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_Parallels._--_Mensa Philosophica_.
_Painter._--I. i. 339; II. i. 278; III. i. 490; IV. ii. 142.
_Derivates._--Marston's _Dutch Courtesan_, 1605; and Anon.: _The Cuckqueanes and Cuckolds Errant, a Comedye_, 1601, formerly in Haslewood's possession.]
The hardinesse and conquests of diuers stout, and aduenturous women, called Amazones, the beginninge, and continuance of their Reigne, and of the great iourney of one of their Queenes called Thalestris to visit Alexander the great: with the cause of her trauaile.
[_Source and Origin._--Herod, iv. 110.
_Parallels._--Acerra, ii. 58; Albertinus, 55; Kirchhof, _Wendenmuth_, iv. 182.
_Painter._--I. ii. 1; II. ii. 1; III. ii. 1; IV. ii. 159.]
_Derivates._--A Masque of the Amazons was played March 3, 1592 (Henslowe).]
The great pitie and continencie of Alexander the great and his louinge entertaynment of Sisigambis the wife of the great monarch Darivs after he was vanquished.
[_Source and Origin._--Q. Curtius, x. 5.
_Parallels._--Justin, xiii. 1.
_Painter._--I. ii. 5; II. ii. 4; III. ii. 8; IV. ii. 166.]
Timoclia, a gentlewoman of Thebes, vnderstandinge the couetous desire of a Thracian knight, that had abused hir, and promised her mariage, rather for her goods than loue, well acquited hir selfe from his falshoode.
[_Source and Origin._--Plutarch, _Alexander_, (Amyot).
_Parallels._--Zonar, _Ann._ i. f. 32; Wanley, _Wonders_, III. x.x.x.
_Painter._--I. ii. 9; II. ii. 7; III. ii. 14; IV. ii. 172.
_Derivates._--A play ent.i.tled _Timoclia_, doubtless derived from Painter, is mentioned in the Revel's Account. It was played at Merchant Taylors' in 1574. Fleay, _History_, 381.]
Ariobarzanes great steward to Artaxerxes king of Persia, goeth about to exceede his soueraigne lord and maister in curtesie; where in be conteyned many notable and pleasaunt chaunces, besides the great patience and loyaltie naturally planted in the sayd Ariobarzanes.
[_Source and Origin._--i-Bandello, Pt. i., nov. 2.
_Parallels._--Belleforest iv. f. 9 _seq._
_Painter._--I. ii. 11; II. ii. 9; III. ii. 18; IV. ii. 176.]
Lucivs one of the garde to Aristotimvs the Tyrant of the cittye of Elis, fell in loue with a fayre mayden called Micca, the daughter of one Philodemvs and his cruelty done upon her. The stoutnesse also of a n.o.ble matron named Megistona in defence of hir husbande and the common wealth from the tyranny of the said Aristotimvs: and of other actes done by the subjects vppon that Tyrant.
[_Source and Origin._--Bandello, Part iii. nov. 5.
_Parallels._--Belleforest, t. iv. f. 234.
_Painter._--I. ii. 32; II. ii. 26; III ii. 51; IV. ii. 209.]
The maruaylous courage and ambition of a gentlewoman called Tanaquil, the Queene and wife of Tarqvinivs Priscvs the fift Roman king, with his persuasions and pollicy to hir husbande for his aduauncement to the kingdom, her lyke encouragement of Servivs Tvllivs, wherein also is described the ambition of one of the II. daughters of Servivs Tvllivs the sixt Roman king, and her cruelty towards her owne natural father: with other accidents chaunced in the new erected common welth of Rome, specially of the last Romane king Tarqvinivs Svperbvs, who with murder atteined the kingdome, with murder maynteined it, and by the murder and insolent lyfe of his sonne was with al his progeny banished.
[_Source and Origin._--Livy, i. 34-41.
_Painter._--I. ii. 40; II. ii. 33; III. ii. 63; IV. ii. 221.]
The vnhappy end and successe of the loue of King Ma.s.sinissa, and Queene Sophonisba his wyfe.
[_Source._--Bandello, Part i. nov. 41.
_Origin._--Petrarch, _Trionfi_.
_Parallels._--Belleforest, I. iii., f. 356; Trissino, _Sophonisba_ (tragedy), 1524; Raleigh, _Hist._ V. iii. 8; Wanley, _Wonders_, III.
liii. 2.
_Painter._--I. ii. 49; II. ii. 39; III. ii. 78; IV. ii. 236.
_Derivates._--Marston, _Wonder of Women, or Sophonisba, her tragedy_, printed 1606; N. Lee, _Sophonisba, or Hannibal's Overthrow_, 1676; J. Thomson, _Sophonisba_, acted 28 Feb. 1730.[68]]
[Footnote 68: The celebrated line, "O Sophonisba, Sophonisba O!"
has kept its memory alive.]