribution center for their cocainemanufacturing operation. Local peasants cultivate the coca crops, make the cocaine, and then they bring it to this strip where it is gathered and s.h.i.+pped out once a week.

"Three days before the attack on Was.h.i.+ngton, the facility was. .h.i.t. It hasn't been easy to get exact numbers, but we think approximately eight of the cartel's men were killed and the entire week's s.h.i.+pment was stolen. Again, there's all kinds of rumors floating around, but the estimated street value of the stolen merchandise is somewhere between ten and twenty million dollars."

"That's a lot of cocaine," Rapp said.

"The Red Command agrees. They have offered ma.s.sive rewards. They want their drugs back, and they want the guilty party punished. They played nice for a few days last week and then when no useful information turned up they began hitting the rival cartels and all h.e.l.l broke loose."

"You don't think it was a rival cartel?" Rapp asked.

"No. I think it was the third cell."

Rapp nodded. "I'm listening."

"This is where it gets tricky. What I'm about to tell you is for your ears and Irene's only."

"Understood," Rapp said. They could figure out the best way to disburse the information later.

"The same day that the distribution center got hit a plane showed up in Cuba, with nine men and two pallets of cocaine. They were met by a colonel in the Cuban army and a small contingent of soldiers who helped them off-load the cocaine and transfer it onto two speedboats. This particular colonel was given 10 percent of the s.h.i.+pment in exchange for his help. Somewhere between one and two million dollars in product."

Rapp digested the information and said, "Cuba isn't exactly my area of expertise, but from what I've heard this isn't an uncommon thing."

"It happens to be one of my areas of expertise, and there's more." Butler withdrew another satellite photo. It was another shot of the jungle but instead of a rectangular clearing this one was square. An a.n.a.lyst had taken the time to label the various features. "We've all seen this before. Barracks over here, obstacle course here, this square area here used for PT, and a firing range here."

"Training camp?"


"Where is it located?" Rapp asked "Next valley over from the airstrip. About ten kilometers away as the crow flies."

"So you think these guys. .h.i.t the distribution center, loaded up a plane, flew it out of there, and landed in Cuba?"

"That is precisely what I think."

Rapp was skeptical. "I know a little bit about the Red Command. They're some of the most ruthless b.a.s.t.a.r.ds on the planet. I find it hard to believe they haven't already figured this out. This is their backyard, after all."

Butler looked over the top of his black reading and said, "Yesterday afternoon . . . in the Triple Frontier town of Ciudad del Este, a mosque was firebombed and burned to the ground, killing eighteen people."

Rapp swallowed hard. "What else?"

"My source in Cuba tells me that the nine men who came in on the plane looked more Mediterranean than South American. And then there's this last part that you are probably aware of. The day after this plane landed in Cuba, two speedboats approached your Florida Keys. Your Coast Guard scrambled a helicopter to intercept. It crashed at sea. Your rescue divers located the wreckage and discovered fifty caliber bullet holes in the engine."

Rapp was slightly embarra.s.sed that he hadn't already made the connection. Thousands of data points had pa.s.sed in front of him in the last week alone. Emails, text messages, voicemails, briefings, internet searches, off-the-record conversations with his counterparts at a half dozen foreign intelligence agencies, FBI reports, and of course, the not-so-little side show with Glen Adams. Rapp was suffering from sleep deprivation and information overload at the same time. It was time to strip it all away and start over.

He rubbed his eyes for a moment and then said, "All right, you've convinced me. What else do you have?"

Butler slid another sheet from the file. This one was white and had a sketch of a man's face on the front. "This was the advance man who set everything up in Cuba."

Rapp studied the drawing. The man was handsome. He looked to be in his late twenties. His hair was wavy and a little long but not mangy. "This was done off a photo?" Rapp said, referring to the sketch.


"You really are sure about this source?" Surveillance photos could be a.n.a.lyzed by experts who could tell you with amazing accuracy where the photo had been taken. By having an artist sketch the image one ensured that all those background clues were no longer a concern.

"Again, this is between the three of us. Nothing gets put in a file. My source in Cuba . . . I recruited him myself a long time ago. I would do anything to protect him."

Rapp and Cheval nodded. They had both been in similar situations before.

"Do we have a name to go with this face?" Rapp asked as he looked at the artist's sketch.

Cheval smiled and said, "Have you ever known us to waste your time?"


Cheval tapped the artist's sketch and said, "George sent this to me and I had my man show it to a few of the prisoners. Two of them recognized him. Would you like to guess his nationality?"

Rapp looked at the drawing. It was black and white so it was impossible to pick up any skin tone. The nose and the cheekbones offered some clues, though. "If I had to guess I'd say Saudi or Yemeni."

Cheval nodded and said, "Saudi. We don't have precise dates but we think he fought in Afghanistan for at least a year. They said he was very cosmopolitan."

Rapp frowned. Cosmopolitan was not often a word used to describe jihadists fighting in the mountains of Afghanistan. "How so?"

"He liked to read . . . especially American authors. He had traveled to your country before. And Cuba as well. His favorite writer was Ernest Hemingway. He talked of going to his house in Key West and in Cuba as well. As far as we can gather, he left the fighting a few months before the teams had been a.s.sembled. It was rumored later that he had been sent ahead to scout out potential targets."

Rapp's doubt was quickly dissipating. "Name?"

"Hakim al Harbi. Grew up in the town of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. And here is the really interesting part. As you know, most of these fighters sign up in groups. Hakim joined with his best friend, a man named Karim, who in a very short period gained a reputation as a fierce and capable fighter."

Butler said, "One source says that he was barely one week in the fight when the Taliban mixed it up with an American hunter-killer team that had staked out a mountaintop position. The local Taliban commander ordered three a.s.saults on the position . . . each one a complete disaster. This Karim and his fresh group of Saudi fighters were ordered to lead the fourth a.s.sault. Rather than lead his men on a suicide mission he shot the Taliban commander on the spot and took over."

"Nice way to receive a battlefield promotion."

"And that's exactly what happened," Butler continued. "Apparently this Taliban commander was a bit dim. The al Qaeda leaders.h.i.+p was looking for an excuse to get rid of him and without their lifting a finger Karim took care of their problem. The Taliban didn't make a stink, because this particular commander had made a habit of burning through fresh conscripts."

"Anything after this incident?" Rapp asked.

"We're working on compiling and checking the stories, but he was known to be a tough and disciplined commander with a wicked temper."

Cheval said, "And apparently wasn't afraid to engage in a little self-promotion."

"How so?" Rapp asked.

"He gave himself a nickname."

Butler asked, "Care to hazard a guess?"

Rapp was used to connecting the dots, and this was something he should have picked up on several minutes ago. With a shake of the head he said, "The Lion of al Qaeda."

"Exactly," Cheval answered.

Rapp looked at Butler's file and then Cheval's. "Please tell me you have one more photo to show me. We've been after the Saudis but they haven't given us s.h.i.+t. They're denying that he's even one of them."

"That does not surprise me," Butler said. "Sorry to disappoint, but we have no photo at the moment. I promise you, though, we are throwing a lot of resources at the problem."



HAKIM came to, and the first thing he noticed was a lack of movement. There was no gentle swaying back and forth and the occasional bounce. They were either on a very smooth road or they had stopped. His head moved to the right and then the left. He felt fluid slos.h.i.+ng around inside somewhere and then a stabbing sensation in his ear. He knew instantly his left eardrum had been burst. After clenching his jaw for a long moment he opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom in the back of the RV. The shades were still drawn on the two windows, but a bit of light still managed to make it through.

Something felt oddly different this time. To say that he had been a bit out of it would be a huge understatement. Hakim had no real sense of time, but it felt as if he had slept on and off for most of the day. Occasionally something would hurt so badly he'd come to for a moment, and then things would get hazy again. His memory was foggy, but at one point he seemed to remember Ahmed sticking something in his arm. That image jogged a few things loose and he suddenly realized he was really thirsty. He tried to sit up, but it was too painful. A few ribs were surely broken.

Reaching out, he managed to get hold of the curtain that separated the bedroom from the kitchen area. He moved it a few inches and saw Karim sitting in the booth talking to Ahmed. Maps were spread out on the table and they were talking in hushed tones. Karim sensed he was being watched. He lifted his dark eyes and looked through the gap at the man he had pummeled earlier in the day.

Hakim did not look away. He stared back at his friend with his sliver of a left eye, the right one still puffy and closed. He wanted Karim to have to look at his battered face. He wanted Karim to know exactly what he had done to his supposed friend.

Ahmed realized Hakim was awake and quickly slid out of the booth. He yanked open the door to the half-sized refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. He quickly brought it over to Hakim and after gently cradling his head, he pressed the bottle to his swollen lips.

Hakim took several sips and after a long pause a few more. When he felt he could speak without his voice cracking he asked, "Where are we?"

Ahmed looked over his shoulder and Karim reluctantly nodded for him to go ahead. He looked back at Hakim and said, "We are not sure."

"Not sure. You mean we are lost?"


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Pursuit of Honor Part 15 summary

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