The Girl from Sunset Ranch Part 23

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It was a very serious trouble to Helen that she was not to buy and disport herself in pretty frocks and hats. The desire to dress prettily and tastefully is born in most girls--just as surely as is the desire to breathe. And Helen was no exception.

She was obstinate, however, and could keep to her purpose. Let the Starkweathers think she was poor. Let them continue to think so until her play was all over and she was ready to go home again.

Her experience in the great city had told Helen already that she could never be happy there. She longed for the ranch, and for the Rose pony--even for Big Hen Billings and Sing and the rag-head, Jo-Rab, and Manuel and Jose, and all the good-hearted, honest "punchers" who loved her and who would no more have hurt her feelings than they would have made an infant cry.

She longed to have somebody call her "Snuggy" and to smile upon her in good-fellows.h.i.+p. As she walked the streets n.o.body appeared to heed her. If they did, their expression of countenance merely showed curiosity, or a scorn of her clothes.

She was alone. She had never felt so much alone when miles from any other human being, as she sometimes had been on the range. What had Dud said about this? That one could be very much alone in the big city? Dud was right.

She wished that she had Dud Stone's address. She surely would have communicated with him now, for he was probably back in New York by this time.

However, there was just one person whom she had met in New York who seemed to the girl from Sunset Ranch as being "all right." And when she made up her mind to do as her uncle had directed about the new frock, it was of this person Helen naturally thought.

Sadie Goronsky! The girl who had shown herself so friendly the night Helen had come to town. She worked in a store where they sold ladies' clothing.

With no knowledge of the cheaper department stores than those she had seen on the avenue, it seemed quite the right thing to Helen's mind for her to search out Sadie and her store.

So, after an early breakfast taken in Mr. Lawdor's little room, and under the ministrations of that kind old man, Helen left the house--by the area door as requested--and started downtown.

She didn't think of riding. Indeed, she had no idea how far Madison Street was. But she remembered the route the taxicab had taken uptown that first evening, and she could not easily lose her way.

And there was so much for the girl from the ranch to see--so much that was new and curious to her--that she did not mind the walk; although it took her until almost noon, and she was quite tired when she got to Chatham Square.

Here she timidly inquired of a policeman, who kindly crossed the wide street with her and showed her the way. On the southern side of Madison Street she wandered, curiously alive to everything about the district, and the people in it, that made them both seem so strange to her.

"A dress, lady! A hat, lady!"

The buxom Jewish girls and women, who paraded the street before the shops for which they worked, would give her little peace. Yet it was all done good-naturedly, and when she smiled and shook her head they smiled, too, and let her pa.s.s.

Suddenly she saw the st.u.r.dy figure of Sadie Goronsky right ahead. She had stopped a rather over-dressed, loud-voiced woman with a child, and Helen heard a good deal of the conversation while she waited for Sadie (whose back was toward her) to be free.

The "puller-in" and the possible customer wrangled some few moments, both in Yiddish and broken English; but Sadie finally carried her point--and the child--into the store! The woman had to follow her offspring, and once inside some of the clerks got hold of her and Sadie could come forth to lurk for another possible customer.

"Well, see who's here!" exclaimed the Jewish girl, catching sight of Helen. "What's the matter, Miss? Did they turn you out of your uncle's house upon Madison Avenyer? I never _did_ expect to see you again."

"But I expected to see you again, Sadie; I told you I'd come," said Helen, simply.

"So it wasn't just a josh; eh?"

"I always keep my word," said the girl from the West.

"Chee!" gasped Sadie. "We ain't so partic'lar around here. But I'm glad to see you, Miss, just the same. Be-lieve me!"



The two girls stood on the sidewalk and let the tide of busy humanity flow by unnoticed. Both were healthy types of youth--one from the open ranges of the Great West, the other from a land far, far to the East.

Helen Morrell was brown, smiling, hopeful-looking; but she certainly was not "up to date" in dress and appearance. The black-eyed and black-haired Russian girl was just as well developed for her age and as rugged as she could be; but in her cheap way her frock was the "very latest thing," her hair was dressed wonderfully, and the air of "city smartness" about her made the difference between her and Helen even more marked.

"I never s'posed you'd come down here," said Sadie again.

"You asked was I turned out of my uncle's house," responded Helen, seriously. "Well, it does about amount to that."

"Oh, no! Never!" cried the other girl.

"Let me tell you," said Helen, whose heart was so full that she longed for a confidant. Besides, Sadie Goronsky would never know the Starkweather family and their friends, and she felt free to speak fully. So, without much reserve, she related her experiences in her uncle's house.

"Now, ain't they the mean things!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Sadie, referring to the cousins. "And I suppose they're awful rich?"

"I presume so. The house is very large," declared Helen.

"And they've got loads and loads of dresses, too?" demanded the working girl.

"Oh, yes. They are very fas.h.i.+onably dressed," Helen told her. "But see! I am going to have a new dress myself. Uncle Starkweather gave me ten dollars."

"Chee!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Sadie. "Wouldn't it give him a cramp in his pocket-book to part with so much mazouma?"


"That's Hebrew for money," laughed Sadie. "But you _do_ need a dress.

Where did you get that thing you've got on?"

"Out home," replied Helen. "I see it isn't very fas.h.i.+onable."

"Say! we got through sellin' them things to greenies two years back,"

declared Sadie.

"You haven't been at work all that time; have you?" gasped the girl from the ranch.

"Sure. I got my working papers four years ago. You see, I looked a lot older than I really was, and comin' across from the old country all us children changed our ages, so't we could go right to work when we come here without having to spend all day in school. We had an uncle what come over first, and he told us what to do."

Helen listened to this with some wonder. She felt perfectly safe with Sadie, and would have trusted her, if it were necessary, with the money she had hidden away in her closet at Uncle Starkweather's; yet the other girl looked upon the laws of the land to which she had come for freedom as merely harsh rules to be broken at one's convenience.

"Of course," said Sadie, "I didn't work on the sidewalk here at first. I worked back in Old Yawcob's shop--making changes in the garments for fussy customers. I was always quick with my needle.

"Then I helped the salesladies. But business was slack, and people went right by our door, and I jumped out one day and started to pull 'em in.

And I was better at it----

"Good-day, ma'am! Will you look at a beautiful skirt--just the very latest style--we've only got a few of them for samples?" She broke off and left Helen to stand wondering while Sadie chaffered with another woman, who had hesitated a trifle as she pa.s.sed the shop.

"Oh, no, ma'am! You was no greenie. I could tell that at once. That's why I spoke English to you yet," Sadie said, flattering the prospective buyer, and smiling at her pleasantly. "If you will just step in and see these skirts--or a two-piece suit if you will?"

Helen observed her new friend with amazement. Although she knew Sadie could be no older than herself, she used the tact of long business experience in handling the woman. And she got her into the store, too!

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The Girl from Sunset Ranch Part 23 summary

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