The Royal Hunter Part 27

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"What are you doing?" Talia grabbed at his shoulders for balance.

"Changing the subject."

"To what?"

"Sun's coming up and I thought how beautiful you'd look coming with the sky

all streaked with bright colors behind you."

Her cheeks turned pink and he was pretty certain it had nothing to do with the cool morning air. "Pretty sure of yourself."He grabbed her hips as if to lift her off him. "Well, if you don't think I can-"She grabbed hold of his wrists and clamped her knees on his sides. "Did I say that?"

He looked into her eyes and grinned, but somehow his heart wasn't as light as

his tone. "Have I ever not delivered on a promise made to you?"

She tilted her head, as if to ponder the question. He b.u.mped his hips up and she gasped, then quickly shook her head. "I suppose not."

He pulled her down onto him and pushed deep.

His fingers tangled in her hair as she fell across his chest, their hips already

locked in perfect rhythm. If he couldn't watch her when she climaxed, he'd feel it. And feeling her wrapped around him like this was surely more glorious than any sunrise G.o.d had ever created.

As he felt her come apart over him, he found himself making another vow.

He'd make sure she remained safe, in his time and hers, and get her back here when it was all over so she could go on with her life.

Surely that was all he wanted. All he could want.

"I promise you," he whispered against the slick skin of her neck. Then he let go, shutting out the fact that he had just given far more to her than his body.

Chapter 14.

Talia smiled as the first car pulled around the drive toward the kennel. Stella winked at her and went in to get the puppy the family had come to see and hopefully take home with them.

Talia recalled the talk she'd had with her young employee earlier this morning, about the pom mix. Tugger, she corrected herself. Stella had already named it. And it was probably good timing, since Stella was too wound up with her new baby to notice anything different about Talia today.

And there was no denying Talia felt different. As though her entire being had been altered. It was just s.e.x, she reminded herself. Spectacular, mind-numbing, universe-altering s.e.x, she amended, feeling her body heat just at the thought. Still, she tried hard to make herself believe it hadn't changed anything. Not really.

She was such a lousy liar. One night with Archer had changed everything. The entire glorious time she'd been with him, she'd felt, well... right. As if she belonged in his arms. She hadn't worried about being different, about not being normal. Finally she'd been with someone she felt really knew her, understood her, and had wanted her, desired her. The real her. Yep. One night had changed everything. She spied Baleweg looking down from the tower window and waved to him, even as her stomach dropped. And it had changed nothing. She still had to deal with the future. Literally. And she still had no chance of having what could be described as a normal relations.h.i.+p with Devin. Whatever the h.e.l.l that might be.

She turned to greet the family. Two children tumbled out of the car, squealing and scrambling to be the first to hold the puppy. She watched as the parents dealt with their enthusiasm with a gentle, but firm hand. They had seemed to be a good match at the fair and now she was certain of it. But she would go through with the formalities anyway, as usual.

Eight hours and too many interviews later, she was tired but extremely satisfied. She'd placed all but one of the puppies and the two older dogs had in fact ended up being adopted by the same couple. She'd also heard from Mr. Green about the kittens. He'd be picking them up tomorrow. She went to her office and dropped into her chair even as she scooped up the phone. She was hoping to push the remaining two interviews up to tomorrow morning. Once the tabby and the last puppy were gone, she could start getting ready.

Ready. What exactly did a person pack for the kind of trip she was about to take? She realized then that she'd never asked what year Baleweg and Archer were from. She laughed, but it was hollow and the tiniest bit on the hysterical side. Gee, you might want to ask, oh, one or two questions before you go hopping off to the future, don't you think, Tal?

She hung up the phone without dialing and buried her head in her arms instead. Maybe if she pretended she was, oh, an astronaut or something, going off to discover things for the good of mankind, it would be easier to deal with her predicament. She snorted.

And what had she been thinking to sleep with Archer? My G.o.d, he could have any number of diseases from places she couldn't even imagine, or... or... a history of heaven knew what. But had she cared? Had she even asked? Oh, no.

She'd just run right off to be with him. She smiled against her arm, unable to help it. And d.a.m.n, but it had been good. At least it was the wrong time of the month for her. Please, G.o.d. Talk about altering the normal order of things. But then, hadn't her mother bringing her here already altered the normal order of things? Technically, then, she and Archer were actually from the same time and place. So they weren't so star-crossed after all, or time-crossed. Or... whatever! It didn't make what she'd done a smart move.

She lifted her head and raked her fingers through her hair. Her forehead was beginning to throb. There was no point in belaboring what she had already done. Or thinking about how much she'd like to do it again. And again. She should pack some condoms, though. Just to be safe. Jesus, Tala. But she couldn't stop thinking about Archer, about how he'd felt inside her, about how his hand had felt in hers, the way he'd so gently taken her- "Stop," she ordered herself. Just stop.

"Stop what?" She jumped about a foot, but Archer settled her back in her chair with his big hands on her shoulders, rubbing her exactly where she needed to be rubbed. It felt wonderful, marvelous. And was going to lead her exactly where she'd just told herself she should never go again. Then she made the critical mistake of looking up at him and d.a.m.n if her heart didn't just leap, happy as could be. If that wasn't warning enough, he leaned down and kissed her nose. Her nose, dammit. Could he be more sweet? She stood quickly and his hands slid off her shoulders. Which she immediately regretted, but did nothing to remedy. Finally, a smart move. Too d.a.m.n bad if her body hated her for it. Working to build on her success, scant though it was, she folded her arms and attempted to sound businesslike.

Really hard to do when all she could think about was how he'd sounded just this morning, groaning in her ear as he came inside her. Had that just been this morning? How could she be this starved for him if she'd just had him a few hours ago?

"Have you talked with Baleweg?" She sounded shrill, even to her own ears. "I was just about to call the other two appointments and try to get them to come as early tomorrow as possible. They were the only ones who couldn't come today. Stella can handle Mr. Green. He's been here before and knows the drill. Then there are some questions I want to ask Baleweg before we-"

Her rapid-fire monologue was abruptly cut off when Archer leaned his head down and kissed her. Not that she stopped him, or even tried to. She couldn't even be angry at herself. She'd do the lecture later. Right now she had to finally admit she was scared out of her mind and it just felt too d.a.m.n good to be in his strong, rea.s.suring arms. She'd be independent and in total control later.

When the kiss ended, she laid her head against his chest, comforted to hear that his heart was pounding as hard as hers. G.o.d, her brain was cramping from a.n.a.lyzing overload, so she mercifully let go and just felt. And what she felt was fear.


She looked up, already silently apologizing even as she asked, "What's wrong?"He looked down into her eyes and said nothing."I'm sorry. My guard was down and I just... I felt your worry. I couldn't help it. Has something happened?" Her stomach knotted into a tight little ball of

dread. "Has someone else found us?" She immediately tried to get out of his

embrace. "Stella!"

He held tight. "She's fine. No one else has found us but Baleweg just told me the disturbances he's been feeling are building faster now."

"I... I don't know if I'm ready."

He looked into her eyes and smoothed her hair from her face. "I'll be with you, Tali. Every step of the way."

"But Baleweg said he wasn't sure what the queen would do regarding security

and-""And I don't give a flying hang what she wants to do. She is paying me to deliver you. So she owes me a great deal and if I choose to take payment in the form of continuing to watch over you, then that is what I'll do. And what she'll agree to if she wants you there."

Talia felt she should be arguing with him, but in truth, she was so relieved she

could have wept. She had no idea what she was going to face, only that it had to be easier with someone she could trust by her side. She smiled at that. Here she was, in the arms of a man who sold his loyalty to the highest bidder, and yet she was willing to trust him to remain loyal to her for... what? Great s.e.x?

As if he had read her mind, he said, "You have to realize that you can trust no


"Except you. A mercenary who is being paid by the queen." She hadn't meant it as an accusation; she just wanted his rea.s.surance.

He nodded, not remotely offended. In fact, there appeared to be increased respect in those fathomless eyes of his. "I may sell my services, Tali, but I decide where my loyalties lie and it doesn't always have to do with money."

"Or great s.e.x?"

A surprised grin broke out on his face as understanding dawned. "Ah. So that's

what prompted this AD concern r "I figured I didn't have much hope of enslaving you with my feminine wiles, not when I'm up against a queen's ransom." She'd said it jokingly, but his expression was serious when he responded.

"I answer only to myself. I'll never be a slave to anything or anyone, ever


She opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, but he took full advantage and kissed her.

"But I find myself not so bothered by wanting to protect you," he murmured.

"I need you to understand that, other than myself, you must trust no one at court."

"And Baleweg?"

"I doubt he'll go to court with us. He has no use for politicians and their machinations, although they would love to capitalize on his formidable skills.

He can't help the queen, and if what he says about Emrys is true, his presence there might actually create more problems than it would fix."

"But won't it be better to have him with us, in case we need his skills, if there's

an emergency?" She felt a chill steal over her skin as fear bubbled up again.

"Baleweg has kept himself alive and prosperous by keeping to himself and following his own instincts. We won't be able to change his mind." Archer

smiled then and traced a finger down the side of her face. "Does it bother you so much to be stuck alone with me?"

"I'm not sure."

Archer tipped his head back and laughed. "Ah, a woman after my own heart."

He looked at her, still smiling. "You'll do well at court, Tali. Never stop

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The Royal Hunter Part 27 summary

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