After Daybreak Part 6

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I approach and Richard steps forward, circling me within his st.u.r.dy arms. He almost smells as good as Victor.

"I'm glad you're okay," he says. "We wanted to go backa""

"I wouldn't have been happy if you'd returned for me," I interrupt him.

He smiles. "As you well know, I live to please the ladies."

Faith growls. I think he flirts with me to tease her or maybe just to get her attention. It's always been obvious to me that he has strong feelings for her, but she maintains that vampires can't love. Although considering that her father was one of the most ruthless vampires to ever exist, I suspect she knows very little about the gentler emotions.

She stares at me, trying to decide what to do. So I give her a little help and open my arms. She flicks back her red hair, as if to say what the h.e.l.l, and steps into my embrace.

"Victor would have never forgiven me if something happened to you. I never would've forgiven myself."

"You're sweet when you mean to be."

"I know. I should really stop."

She withdraws with a smile.

"So what are you two doing here?" I ask. "I figured you'd be at Valentine Manor."

Richard exchanges a glance with Victor, before looking over at Clive. "We were strategizing how best to handle things until Victor's return. Now that we know Sin has an army of Day Walkersa""

"It's worse than that," Victor says.

"How could it be worse?" Clive asks.

"He's using a V-Processing center to not only create more Day Walkers but to infect them with the Thirst," I say.

"What does he hope to accomplish?" Ian asks.

"He's creating an unstoppable force," Richard answers. Victor once told me Richard was good at strategy, so I'm not surprised he sees the potential of Sin's scheme. "He doesn't just want to control humans, he wants to control vampires."

"Exactly," Victor admits. "We learned that Sin has every intention of marching across this continent."

"With each city that would fall, he would gain more soldiers, more power," Ian says. "It's how the vampires won the war against us. There's no reason the strategy won't work again."

"So what's our next step?" Clive asks.

Right now, vampires and humans don't seem to exist; the line has been erased. In this room, it's us versus Sin.

"We need to go to the Vampire Council," Victor says. "We need to warn the Old Families. But more than that, we need to convince them we're at war against an enemy they've never imagined. They can mobilize and destroy the V-Processing center in Los Angeles; it's the heart of Sin's entire operation. It'll slow down his acquisition of Day Walkers and converting them to the Infected."

"Do you really think they'll listen?" Clive asks. "I've heard the Vampire Council is a collection of stubborn old fangs."

"Unfortunately, Director, you're correct," Victor says. "That's the reason we'll need Dawn to come with Richard, Faith, and me."

My heart stops, and I feel the warmth heating my cheeks. It's nerves. Very bad nerves. I always knew this was big, that Sin's plans were real and potent. But Victor wanting to take me to New Vampiria, to see the Vampire Council, suddenly brings home the enormity of all that is at risk.

"I'm not sure why Dawn needs to go with you," Clive says.

"Because of what she saw and learned from Sin. A report coming from her directly will carry more weight. She was in the V-Processing center, she saw it for herself. The Council is full of ancient vampires who believe the Thirst is a myth."

"Dawn, we just got you back," Clive says. "How do you feel about this?"

"I need to go, Clive. I want to go."

He sighs. I know he's not happy, but I also know he won't stop me.

"Well, the one piece of good news I have," Clive says, "is that Eris and her Day Walkers haven't been seen since you left. Maybe she's waiting for the right moment, but for now we can all breathe a little easier."

Eris came into Denver in a white carriage, walked straight up to the Agency in the bright sun, and requested I surrender myself to Sin. At the time we didn't understand. Now I see why: He wanted to reveal my past to me; he wanted to give me the chance to face the New World Order by his side. When I left on the Night Train, I thought I was protecting myself and my city. Instead, I ended up falling right into Sin's hands.

"Why do I have a feeling there's bad news?" Victor asks.

Clive clears his throat. "Blood donations are down."

"How much?"


I see a flash of anger in Victor's eyes, and I understand his reaction. He wanted to be different from his father; he wanted to gain blood through peace not threats. But the second he leaves, suddenly there's no blood.

"Why not?" he growls.

"Hursch isn't encouraging anyone. That goes against his duties as the delegate. No one knows that better than Dawn. I think you should replace Hursch with someone more competent, someone who believes in what they do and understands the value of increasing the blood supply."

"I think delegates have outlasted their usefulness," Victor says. "I already have a plan in mind for getting more blood donations."

Oh, no, the microchipping. During one of our shared dreams, Victor told me he was considering it. When he saw how bad things were, how little blood was being given. No, Victor, please, not here, not now.

The door flies open and in strides Roland Hursch. I'm surprised his own slime hasn't stained his expensive gray suit or his perfectly styled hair. He spoke out publicly against me being a delegate every chance he got and now that he's finally got the job, he's making a complete mess of it.

"Unbelievable!" he shouts. "You should have informed me the moment Victor arrived."

"That's Lord Valentine," Victor reminds him with a stern voice that would be foolish to challenge.

Hursch gives a smile and mocking bow. "Of course, Lord Valentine. Why am I the last to know about his visit? Why are there other Old Family vampires in the Agency?"

Clive rubs his eyes, maybe wis.h.i.+ng this would all just go away.

"Rolanda"" Clive begins, opening his eyes.

"That's Mr. Hursch."

Clive sighs. "Mr. Hursch. Perhaps now isn't the best time."

"He's come into our city and our agency. I demand a meeting with him right now."

Clive holds up his hands in an attempt to calm down his belligerent delegate. "Fine. Perhaps you are right. Faith, Richard, if you will be so kind as to wait outside."

"In the parking garage!" Hursch shouts. "Vampire ears are a little too keen."

Faith is about to protest when Victor gives her a sharp look and confirming nod. She shoots him a glare that says, "I'll do it, but I won't like it." Then she and Richard leave.

"Michael, Jeff, Ian. Could you three go speak with the head guardsman downstairs? I believe you may be able to give him advice on how to tighten the city's security." It's a ridiculous task, but Clive shows his diplomacy by not simply dismissing them.

"Dawn can go as well," Hursch says.

"She stays!" Victor and Clive declare simultaneously.

"Okay, then, Mr. Hursch," Clive says. "You have the floor."

"Thank you, Director," Hursch says, turning toward Victor. "One Old Family vampire in the city I understand; exceptions must be made. But three? And you wonder why no one donates blood? You remind them, with these reckless actions, that you have no respect for our walls or the citizens they house. It's an outrage! Why are you even here?"

"To discuss the actions I am taking in order to maintain a steady blood supply."

"Blood supply? We discuss that at the manor each week."

"I will be leaving for several days, Mr. Hursch, and as I find you unable to carry out my wishes, I am here now to discuss them."

Hursch seems to consider for a moment but can't think of the right response. Victor puts his hands behind his back and begins pacing, circling Hursch in the same way a shark might circle its prey.

"Your agency will be embedding microchips into one hundred citizens: young, healthy, and disease-free. I will provide these chips."

"Where will you get them?" Hursch asks, trying to keep his composure but losing it every time Victor comes nearer.

"Prewar technology; I've had them for years, though I never imagined using them. Then again, I never imagined dealing with such an incompetent delegate." Hursch swallows hard, perhaps expecting to be thrown against the wall for his arrogance, something I've seen Victor do before. "These chips will allow me to track the citizens and determine if they have given blood within the past four weeks. If they have not, I will send in my Lessers to take it through an IV."

"You can't do that."

"Watch me!" Victor yells, and Hursch cringes, his eyes only opening after Victor has walked away. "After several months, we will increase the number of citizens being microchipped to five hundred, and then one thousand, with the end goal of two thousand citizens giving regularly. In this way, my Lessers are fed, the Thirst is staved off, and everyone is happy."

He rejoins me, and even though he's still the Victor I love, his speech reminds me harshly that we'll never be able to see things quite the same. At the end of the day, he's a vampire overlord in charge of feeding his vampires, and even if vampiric blood runs in my own veins, I've spent my whole life with humans, and to me they'll always be people before blood sources.

I want to tell Victor that this isn't the way to do it, but I can't undermine his authority in front of Hursch.

"I expect to have a list of three hundred potential candidates by tomorrow," Victor says.

"It can't happen," Hursch responds. "I won't let it."

"Mr. Hursch," Clive says.

"You walk in here anda""

"Mr. Hursch."

"Make demands so impossible thata""

"Mr. Hursch!" Clive shouts so loudly that even I jump. "You may write a report as to your opinion on these matters and present it to me tomorrow morning."


"Until then, you may leave."

Hursch looks at all of us with unbelievable contempt before turning on his heels and storming out, making sure the door slams extra hard on the way out.

After a few moments pa.s.s and we know Hursch won't be returning, Clive spins toward Victor. "Are you serious, Lord Valentine?"


Clive nods, perhaps in understanding of Victor's position. It isn't far from his own as director. Protect those for whom you are responsible, at all costs.

"As you can imagine, I dislike this microchipping idea," he says. "It will spread fear and resentment. Vampires swooping in and taking blood, even if by IV, will recall memories of the war."

Reaching out, I take Victor's hand. He looks at me, and in his eyes, I see determination. He's thinking of his Lessers, but we all need to think of everyone. "You promised me the world I dreamed of. This isn't it."

"I'm sorry, Dawn, but at this moment, I see no alternative."

Clive clears his throat. "We have a special blood reserve," he confesses. "No one else knows about it, not even you, Dawn. And especially not Hursch."

I'm a little offended, but maybe it was for the best. Delegates shouldn't know that an easy solution is right around the corner; that way they negotiate harder.

"It's two weeks' worth of blood," he says. "Once it's gone, it's gone for good and we will be bone dry. But if I release the reserve, will you reconsider this plan of yours?"

Victor stands still, not saying a word, only thinking. After a few tense moments, he agrees. "Yes. But donations must begin again."

"We are trying," Clive a.s.sures him. "Believe me."

"I do. With the blood situation temporarily under control, we can leave for New Vampiria tonight. I'm sorry it's such short notice, but time is no longer on our side."

"I understand. Meanwhile, we have an inner room where those of you allergic to sunlight can stay until nightfall. If you'll gather Richard and Faith with you, I'm sure they'd appreciate it more than a parking garage."

"I'm sure they would," Victor says.

As much as I'd like to stay with him, I know I have a lot to do to get ready for this trip to the Vampire Council. And a guardian to persuade.

Victor touches my hand. "We'll be outside your apartment a few minutes after dark. Be ready."

"Is there anything special I need to pack?"

"Something conservative to wear when you meet the Council members."

"Not the corset and Victorian garb I wore for your father?" It took hours to get dressed.

He grins. "No. A dark suit should be fine."

I'd love to give him a kiss, even just a tiny peck, but not with Clive here. I have to show him that I'm following Victor not because I love him, but because we're doing the right thing.

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After Daybreak Part 6 summary

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