The Bride Hunt: Lightning Dragon Part 21

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"You should've told me. You also should've mentioned that s.h.i.+fters become really attached. That you can't end up cheating."

He put her down, breaking the contact. "If I had told you, it would've been hot air. You needed to figure that out for yourself. You would've figured it out ... you will. I meant it when I said I was coming for you. There will still be time for that to happen."

She shook her head. "You're not giving up your life for a woman who's not willing to take a risk on you. Blaze was right."

Thunder's jaw ticked. "Blaze doesn't know what the f.u.c.k he's talking about." This was her attempt at a 'Dear John'. Tammy was going to try and talk him out of giving up on his people for her. It wasn't what he wanted but he couldn't help what he needed. Tammy had become a part of him.

"Blaze is right. I'm the one who was wrong." She grabbed both his hands. "I love you too. Very much." She pinched her lips and seemed to hold her breath.

Thunder frowned. What was Tammy trying to say? Then he smiled and squeezed her hands as hope unfurled. Then he frowned some more. Did she mean it? Was this a trick, a test? What the h.e.l.l was this? "What do you mean too? I never got a chance to tell you."

"Yeah, you did. You've shown me what I mean to you. Through your actions, those little gestures. They mean so much to me. You mean so much to me. Thank you for showing me your love. I'm here to tell you that I love you too and I plan on showing you right back ... every day if you'll let me. I plan on doing a much better job of it."

Thunder grinned. "You love me?" She loved him. His female really and truly loved him!

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out."

He picked her up and swung her around. "I'm so happy. So unbelievably ... Wait a minute. You leave in the morning. This doesn't change anything." f.u.c.k!

"Yes it does. Blaze is a sneaky sneak."

"A what?" he growled.

"He's a sneaky s.h.i.+t," she grinned. He didn't catch her point but Blaze was a sneaky motherf.u.c.ker.

He had to cringe though. "Don't let him hear you say that."

"I happen to really like the guy."

"You do?" It came out sounding like a grumble. His female liked the f.u.c.ker. Thankfully Blaze was mated or Thunder might get jealous. Who was he kidding, he was seriously jealous.

"Not in that way ... shees.h.!.+ This whole mating instinct thing is affecting you badly."

"Yeah, it is," he gave a half smile and he could see that she forgave him in an instant.

"Blaze put us in rooms right next to each other. He sent Roxy to set things straight with me. I needed to know a few things."

"Like what?" He didn't look too sure.

"Like what an a.s.s I am. Like how sweet you are."

"You're not an a.s.s," his eyes glazed over a little. "You have a stunning a.s.s though."

"Let's not talk about my a.s.s just yet. He did all of this in the hope that I would come to my senses, and I have. We have until first light to make this official." She chewed on her lip. "If you'll still have me, you can mate me now."

"As in, right now?"

"Yes." She was suddenly nervous that he would turn her down. "It's now or never because I won't let you give up your throne. I can't let that happen."

Chapter 23.

Thunder looked thoughtful for a moment. Three steps later and he was tossing her on the bed. The need to claim her was overtaking everything. His scales rubbed like mad. He ripped his pants off. Couldn't get them off fast enough. Tammy's eyes widened. There was excitement in their depths. Then he got onto the bed, unable to take his eyes off of her. Thunder straddled her. Claim. Now. He ripped her clothes off as well. b.u.t.tons went flying and fabric tore between his fingers like paper.

"I can't promise to be gentle," he growled.

"Please don't be." She gripped his shoulders.

"I love you, Tammy."

"I know." She reached up and kissed him. "I love you too."



"I'll try not to hurt you." His hands shook.

She squirmed, her eyes glinted. "You won't."

"I might." He was worried. "Turn over," his voice was guttural, his beast taking over. It wanted her on all fours.

Tammy rolled over, his female put that lush a.s.s of hers in the air. Her p.u.s.s.y glistened. "I'm going to mate you now and you need to know upfront that I will bite you. I will hold you down but I swear I'm going to make you feel good." His mouth watered, his teeth felt sharp against his tongue.

"Sounds good," she was out of breath even though they hadn't done a d.a.m.n thing yet. She pushed her lush a.s.s towards him.

"You are perfect for me." He gripped her hips.

"We're perfect for each other." She cried out as his thumb skimmed over that tiny little bud of nerves. All he wanted was to take her. His dragon was still insisting he do it now but he needed to prepare her.

He dipped the tip of his finger into her snug p.u.s.s.y. "So f.u.c.king wet." His scales rubbed a whole lot more. His teeth felt sharp against his tongue. He strummed her c.l.i.t and she mewled. Arching her back.

"I'm going to mate you now, Tammy."

"Please. I need you," she sounded breathless and needy. Her legs were splayed wide but he pulled them wider still. He needed her open and submissive. He needed her, period.

"Don't fight me," he growled as he positioned his d.i.c.k against her slick channel. "I'll try and go easy."

"Need you. Please." His tiny human knew how to beg. "Oh G.o.d!" she shrieked as he sheathed himself inside her in one hard thrust. His hips. .h.i.t her a.s.s. Her lush a.s.s.

"Say my name," he growled.

"Thunder," her voice quivered.

"Do you want this?"

"Yes." A whimper.

"You are mine, Tammy and I'm yours." He struggled to stay still. His whole body vibrated with need.

"Yes." A breathy whisper. "I love you, Thunder."

"I'm very far f.u.c.king gone. I need to claim you but I'm scared of hurting you."

"I won't break," she moaned loudly and he realized that his thumb was turning lazy circles on her c.l.i.t. His other hand held on tightly to her hip, his fingers making indents on her flesh. "Please, Thunder. I want you. I need you. I won't fight you. I know this whole mating instinct thing is driving you nuts. Believe it or not, I feel it too. You can f.u.c.k me hard and hold me down and do any of the other things you want to do. I'm yours, let's make it official."

He pulled out on a low growl and plunged back in. Thunder pushed her down on the bed, he continued to thrust into her welcoming flesh. He could feel the sweat bead on his brow. "Feels so good," his voice was gruff. Her a.s.s bounced each time his hips collided with the lush mounds.

She arched her back. His dragon didn't like it. In the beast's mind she was trying to get away. He gripped her shoulder, holding her down, using his other hand to push her flush onto the bed. Take it easy! He loosened his grip. His female moaned. Thunder crouched over her, caging her in with his body. His female mewled and her p.u.s.s.y fluttered. It felt like she was about to come. He couldn't be sure though and it worried him. Tammy was breathing heavily, her eyes were wide, her mouth was open. She might also be panicking. He tried to ease off but couldn't do it. If anything, the need to f.u.c.k her harder coursed through him, took ahold of him.

"Yes!" she screamed. "Please."

Her s.e.x tightened around him and she made a strange, high-pitched keening noise that told him she was diving over the edge. Thank f.u.c.k! At last, a feeling of calm descended. At the same time, his blood rushed and his b.a.l.l.s pulled tighter than ever before.

"Mine!" he snarled as he sank his teeth into her neck.




His own pleasure rushed through him in that instant. He released her neck as power surged through him and into her. Tammy went ridged for a split second, her sheath so tight he physically hurt. Then she screamed. Thunder kept moving, or at least tried to, his whole body felt like it was spasming around her, in her.

At long last, he was able to slow, he moved in slow easy, circular thrusts wringing out the last drops of pleasure for his female. He was dripping with sweat. They both were. He was sure to keep his weight off of her. Thunder was loath to pull out. He wanted to stay joined with her but he needed to make sure she was fine.

Her eyes were closed, her breathing had evened out. Her mouth still hung open. The bite wound was raw. It was more severe than he had planned. It would leave a scar, which was customary for a dragon female. Tammy was a human. She was fragile and weak. Something lodged in his throat and his chest hurt.

Thunder laved at the wound. It would seal quickly. Now that they were mated, her senses would improve, her healing capabilities would improve as well. It didn't make him feel any better. Tammy didn't react, she looked unconscious. He felt his brow knit as worry tightened his chest.

"Tammy?" With a grunt, Thunder withdrew from her heat. He moved in next to her and cradled her in his arms. "Sweetheart," he tried again.

She moaned and her eyelashes fluttered.

"Tammy!" his voice held a more frantic edge, he lifted her into a sitting position, still cradling her in his arms. Her head lolled for a moment before she rested her cheek against his chest.

"That was ..." her voice croaked, her eyes were still closed. She swallowed thickly.

"Too much. I hurt you." He wiped the hair from her brow. Her face was flushed. "I'm so sorry. My dragon ... I just ..."

"No," her voice was thick, she sounded half asleep.

"Yes." He cradled her closer.

She gave a drunk looking smile and cracked her eyes open for a second. "That was amazing," she whispered, closing her eyes again.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I was too rough and I ..."

"You were very naughty." She nipped at his pec and he grunted as her teeth sank into his flesh. His d.i.c.k took note.

Not now! Down, boy! She was obviously delirious. "Should I get a healer?" His heart beat wildly.

Tammy giggled, she wrapped her arms around his neck and she finally opened her eyes. "You've been holding out on me."

Thunder cupped her cheek, he looked deep into her eyes which were "I think you might be running a fever. I must have hurt you. You ..."

She gripped his hand and kissed the palm. "I'm perfectly fine. Please can you explain what just happened and why you lied to me." She had a goofy smile on her face and had a slow blink going on. In short, she looked tipsy. He'd seen females after they'd had too much to drink.

"I never lied. Tammy," he could hear the frustration in his voice. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine ... it's the s.e.x ... oh my G.o.d!" she smiled, looking more like herself. "You lied when you said I only have two G-spots. That felt like I have a whole lot more, like all over my body. What was that?" she spoke quickly, her eyes wide. "Holy s.h.i.+t! I think I was unconscious for a minute there."

"Yeah," he touched her brow. "That isn't happening again."

Tammy slapped his hand away. "Oh yes it is. I loved it." She straddled him, her nipples abrading his chest. "Remember that vacation you told your brother we were taking? Well, it's happening and we're doing that ... lots and lots of times."

Something eased in him. "I wasn't too rough then?"

She shook her head, threading her fingers around his neck. "No way."

The wound on her neck was already healing. It didn't look as bad. Then again, maybe he had been so worried earlier that it seemed worse than it really was. "I won't bite you quite as hard." He touched the bite mark.

"I like the whole biting thing." She bobbed her eyebrows and bit his neck. Thunder growled as her teeth sunk into him. "Do you like that?" Her voice held a timid edge.

"Very much," the words left him in a deep rumble and his d.i.c.k gave a twitch between their bodies.

She pulled her lips into her mouth for a moment. He could see that she was thinking about something. "You need to tell me what you like. What makes you happy. I want to make you happy, Thunder."

"You do," he answered without hesitation. He turned her so that he was between her legs with Tammy flat on her back. She gave a squeal.

"I f.u.c.king love anything to do with you," his voice was deep, his chest vibrated against her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her nipples hardened. "I love being inside you, your mouth on me, your teeth on me ... all of it and everything."

"Oh ... good." A breathy sigh. "I feel the same," she smiled shyly.

"For the record ..."

"Yeah?" She pulled her lower lip between her teeth.

"I never lied, you only have two G-spots ... but you also have five hundred and twenty-three erogenous zones."

She sucked in a breath. "Show off! I can't believe you know the exact number," she shook her head.

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The Bride Hunt: Lightning Dragon Part 21 summary

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