Yarmouth Notes Part 14

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July 16th.-The Council resolved that "the old tower on the Chapel Mount be levelled with that of the Hospital, and that the wall to the east thereof be faced with white brick and coped with cement."

Mr. Guthrie (son of Capt. Guthrie) had saved a boy from being drowned at the Jetty.

The "Maid of Athens" had been launched from Mr. I. Preston's yard.

July 25th.-The Races had been held. The Town and County Plate of 50 was won by the Hon. I. Sandiland's "Luther," which was "claimed" by Mr. S.

Palmer for 150 (his horse "Diana" running second in the race.)

As Stewards for next year, Henry Stracey, Alexander Shafto Adair, and Samuel Palmer, Esqs., were chosen.

At the Regatta, Lord A. Paget's "Sabrina" won the 25 cup.

When a hea.r.s.e, with mourning coach and friends of the deceased arrived at the Cemetery, it was found that "no orders had been given to dig a grave," and the funeral had to be postponed.

Aug. 16th.-Youell's gardens were "most attractive;" there were 3,000 pairs of carnations and picotees in bloom.

Samuel Jay, Esq., had been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Borough.

Aug. 20th.-A great improvement had been made by lighting the town with gas; the Gas Company having laid down a large main, and reduced the price of gas 25 per cent.

Mr. A. Thrower had been elected a Councillor in the place of Mr. F.


Sept. 3rd.-A meeting had been held at the Town Hall, Wm. Steward, Esq., in the chair, for promoting the erection of a better cla.s.s of houses on the Beach to the south of the Royal Hotel (the Victoria Building Company.)

Mr. John Clowes had been thrown from his gig on the Quay.

Sept. 17th.-Lord and Lady Wodehouse were staying at the Royal Hotel; his Lords.h.i.+p had consented to patronise the New Building Company.

Sept. 24th.-Madame Persiani, and Signors Nigri, Rubini, and Puzzi, had given a grand concert at the Town Hall.

A meeting of the provisional Committee of the Victoria Building Company had been held, and 8,000 had been subscribed for the objects of the Company.

Oct. 8th.-The prospectus of the Victoria Building Company appears in this issue, the Directors being William Steward, William Baynes, Benjamin Dowson, Richard Ferrier, William Johnson, Robert Palmer Kemp, John E.

Lacon, George Danby Palmer, Thomas Fowler Steward, and Charles Symonds, Esqs.

A letter had been received at the Post-office, directed "Mr. Thompson, Row next my grandmother's, Yarmouth."

Nov. 5th.-The following was the result of the election:-


J. N. Sherrington 119 J. C. Smith 98 C. G. Doughty 116 J. F. Costerton 68 NELSON WARD.

M. Butcher and J. G. Connell (no opposition.) ST. ANDREW'S WARD.

Wm. Barth 100 John G. Rivett 77 Wm. Danby Palmer 88 Henry Teasdell 56 ST. GEORGE'S WARD.

Joseph Bayly 89 John Algar 89 John L. Cufaude 89 Charles Cory 83 And the Alderman gave his casting vote in favour of Messrs Bayly and Cufaude REGENT WARD.

Samuel Palmer and John Barker (no opposition.) MARKET WARD.

D. A. Gourlay and Charles Miller (no opposition.)

A deputation had waited on Mr. Samuel Palmer and presented a requisition to him, to be put in nomination for the office of Mayor. Mr. W. Johnson presented this, signed by 40 members of the Council.

The "Hamlet," 400 tons, had been launched from Mr. A. Palmer's, jun., yard.

Nov. 12th.-Mr. Samuel Palmer had been elected Mayor.

Nov. 26th.-Richard Ferrier and Charles Cory, Esqs., refused to pay the Poor's Rate, and a distress warrant was issued, under which a clock, a silver cup, and a hat stand had been seized. The object of these gentlemen appeared to be to dispute the validity of a Rate of 1s. 3d. in the .

Dec. 3rd.-The Council had voted the usual loyal addresses on the birth of the Princess Royal.

Dec. 10th.-A public meeting had been held for the like purpose when the address to Her Majesty was moved by the Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew, and seconded by Wm. Steward, Esq.

That to Prince Albert, by Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and George Danby Palmer, Esq.

And that to the Duke of Kent by Sir George Parker, K.C.B., and J. G.

Fisher, Esq., S. Palmer, Esq., Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and Sir George Parker, were deputed to present such addresses.

Dec. 17th.-A meeting of the s.h.i.+pwrecked Mariners' Society had been held.

The local committee then consisted of Messrs. G. W. Manby, Isaac Preston, W. J. Hurry, G. D. Palmer, J. W., Costerton, Capt. Harmer, J. G.

Fisher, D. Turner, Gunthorpe, Ambrose Palmer, W. Barth, John Penrice, M.

Butcher, and Capt. Pearson.

Dec. 24th.-An anti-slavery meeting had been held (the Mayor in the chair.)

Dec. 31st.-The teetotallers had had a procession. Among their flags a new one by the workmen of Mr. Brand (tailor) on which was painted a lifeboat, with the motto "Total Abstinence, the Drunkard's Lifeboat."

Samuel Jay, Charles Pearson, William Johnson and J. W., qualified as Magistrates at the Quarter Sessions.

[Picture: Decorative graphic]


"When found, make a note of"-



Jan. 14th.-A meeting for the relief of the poor had been held, when 300 was raised in the room.

Jan. 21st.-Mr. E. R. Palmer had been appointed Inspector of Corn Returns.

Jan. 28th-The "Greyhound" (Barker) had arrived at Naples in fifteen days, "being the quickest pa.s.sage ever known."

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Yarmouth Notes Part 14 summary

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