The Sapphire Cross Part 4

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"But you are safe--not hurt?" she said.

"No--no!" he exclaimed, impetuously. "I--I--"

"Yes--yes, I know. I remember all," she said, eagerly. "I startled you--the pistol went off by accident--it struck me."

She smiled in his face as she spoke, while, burning with grief and shame, he cried:

"Oh, Miss Lee, Miss Lee, has it come to this? Good Heaven! am I fallen so low that I must screen myself in this way? I am a coward--a pitiful--"

"Hush--hus.h.!.+" she cried, and her little hand was laid upon his lips. "I know how you suffered. I was in dread lest you should do anything rashly, and I followed; but it is our--your secret. Let it be hidden for ever. You may trust me."

Philip Norton groaned. "Hidden! How can it be hidden?" he said, as he pointed to her wounded shoulder, when, with the hot blood suffusing her face, she dragged the scarf she wore over the deep stain, and essayed to sit up, but fell back weak, and half fainting.

Laying her gently down, he again fetched water, and bathed her face, when, reviving somewhat, she lay with her eyes half closed, and lips moving gently.

"Did you speak?" he said, as he bent over her.

"No," she said, after a few moments. "I was praying. Will you try to lift me up?"

Philip raised her a little, but she winced from the sharp pain caused by the movement, upon which he desisted; but, with a smile, she begged him to help her to her feet. A few moments' trial, though, showed that she was utterly incapable of walking, when, taking her in his arms, Norton slowly and carefully bore her amidst the pine trees to the edge of the marsh, whence, after a brief rest, he again proceeded, bringing her over the soft, springy ground, till, during a longer rest, he said to her, in sad tones:

"I thought the age of miracles was past, but an angel was sent to stay my hand." Then, heedless of her remonstrance, he continued: "How am I ever to repay you for the injury I have done?"

"By acting as a man should," she said, softly; "by ceasing to be a coward. You," she exclaimed excitedly, "a soldier--a man whom we loved--to fly from suffering like that! It was cruel to all--to Marion--to yourself! How could--"

"For Heaven's sake, spare me!" he groaned. "The sight of what I have done seems to have brought me back to a life of greater suffering. But you need not fear; I will bear it."

Book 1, Chapter VIII.


It was an accident--so people said at Merland, and from being a wonder for a time, it was soon forgotten; and when, pale and weak from many months of illness, Ada Lee was seen out, with the tall bronzed soldier pus.h.i.+ng her invalid chair, or reading to her from some book, the gossips of the village used to prophesy. And yet no word of love had pa.s.sed between the invalid and her companion. Ada's prolonged stay at the Rectory had resulted in Mrs Elstree wis.h.i.+ng her to make it her home, on the grounds of her own loneliness, now that Sir Murray Gernon had, on account of his wife's health, decided to remain in Italy, where he had taken a residence on the of Como. While Ada, continuing weak and ill, accepted Philip's attentions with a smile of pleasure, though there was sorrow at her heart, which bled daily for the sufferings of her companion.

For time seemed to bring no healing to the wounds of Philip Norton, who, apparently disgusted with life, had sold out from the army, to settle down at his own place, Merland Hall, seeing no one, visiting nowhere save at the Rectory.

But the result was what might have been expected. Philip Norton awoke one day to the fact that there was happiness for him yet in this world, and he told himself it would be his duty to devote his life to the suffering invalid--to the blighted woman who paid penalty for his sin.

And one evening, when the sun was glowing ruddily in the west, Philip Norton rested his brown hand upon the thin transparent fingers, and then, in the stillness of the evening, he asked her, in low, earnest tones, if she would take him as her protector.

"Ada," he said, calmly, "I cannot love. You know all; but I owe you my life. Will you take that life now, with such devotion as I can attach to it, such tenderness as time will enable me to weave with it? I know I am but a broken, disappointed man; but you know my weaknesses and sufferings; you can help me to get through my journey, and, perhaps, in time you may learn to love me."

Ere he had finished speaking another trembling, fluttering hand was raised, to be placed upon his strong arm, and then, leaning forward, Ada's poor thin pale lips were pressed upon his hand, as one might salute a king, and then softly whispering to herself the words, "At last! At last! Thank G.o.d!" the invalid sank back in her chair, fainting from the wild tumult of joyful feelings that, in her then weak state, seemed almost more than she could bear.

For Ada Lee was dying; not, perhaps, in the ordinary sense of the word, for she might have lived on for years; but, none the less, she was fading away. One disappointment she had fought down; but the news of Norton's death had preyed heavily upon her. Then had come his return, the shock, the adventures of the wedding-day, and, lastly, the wound.

Her by no means strong const.i.tution had given way beneath this, when, in addition, there had ever been the pang of hope deferred, and the sick heart finding no ease.

It was a strangely unimpa.s.sioned wooing, that of Philip Norton; but Ada was content; and at the end of five years, bright, happy of face, and only slightly more matronly, she came one day into her husband's study, to find him stern and thoughtful--looks which pa.s.sed away as if by magic, as the st.u.r.dy little fellow she led by the hand ran to him and climbed upon his knee.

"Is there anything the matter?" exclaimed Ada anxiously, as she leaned upon her husband's shoulder.

"Matter! No, love!" said Norton, heartily--another man now, his face lighting up with pleasure as his child s.n.a.t.c.hed first at pens, then at paper, everything within reach--"unless it is with this young rebel; but what made you ask?"

"Philip," she said, softly, "you keep nothing from me, dear: do not begin now."

"Well, there," he said, "I won't;" and he drew her nearer towards him.

"Heaven forbid that I should from the woman to whom I owe life and happiness such as no other man could enjoy. But you see," he said, slightly hesitating, "I have been over to the Rectory this morning."

"Yes," said Ada, anxiously.

"And they have had a letter from Italy."

"Well, Philip?" she said, laying her head against his cheek, as one arm drew her nearer and nearer, while the other toyed with the boy's curls.

"Well, darling, it is nothing; but I could not help it: the news seemed to cause me a vague feeling of uneasiness--nothing but a pa.s.sing cloud-- for thoughts will go backwards sometimes. Not complimentary, that," he said, laughing; "but I meant no more, love, than a general reference to old troubles."

"I know--I know," she said, with unruffled countenance; "but what was the news?"

"Well, dear, it was that workmen are to be sent up to the Castle directly; and there's to be painting, and paper-hanging, and re-furnis.h.i.+ng, and Heaven knows what beside; and I was thinking that Merland has done for years past now uncommonly well with the Castle in its present state, and that, if I had my will, it should remain as it is."

"And all this means, dear?" said Mrs Norton, quietly.

"Yes, of course," laughed Norton. "Now, did you ever see anything like the dog? Both his fingers in the ink! Yes, it means, of course, that after five years of absence the Gernons are coming home."

Book 1, Chapter IX.


The old love of change and adventure, which in earlier life had led Philip Norton into seeking a commission in the Indian army, clung to him still, and sometimes for days--sometimes even for weeks together, he would absent himself from home, journeying north or south, or even going abroad without making the slightest preparation. He would laugh on his return, and own that it was eccentric; but, perhaps, before many weeks had elapsed, he would again take his departure, while Ada never complained, for by constant study of his character, she felt that to some extent she now knew him well. He had given up all his former pursuits; ambition, too, had been set aside, and he had buried himself in the old Lincolns.h.i.+re retreat, apparently content with his wife's companions.h.i.+p--for visitors seldom crossed the steps of Merland Hall.

"I am not fit for society," Norton used to say, with a smile; and seeing how at times an unsettled, feverish fit would come upon him, resulting in some far off, aimless journey, from which he would return happy and content, Ada quietly forbore all murmurings, accepting her fate, thankful for the quiet, tender affection he displayed towards her. She used at last to laugh about his hurried departures, and long, purposeless trips, telling him that they acted as safety-valves for letting off the pent-up excitement of his nature, and he, taking her words in all seriousness, would earnestly accept her definition.

"I know it seems strange and wild, and even unkind to you, dear; but I think sometimes that if I were chained down entirely to one place I should lose my reason. These fits only come on at times; perhaps during a walk, and then the inclination is so strong that I do not feel either the power or desire to battle with it."

Ada Norton felt no surprise, then, the morning after that on which the news respecting the Gernons had been received, when asking one of the servants if she had seen her master, she learned that he had been driven across to the town, and that the groom had just come back with the dog-cart.

It was nothing new, but taken in conjunction with the last night's conversation, it caused no slight uneasiness in her breast, and as she sat watching the gambols of their child, the weak tears began to course one another down her cheeks. For she felt that he was unsettled by the tidings they had heard; and for a few moments her heart beat rapidly as she recalled the past, trembling for her own empire when thinking of Marion Gernon's return.

Would not the old feeling of love come back, and would they not both hate her? Marion, for her possession of him who should have been her husband; Philip, for her ceaseless efforts to enlace herself round his heart. For, after all, he could not truly love her: he had been gentle, tender, affectionate, ever ready to yield to her every desire, almost wors.h.i.+pping his boy. In short, upon reviewing calmly her married life, with the sole exception of those occasional absences, she was obliged to own that she had all that she could desire, and that, however wanting in the wild, pa.s.sionate, and romantic, Philip Norton's love for her was imbued with that tender gentleness, based on admiration, trust, and faith, which was far more lasting and satisfying to the soul--a love that would but increase with years; and at last, with an impatient stamp of the foot, she wiped away her tears, upbraiding herself for her want of trust and faith in her n.o.ble husband, accusing herself of misjudging him. Catching up her boy, she covered him with kisses, her face lighting up with a joyful maternal pride in the strong link which had been sent to bind them together.

"Heaven helping me," she muttered, "I'll never doubt him."

It was a grave promise--a vow hard to keep, as circ.u.mstances wove themselves in the future; and more than once Ada Norton had the excuse of sore temptation; but how she bore herself, how she kept faith in her husband under circ.u.mstances that might well raise doubts in the most trusting woman's heart, will be seen in the sequel.

Book 1, Chapter X.


There had been busy doings at the Castle, and Merland village was in an intense state of excitement. Old Chunt--Jonathan Chunt, who kept the "Black Bull"--said that there was to be some life in the place at last.

He knew, for he had it from Mr Gurdon--old Gurdon's lad, but _Mr_ Gurdon now, and an awfully big man in his master's estimation. He was butler now, and had come over to superintend the getting in order of the place, for Sir Murray was fond of company, and there were to be no end of gaieties at the Castle. Mr Gurdon was setting the old servants to rights and no mistake, for he'd got full power, and they hadn't had such a waking up for long enough. Why, what with company's servants coming down to the "Bull," and post-horses now and then, and one thing and another, it would be a little fortune to him, Chunt said. Time there was a change, too: keeping a house like that shut up for the rats to scamper across the floors, was injuring the trade of the village, where there was no one else but the old people at the Rectory, and them Nortons, who might just as well be a hundred miles off, shutting themselves up as they did.

Chunt knew, and he imparted his knowledge, with no end of nods and winks, to his fellow-tradesmen, as he termed them--to wit, Huttoft, the saddler, who made nothing but harness, and Mouncey, the baker, when they came in for a gla.s.s.

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The Sapphire Cross Part 4 summary

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