Outside In Part 15

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Rat fetched a set of clothes for me from the laundry. He had grabbed the green s.h.i.+rt and pants that the infirmary workers wore. I dressed in Emek's office. Anne-Jade's voice pierced my haze of exhaustion. She waited for me beyond the door.

Glad I had taken my tool belt with me, I strapped it on, placed Emek's chair on his desk and climbed into the air shaft. Once again I was avoiding confrontation. I didn't go far. Dropping down into the middle of the recycling plant, I scattered a group of workers. I apologized and headed straight for the stairs. Others had also clumped together and from the bits of alarmed conversation I caught, they discussed the evacuation and bomb.

News of the attempted bombing could either work in our favor or ignite panic. If everyone kept an eye out for unusual activity and strange devices, it might stop the bomber from trying again, which would be good. Panic would bring nothing but trouble and more destruction.

I reached the infirmary without encountering any ISF officers. Unfortunately Lamont took one look at my face and accosted me.

"Trella, what happened?"

"It'd be easier to tell you what didn't happen," I said.

She swept my hair from my face and, for a second, I wanted to press her hand against my cheek. "I need to put a suture in your earlobe." Inspecting my face, she frowned. "Who hit you?"

"Did you hear about the riot?"

"Of course. I needed to be ready in case there were injuries. Were you caught in the riot?" She tried to keep her tone professional, but alarmed concern dominated.

"Sort of. Iauhastarted the riot."

Lamont paused. "You're serious."


"Do you want to talk about it?"


"All right. Come back to the exam room and I'll fix your ear."

As I followed her, I pa.s.sed Logan's empty bed. "Where's Logan?"

She waited until I sat on the examining table before saying, "He's in protective custody."

"Arrested? The riot was my fault. Not his."

Her eyebrows rose, but she smoothed them. "He's not in the brig. With all the troubles, Anne-Jade felt he'd be better protected in a more secured location."

Lamont filled a needle and approached. I flinched away instinctively.

She stopped. "It's lidocaine. If you'd rather nota""

"Go ahead. Numb my earlobe please. I've had enough pain."

"Little pinch and I'm done."

Compared to the slap, falling to the floor, being doused with an acidic chemical and Riley breaking up with me, the pinch barely registered.

As she prepped the sutures, I tried to focus on something besides myself. "What about Logan's vision? Isn't he under your care?"

"I can't do anything more for him. It's just a matter of time."

"Will he regain his sight?"

"His progress is promising, but I can't guarantee it."

"Do you know where he is?"

"No." Lamont looped two st.i.tches to close the tear in my lobe.

By this time, I could have fallen asleep on the exam table. Lamont trailed behind me as I headed toward my room. I stopped at the threshold. She hovered, rubbing her hands together. I had spent enough time with her to recognize her anxiety.

"No mothering. Remember?"

Although she didn't look happy about it, she nodded.

"I just need to sleep for about a hundred hours. If anyone comes looking for me, can you tell them I'm not here?" I asked.

"Even Riley?"

My hands shook. Doubtful he would be looking for me. "Yes."

"Okay, I'll keep everyone out."

"Thanks." I collapsed onto the bed, crawling under the covers and m.u.f.fling my sobs. Eventually, I would seek out Anne-Jade and tell her everything about the riot.

Too bad she found me first.

Startled from a deep sleep, I stared at Anne-Jade through puffy eyes. Confusion clouded my mind and her words failed to make sense. I rubbed my face in an effort to focus. My cheek throbbed.

"ahear me?" she asked. Grabbing my arm, she yanked me from the bed. "Do you even know how much trouble you're in?"

I swayed on my feet, but straightened real quick when I spotted her two lieutenants standing behind her. "Ia""

"No excuses, Trella. I have orders from the Committee to arrest you."

Wide awake now, I said, "Buta""

"You had your chance to explain down in waste handling, but you chose to run away."


"Running is an act of a guilty person. I had no choice. Yuri, secure her." Anne-Jade stepped back to let Yuri closer.

With nowhere to go, I could only appreciate the speed in which Yuri slapped a handcuff onto my left wrist, spun me around and snapped the other cuff onto my right. With my arms pinned behind my back, my sore shoulder ached.

"Anne-Jade, the cuffs aren't necessary," I said.

"I disagree. Let's go."

She gripped my arm, propelling me forward as if I would resist. With a lieutenant in front of us and one following, they marched me from my room. Lamont hovered in the sitting area. Hour three shone on the clock.

"You could have at least waited to call Anne-Jade until I got more sleep," I grumped at Lamont.

"Give us some credit, Trell," Anne-Jade said. "No one called us. You weren't that hard to find."

True. If I had known she'd arrest me, I'd have slept in the ducts. She'd been to our storeroom and the small control room where we had hidden Domotor. That was back when I could trust her. I needed to find a new hiding place. The image of the bubble monster sitting on top of the Expanse filled my mind. No one would find me there.

Our little parade entered the lift and went up to level four. When the door swished open, a horrible possibility struck me. I resisted Anne-Jade's pull.

"What?" she asked.

"You're not taking me to the brig, are you?" I couldn't keep the panic from my voice. The thought of being there with Karla and Vinco, even in separate cells, caused me to sweat.

"It's up to you. The Committee has a number of questions for you. If you refuse to cooperate, they'll send you to the brig to think over your decision."

We bypa.s.sed Anne-Jade's office and walked down the main corridor to Quad G4. Inside didn't seem so big until I was handcuffed and stared at by every single person we pa.s.sed in that hallway. The time it took us to reach the conference room off the main Control Room felt like hours.

My relief to be out of the public's eye disappeared in a heartbeat when I faced the nineteen Committee members. They sat around the long oval conference table. Domotor's wheelchair faced the front of the curved end. Scanning the faces, I did a quick calculation. Five members gave me encouraging nods, twelve people wore a variety of unhappy expressions from p.i.s.sed off to mildly annoyed, one wouldn't meet my gazea" Riley's fathera"and one kept his face blanka"Jacy.

Anne-Jade pushed me into the empty chair at the end opposite Domotor. I perched on the edge since my hands were still cuffed. She stood behind me as if I might try to escape or harm someone. I would have laughed, but I couldn't miss the heavy tension that filled the room. The lines of strain, dark circles and signs of fatigue were the common denominator from all eighteen members. Jacy wasn't giving anything away, and that scared me more than anything else.

Domotor took the lead. It was a good sign as he had been one of the encouraging nodders. The mics sat on top of the bag on the table. Computers were another new feature on the table. Each member had a small monitor in front of them.

Domotor started asking me questions about the riot.

I was honest to a point. Admitting I planted the mics, I got a little creative with why. "I hoped to overhear the saboteurs." Which was the truth.

"Why didn't you and Logan tell us about them?" Domotor asked.

I noted the lack of Anne-Jade's and Riley's names. They were both aware of the sabotage and failed to inform the Committee. Funny, I had been the one to argue to tell the Committee. "The evidence was circ.u.mstantial. We didn't want to accuse anyone without proof." Also true.

"Where did you plant these mics?" he asked.

"The air shafts about Sectors E1 and F1." I pointed my chin at the mics. "I planned to do more, but wasainterrupted."

"She means caught," Anne-Jade said. "The scrubs in Sector F1 heard her in the air shaft."

"I haven't climbed through the ducts in weeks. I'm a little rusty," I said in my defense.

A few Committee members smiled at my play on words. I wouldn't go as far to say I was winning them over, but it was better than nothing.

Anne-Jade wanted to know who pulled me from the air shaft and incited the riot.

"I started the riot. It all happened so fast, I didn't get a good look at him." Just because I protected the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who slapped me, didn't mean I would forget him. Oh no. I owed him a visit. I just didn't need the scrubs to think I was an informer as well as a traitor.

The questions then turned to the bomb in waste handling. Those I answered with complete honesty. Jacy relaxed back in his chair. His gaze contemplative. Probably wondering why I hadn't told them about his request to plant his mics over sensitive areas. Right now they a.s.sumed Logan provided the mics. I'd like to say I had a grand scheme in mind, but at this point, I operated on pure instinct.

When all the questions had been answered, Anne-Jade escorted me out to the main Control Room so the Committee could discussaI wasn't exactly sure what.

We waited near the door. "Thanks for not mentioning me," she said in a quiet voice. "I owe you one."

"Great. Take off these d.a.m.n cuffs," I said.

"Not until the Committee gives me permission. Sorry."

I stared at her. "Come on, it's me. You can't be happy with how they're running our world."

"Do you really think I like being called the Mop Cops?" She balled her hands into fists. "I worked so hard to not be the Pop Cops and look what happened. Bombs, computer failure and someone tries to kill my brother. It's a mess and I wouldn't even know how to fix it at this point." Anne-Jade punched the wall. The Control Room workers glanced at us as the loud bang vibrated. "It's our fault, you know." She rubbed her knuckles absently. "The Force of Sheep gave them the power. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

It did. I mulled over what had happened. Why did the Committee fail? Then I remembered where they sat at the conference table. All the uppers sat along the left side, then Domotor, Jacy and the rest of the scrubs on the right side. Jacy had known the problem all along and so did I, but I'd hoped it would work itself out. That the uppers and scrubs would play nice together and forget all the Pop Cop propaganda.

But they remained divided. And all the current problems just drove them further apart, which didn't make sense. With saboteurs threatening all our lives, we should be banding together, not sitting on opposite sides.

"Trell, you have that look. What are you planning?"

"Maybe we should take the power back and start again," I said, thinking a new smaller Committee could have people like Hank who viewed our world as a whole and not two groups.

"Too late."


"Because someone else beat you to it."


"ARE YOU SAYING THE COMMITTEE NO LONGER HAS the power to make decisions?" I asked Anne-Jade.

"Yep. They're just following orders. And so am I." A look of self-disgust creased her face.

Even though I feared the answer, I asked, "Who is issuing these orders?"

"The Controllers. They have hijacked the computer network, shutting down access to all but a few people. If the Committee doesn't do as they say, they'll erase the programs for running vital systems."

"But that would hurt them as well."

"They're in the network, Trell. They don't need air or water. Just electricity."

"Anne-Jade, you know better. Logan said they were an operating system. Nothing more."

"Well, Logan is blind and the Committee has him locked away somewhere. So as far as I'm concerned, I obey their orders." She rubbed her face.

A sudden surge of outrage consumed me. "I can find Logan for you."

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Outside In Part 15 summary

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