After Daybreak Part 24

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Clive and Ian amble over.

"Just wanted you to know," Clive says, his voice low, hushed, "that your Lessers have been immersed into one of the Night Watchmen units."

"Was there any trouble?"

"Could have been," Clive acknowledges, "but we have a young Watchman who has considerable experience fighting alongside vampires. He convinced the others to give this idea of yours a shot."


"I'm impressed with Anita," Ian says. "Wouldn't have wanted to encounter her during the war."

"She's one of my best," Victor a.s.sures him.

I remember Anita. I saw her in a dream I once shared with Victor. Her hair is nearly white, and she has a striking presence, like she was cut from a beautiful block of marble.

Ian and Clive wander off to get more wine.

"I guess I need to do this." I exhale my breath.

"Remember you're not alone."

I squeeze Victor's hand. I try to imagine how I would react if Tegan told me she was a dhampir. But I just can't envision it.

"Okay, everyone," I call out, "I have an announcement to make, so if you could please gather around."

Tegan drops into a chair, pulls her feet up. Her smile is so big, her eyes so bright that I know she thinks my announcement involves declaring that Victor and I are a couple, maybe even engaged. Rachel and Jeff sit on the couch and hold hands. Clive takes a nearby chair. His feet braced apart, Ian stands at the edge of the circle as though he isn't quite sure he belongs here.

Michael's steady gaze is on me. I think he knows what I'm going to announce. He's leaning against the door, his arms folded across his chest as though he's preparing for battle.

Victor moves in behind me, places his warm hand on the small of my back, steadying me, strengthening my resolve.

Tegan gives the tiniest little squeal. She's probably envisioning what she wants for her bridesmaid's gown.

I swallow with difficulty. The wordsa"

"Okay, there's just no easy way to say this. Michael already knows."

He unfolds his arms. "Dawna""

I shake my head. "Sin didn't lie, Michael."

He takes a step forward. "You don't know that."

"Yes, I do." I turn to the others. "I'm part vampire."

Tegan's smile remains, but it is as though she's frozen in shock and can't get her muscles to move. Rachel and Jeff are looking at each other. Clive is shaking his head. Ian is as still as a statue.

I take another deep breath and rush on. "You know there are fourteen Old Families. Centuries ago, there was a fifteenth. The Montgomerys. I'm a descendant, the result of a vampire mating with a human." Could I get any more clinical, sound any less emotional? "I'm what they call a dhampir."

"Bulls.h.i.+t," Tegan finally says. "If Sin told you thisa""

"He did, and I didn't believe him. But my father left me a recording saying the same thing. He had doc.u.ments to prove it."

Victor slips his arm around my shoulders, brings me in close. "The Vampire Council recognized her claim when we were in New Vampiria. But it does not change who she is."

"Of course it doesn't," Rachel says, but doubt edges her voice.

Tegan pops out of the chair, steps over to me, and gently grabs my wrist. "So you've got a drop of vampiric blood in here somewhere," she says, feeling the pulse on my wrist. She then places her hand on my chest, where my heart is. "But Victor is right. Dawn is in here. And that will never, ever change."

I hug her then and there, and she holds me tight.

"You've been the best friend in the world," I say.

She pulls back and smiles that Tegan smile of hers. "Yeah, I have been pretty good, haven't I?"

Before I can respond, Rachel is skirting past her and wrapping her arms firmly around me. "Of course, you're still you."

"I guess that explains why your family has always understood vampires so well," Clive says, patting my back.

"Her heritage comes with great responsibility," Victor says. Everyone looks at him. "She proved herself worthy of a seat on the Vampire Council. Her vote broke the tie that would have prevented the Old Families from supporting a war against Sin."

"Wish I'd been there to see that," Tegan says.

"Unfortunately"a"I look over at Clivea""every family is required to send a representative to Los Angeles. Since I'm the only Montgomery, I have to go."

"I'll go in your place," Ian suddenly announces.

I snap my gaze over to him. It still doesn't look as though he's moved. "Thank you, Ian. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that, but it has to be a family member."

"So adopt me. Will that work?"

Victor tilts his head back, thinking about it. "There might be a way. You could take a blood oath."

"Let's do it."

"You don't even know what it is," Victor says, smiling.

"It doesn't matter."

I clutch Victor's arm. "I don't want someone else to fight for me."

"There's going to be plenty of fighting to go around, and your place is here."

"Victor's right," Clive says. "Denver needs you."

"Besides, the Night Train is in Los Angeles," Ian says. "I was going to go back for it anyway."

Walking over to him, I place my hands on either side of his face. "Now I know why you're the greatest vampire hunter who ever lived. And it has little to do with the number of vampires you killed." Rising up on my toes, I kiss his cheek.

"You're going to make me blush."

Make him? When I step back, I see that he's already turned red.

"So how does this blood oath thing work?" he asks.

Victor withdraws his stake. "I pierce your palm, then Dawn's. She presses her palm to yours and you'll swear an oath that your blood will always spill before hers."

Ian nods. "I've got so many scars, what's one more?"

Victor digs his stake into Ian's palm until blood pools around it. I see the apology in his eyes when he does the same thing to me. It p.r.i.c.ks, stings, but I don't let the discomfort show.

I flatten my hand against Ian's.

"My blood will always spill before yours," he says.

"I don't know what to say," I whisper. "It's too much."

"Say it will never spill in vain," Victor whispers. "That's your vow to him, a recognition that you value his loyalty."

"I promise it will never spill in vain."

"So it is done," Victor announces.

So it is done.

Chapter 20.

Ian and I return to Valentine Manor with Victor. Ian to await the arrival of the Old Family. Me to help Victor break Eris.

I spend the day with Ian. He regales me with tales from his vampire hunter days.

That evening, Victor, with briefcase in hand, goes to see Eris, alone, asking if she wants to talk.

Ian and I wait in a ma.s.sive office where Victor manages his correspondence. It's a show of extravagance when a room bigger than my entire apartment is used just to write notes and send them away in sealed envelopes. The two French doors, twice my own height, lead to a wonderful balcony that gives an unimpeded view of the countryside.

There isn't much there. Desolate and vast, mountains in the distance seem to breathe cold air over us. The clouds are few and far between on this night, gliding across the sky, avoiding the moon as though out of courtesy for the light it gives.

Victor strides in and sits in an exquisite iron chair.

"Any luck?" Ian asks.

"She told me to go to h.e.l.l."

"That's very un-emissary-like of her," I say.

Victor flashes a smile. "Yes, it is."

"I could take a pa.s.s at her," Ian offers. "She wouldn't be the first vamp I've interrogated."

"She would be the first Day Walker."

Ian shrugs. "They're all afraid of stakes."

Victor considers it, then nods. "All right, Ian, if you wanta""

The door to the office opens and Eustace steps into the room. "Lord Valentine, several guests have just arrived."

"How many?"

"I counted twelve carriages, sir."

The Council. They came through.

Victor, Richard, Faith, Ian, and I go outside to greet the arrivals. The black carriages, each pulled by powerful horses, stand like ma.s.sive coffins in the night. They're ornate, each adorned with the crest of the Old Family it represents. And standing beside them are the vampires themselves.

"Victor Valentine," I hear one of them say. He's huge, pus.h.i.+ng seven feet, his shoulders so broad they would block out the moon if I stood too close.

"Fabian Ferdinand." Victor approaches him and shakes the man's ma.s.sive paw.

"Good to see you again. Ah, and Richard Carrollton."

"The last time I saw you," Richard says, shaking Fabian's hand, "you barely came up to my elbows."

"It's the Ferdinand blood; we grow like weeds. And this . . ." He looks at me and smiles. "This must be Madame Montgomery."

"Pleasure," I say, giving a small curtsy.

"Please, the pleasure is mine. I heard you made quite a splash at the Council meeting."

"There were one or two surprised faces I seem to recall."

Fabian approaches me and his size is even more evident. He gets down on one knee and I can look right into his eyes.

"I knew that one day the Montgomerys would return and take their rightful place," he says.

"Fabian, I don't know how to thank your family enough."

"Simply be proud of who you are. Every breath you take is a reminder that Errol Ferdinand was right. And now, more than ever, it is clear. The Montgomerys were not some monstrosity, nor did they signal the downfall of vampires. The Montgomerys could have saved us from such a terrible war if they had been allowed to live. And now, you can bridge the gap between humans and vampires."

I'm at a loss for words. Fabian simply smiles again and stands. He approaches Victor and Richard.

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After Daybreak Part 24 summary

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