After Daybreak Part 9

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When I release her, I clasp Jeff quickly. "Keep her out of trouble."

"I'll do my best."

Then Victor and I are walking out of the apartment, and I can only hope that it won't be too long before I'm back. We take the elevator down. I wave at the guard at the front door before we step outside. The car is waiting at the curb.

Victor opens the pa.s.senger door for me and I slide in. Faith and Richard are in the backseat. "Hey," I say.

"I never understood that term as a greeting," Faith says. "Isn't that something they feed to horses?"

Her words barely connect with me. My fingers are lightly tapping the leatherette on my lap. Victor tosses my bag in the trunk before getting behind the wheel.

"Took you long enough," Faith says. "What were you guys doing? Having a cup of tea before you left?"

With a sigh, Victor twists around in the seat. "Faith, don't be a pain."

She holds up a hand, palm out. "Excuse me, but I need to pack."

"I'll give you an extra five minutes."



Trying to distract myself, I glance over at Victor. "So vampire siblings squabble, too?"

He grins. "All the time."

"But I'm the one who always wins," Faith says.

"You think that because I make it appear that you've won."

"I'd know if I won or not."

Victor winks at me. "I was willing to give you a half hour to pack, Faith."

"And I was willing to settle for ten."

Laughing, Victor reaches across the console and takes my hand. "This could be a long trip."

I force a smile before glancing out the window. I wish I could laugh with him, but I know what my father was trying to tell me.

My life, everything I've always believed, was built on a foundation of lies and I can feel it s.h.i.+fting beneath me, turning into dust, just as vampires become ash.

With my father's secrets taunting me, the drive to Valentine Manor takes an eternity. But then it appears, a looming silhouette outlined by moonlight.

It's huge. Looks like some sort of medieval castle. I used to hate coming here to meet with Lord Valentine, but now it's Victor's home and it doesn't seem quite as foreboding. Victor stops the car just shy of the ancient front door.

Everyone climbs out. I can sense more than see the Lessers hovering about in the shadows.

"I'll need to speak with my lieutenants and distribute the blood the Agency sent this afternoon," Victor says.

The Agency always places the blood in a refrigerated unit at the back of the house, delivered during the day. It is safer that way. Or at least it was before Day Walkers.

We walk into the house, and the butler approaches. He's the same one who always escorted me to Valentine. He's tall, slender, with hair that drapes down to his shoulders. He bows slightly. "My lord, welcome home."

"Eustace, was the blood delivered?" Victor asks.

"Yes, my lord. And your lieutenants are waiting in the dining hall for your commands."

"Very good. Please escort Miss Montgomery to the dawn room." He squeezes my hand. "I won't be long if you want to wait. . . ." His gaze drops to the leatherette and I imagine he's as curious as I am. He can also sense that I'm dreading what might be inside.

I just nod. I haven't decided yet if I want to be alone with the secrets.

He looks over at Richard. "I want you with me."

"Yes, my liege." He gives a little bow.

"Funny. Just come with me."

As he and Richard walk off down the hallway, Faith murmurs, "This is all so hard on Victor."

"You love him."

She jerks back. "What? No, vampires can't love. I've told you that. But I'm observant. I can see how he's aging."

"Would it be so awful if you could love?"

"Love is a weakness."

"I thought after our talk on the Night Train that you were going to give it a chance."

"Uh . . . no." She turns for the sweeping staircase. "I can imagine what drab things you might have packed. I'll see if I can find something a bit more fas.h.i.+onable for you."

She's taller than I am. More voluptuous. And she wears six-inch spiked heels that are better suited for use as a weapon than walking, but I just say, "Thanks."

She wiggles her fingers at me as she starts up the stairs.

I turn to the butler. "I can find my way to the dawn room."

"Still, please allow me to take you there."

I follow him down the hallway. He doesn't seem to be as stiff and formal as he was when I came here as a delegate. "Are things better under the new Lord Valentine?" I ask.

"He is more tolerant of imperfections," he says tightly.

He leads me into the dawn room, then backs out, closing the door behind him. My breath catches. I've only been here in the dreams that I shared with Victor. It's exactly as it was there. I saw this. I was truly here with him. How is it possible?

Faith told me that he redecorated the room after his father died. All the paintings on the walls represent sunrises. I set the leatherette full of doc.u.ments on the coffee table and walk around the room, studying each work of art. Faith also said they were a tribute to me.

I give a little start when the door opens. Eustace walks in carrying a silver tray with a flowered tea set on it.

"I thought you might like some tea while you are waiting for the master," he says, setting the tray on the coffee table.

"Oh, yes, thank you." I amble over as he pours the tea into the delicate china cup.

"Would you care for sugar?"

"Yes, please. Three teaspoons."

"Ah, you like a little tea with your sugar."

"Sorry. Sweet tooth." I shrug. "And hot tea's not really my thing."

"Oh, my." The china rattles as he quickly picks up the tray. "My apologies. I should have asked what your preference was before I a.s.sumeda""

"No, it's fine." I hold out my hand, trying to rea.s.sure him.

"It's not fine. My responsibility is to see to your comfort. Instead, I've managed to put us both in a very awkward spot."

"Maybe I'll like your tea."

He shakes his head. "No, I've made quite the blunder."

"Truly, it's nota""

Victor strolls in. Thank G.o.d. He studies us both. "Is everything all right?"

"My apologies, my lord. I have not adequately seen to her comfort. She does not favor hot tea."

Helplessly I look at Victor. I don't know how to console Eustace. Victor's lips twitch as he gives his head a small shake.

"It's all right, Eustace. I appreciate your attempt to make her feel welcome."

Eustace straightens his shoulders. "Who does not favor hot tea?"

"I know. It's quite impossible to comprehend."

"What shall I bring?"

"Nothing. We'll be leaving shortly."

"Very good, my lord." He begins walking toward the door.

"Eustace?" I call out.

He freezes, his back stiff. "Yes, miss?"

"Thank you very much for your kindness."

"It is my job."

With that he walks out, closing the door behind him.

"My father would have lashed him for bringing the wrong thing," Victor says. "Sadly, he hasn't gotten used to the fact that I never would."

"Your father got angry over tea?"

"He got angry over everything."

I realize he looks tired.

"Did everything go okay?" I ask.

"We have adequate blood for now. It'll keep the Lessers content until we return, but after that"a"he shakes his heada""I'll deal with it when I get back."

He glances over at the pouch. "Did you open it?"


"It frightens you. Why? What is it that you think your father was talking about?"

"Not frighten exactly." I can see the earnestness and worry in his eyes. I feel like I'm treading water, on the verge of drowning.

"That ancient vampire in the mountaina"" I begin. "His family name was Montgomery."

Victor grows still, processing the information, and I'm not even sure he's breathing. I force out the wordsa"

"Victor . . . I'm a vampire."

I don't know what sort of reaction I expected, but it certainly isn't a smile followed by a quick laugh.

"That's not possible, Dawn. I would know."

"Okay, maybe not a vampire, but a dhampir."

"They're a myth. Like leprechauns, faeries, and werewolves."

"You thought Day Walkers were a myth, too."

That sobers him a bit.

"Think about it, Victor, think about my blood. If it contained vampire, it would explain why for a time you had a craving for it after you tasted it." Once vampires taste the blood of their kind, they risk becoming addicted to it until they are infected with the Thirst.

That totally wipes the smile from his face.

"And our ability to share dreams," I continue, pressing my point. "Faith said that only happens with Old Family."

I can tell that I've left him speechless. I've never seen him like thisa"he seems lost, whereas he usually takes command of any situation. Which means he's as confused and unsettled by all of this as I am.

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After Daybreak Part 9 summary

You're reading After Daybreak. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): J. A. London. Already has 823 views.

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