Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch Part 13

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MENSK, MENSE, _sb._ proper conduct, more generally honor. Dunbar, T.M.W., 352; Wyntoun, VIII, 42, 143; Burns, 90, 1. O.N.

_mennska_. For discussion of this word see Wall. Deriv.

_menskless_, _menskful_, _menskly_.

MIDDING, MYDDING, _sb._ a midden. C.S., 12; Lyndsay, 216, 269. Dan.

_modding_, older _moghdyngh_, O.N. _mykidyngja_, Sw. dial.

_modding_, Cu. _middin_.

MON, MAN, MAUN, _vb._ must, O.N. _monu_ (_munu_), will, shall, Norse _mun_, will, but used variously. Dan. _monne_, _mon_, as an auxiliary vb. used very much like _do_ in Eng. Sw. _mn_, Cu.

_mun_. The form of the Sco. word is the same in all persons.

So in Norse.

MYTH, _vb._ to mark, recognize. Wallace, V, 664; Douglas, I, 28, 26.

O.N. _mia_, to show, to mark a place, Norse _mida_, mark a place, _mid_ sb. a mark by which to find a place. O.E.

_mian_, meant "to conceal, lie concealed," same as O.H.G.

_midan_, vitare, occultare, Germ. _meiden_, _vermeiden_, avoid.

NEIRIS, _sb. pl._ the kidneys. C.S., 67. O.N. _nyra_, a kidney, Norse _nyra_, O. Dan. _nyre_, Sw. _niura_, Sw. dial. _nyra_, M.E. _nere_. Cp. Sco. _eir_, _an eir_, for _a neir_, as in Eng. _augur_, _an augur_, _a naugur_.

NEVIN, _vb._ to name. Gol. and Gaw., 506; Howlate, II, 3, 7. O.N.

_nefna_, Norse _nevna_, Dan. _naevne_, to name, O.E. _namnian_.

NIEVE, NEEFE, NEVE, _sb._ the hand, the fist. O.N. _hnefi_, Norse _neve_, hand, fist, Shetland _nev_, Cu. _neif_, _neive_, _neef_. Wall considers this an unrecorded Eng. word, which is possible. Its general distribution in Scand. dial. and elsewhere in Scand. settlements, as Northern and Central England, Southern Scotland, Shetland, etc., as well as its absence in all other Gmc. languages, indicates, however, that the word is Scand. in Eng. diall.

NOUT, NOWT, _sb._ cattle. O.N. _naut_, cattle, Norse _naeut_ id. Dan.

_nod_, Sw. _noet_, Shetland _nd_. In M. Sco., also written _nolt_.

NYK, NEK, _vb._ to shake the head in denial of anything, "to nyk with nay." Gol. and Gaw, 115; Philotus, 32. Norse _nikka_, to bow slightly, _nikk_, a slight bow, Sw. _neka_, to deny, say no, M.E. _nicken_.

NYTE, _vb._ to deny. Gol. and Gaw., 889; Wyntoun, VIII, 2, 16. O.N.

_naeita_, to deny, refuse, Norse _neitta_, _neikta_, _nekta_, id., _neiting_, a denial, _neitan_, id., Dan. _naegte_.

ONDING, _sb._ terror. Psalms, Lx.x.xVIII, 15. See _ding_.

ONFARRAND, _adj._ ill-looking. Douglas, III, 250, 26. See _farrand_.

ON LOFT, _adv._ up. Gol. and Gaw., 485; Bruce, XIII, 652. O.N.

_a loft_, up into the air. See Skeat _aloft_. Sco. Pro. 27, _upon loft_, up.

ON LOFT, _adv._ aloud. Dunbar, T.M.W., 338. See above.

OUTWALE, _sb._ the best, the choice. Lyndsay, XX, 4. Eng. _out_ + O.N. _val_; similar formation to Norse _udvalg_, _utval_.

PIRRYE, _sb._ whirlwind. Sat. P., I, 178. See _bir_.

POCKNET, _sb._ from O.N. _poki_, pouch and _net_, a net.

A Dumfriess.h.i.+re word. Not found in any Sco. text but given by Worsaae, p. 260, and in Jamieson, where the following description is given of pocknet fis.h.i.+ng.

This is performed by fixing stakes or stours, as they are called, in the sand either in the channel of a river, or in the sand which is dry at low water. These stours are fixed in a line across the tideway at a distance of 46 inches from each other, about three feet high above the sand, and between every two of these stours is fixed a pocknet, tied by a rope to the top of each stour."

P. Dorneck, Dumr. Statist. Acc., II, 1.

QUEY, QUOY, _sb._ a young cow, a yearling. Douglas, II, 178, 19; II, 299, 8; Burns, 595. O.N. Norse _kviga_, Dan. dial. _kvie_. Cp.

Shetland _hwai_ and _kwai_. Cu. _why_, _wheye_ (guttural _wh_).

QUHELM, WHELM, _vb._ to overturn, to turn upside down. Douglas, II, 64, 14; II, 264, 16. Burns, 66, 1, also written _quhelme_, _whamle_, _whemle_. In Cu. _whemmel_, M.E. _hwelmen_. See Skeat under _whelm_. Cp. Norse _kvelm_ and _hvelm._ The O.N.

_hvelfa_, N. Norse _kvelva_, means "to turn upside down."

QUYOK, QUYACH, diminutive of _quey_, q. v.

RA (re), _sb._ a sail-yard. Douglas, II, 274, 16. O.N., Ic. _ra_, Dan. _raa_, Norse _raa_, Sw. _ra_, Shetland _roe_, a sail- yard.

RAD, RED, _adj._ afraid. Bruce, XII, 431; Dunbar, T. M.W., 320; Montg. C. and S., 1392. O.N. _hraeddr_, timid, frightened, Norse _raedd_, Dan. _raed_, Sw. _radd_, id., M.E. _rad_. Cp.

O.N. _hraea_, to frighten, Norse _raedda._

RADNESS, _sb._ timidity, fear. R. R., 1166; 1660. Deriv. from _rad_, q.v.

RADEUR, _sb._ fear. L.L., 1489. Sco. formation from _rad_ adj., afraid. M.E. _reddour_, _redour_ is a different word from O. Fr. _reidur_, later _roideur_, see B-S.

RAGGED, _adj._ full of _rag_, ragwort. Burns, 103, 85. See _ragweed._

RAGWEED, _sb._ an herb, ragwort. Burns, 6, 5, 9. O.N. _rogg_, M.E.

_ragge_ for which see B-S. Cp. Sw. dial. _ragg_, _rogga._

RAISE, RAIZE, _vb._ to incite, stir up. Burns, 6, 5, 4; and 7, 1, 1.

Used here as Sco. _bait_ would be used, otherwise generally as Eng. _raise_, from O.N. _raeisa_.

RAKE, RAIK (rek), _vb._ to go, walk, wander, also depart. Dunbar, T. M.W., 524; Gol. and Gaw., 72; Psalms, XVIII, 10. O.N.

_raeika_, to wander, Norse _raeka_, to wander about aimlessly.

Cp. Cu. _rake_, a journey, "He's teann a rake ower to Kendal."

See also Wall.

RAMFEEZLED, _adj._ exhausted, fatigued. Burns, 42, 1, 3. One of a number of words in Sco. formed with _ram_, cp. _ramshackle_, _ramstam_, _rammous_, etc. The second element probably the same as Eng. _fizzle_ in the expression _to fizzle out_, fail, come to nought. See _fizz_ in Skeat. See _rammys_.

RAMMEIST, _vb.pret._ ran wild, frenzied. Montg., F., 511. Cp.

_rammous_ adj. Probably the same used as a vb. Cp. Norse _ramsa_, to slash together, do a thing hurriedly, also to make a noise.

RAMMYS, RAMMOUS, _adj._ excited, violent. R.R., 113. O.N. _ramr_, _rammr_, strong, vehement, Norse _ram_, powerful, risky, hazardous. Cl. and V. cites the N. Eng. form _ram_, bitter, which is the same word.

RAMSTAM, _adj._ indiscreet, with an idea of rus.h.i.+ng into anything thoughtlessly. Burns, 32, 22. O.N. _rammr_, vehement, and _stam_, stiff, hard, unbending. Cp. Cu. _ram_, strong, and _rammish_, violent, and American slang _rambunktious_, obstreperous.

RANEGILL, _sb._ a scapegrace, a worthless fellow. Johnnie Gibb, 179, 11. Cp. Norse _rangel_, _ranglefant_, a loafer, rascal.


RANGALE, _sb._ rabble, mob. Wyntoun, VIII, 36, 35; Bruce, XII, 474.

O.N. _hrang_, noise, tumult, especially the noise a crowd makes.

RED, _vb._ to clear away, clear up, set to rights. R.R., 1242; Isaiah, LX, 10. O.N. _hryja_, to clear away, Norse _rydja_, _rydda_, Sw. _rodja_, Dan. _rydde_. Cp. Eng. _rid_, O. Fr.

_hredda, _ O.E. _hreddan_, Norse _redda_, save, liberate.

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Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch Part 13 summary

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