Yarmouth Notes Part 17

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A meeting, convened by circular, had been held to consider Sir Robert Peel's proposed "Income Tax." The Mayor presided; Mr. S. Cobb moved and Mr. G. D. Palmer seconded, a resolution to the effect "That it is the duty of the meeting by every const.i.tutional means in its power to resist the income tax proposed by Sir R. Peel."

Mr. E. H. L. Preston moved, and Mr. C. Cory seconded as an amendment, "That the Mayor be instructed to call a meeting of the public," which was lost by 31 to 34.

A pet.i.tion was to be "got up" against the tax.

April 7th.-It was rumoured that Jas. M. c.o.x had been killed by W. B.

Ebbage, but the Jury found that he died from "mis-adventure."

April 14th.-A Hemsby boat, which had put off to a vessel, had been lost and nine hands drowned out of her.

May 5th.-The Vauxhall Gardens had been opened for the season, and 100 gentlemen had partaken of a cold collation there on the occasion.

Charges of manslaughter had been preferred before the Magistrates in respect of the cases of Ebbage and c.o.x.

May 19th.-The Mayor had attended the Levee and presented addresses to H.M. the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Duke of Kent, on the birth of the Prince of Wales.

June 9th.-Mr. Matthew Hastings Swann had had the degree of "Doctor of Philology" conferred on him by the University of Berlin.

The Victoria hotel had been completed, and was to be opened by Mr. b.a.l.l.s of St. James' Square, London.

June 23rd.-The Victoria hotel had been opened with a public dinner, at which J. E. Lacon, Esq., presided.

June 30th.-At the Hospital meeting it was stated that the annual subscriptions had amounted to 334 9s., and the benefactions to 150 0s.

5d., the expenditure being 357 18s. 3d. 76 in-patients and 829 out-patients had been relieved. Geo. Penrice, Esq., M.D., was re-elected physician, and J. C. Smith and Geo. Bateman, Esqs., were re-elected surgeons.

July 14th.-Commissioners had been appointed for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the Income Tax Act.

July 21st.-Samuel Palmer, Esq., had been chosen clerk to such Commissioners.

July 28th.-A prospectus had been issued for the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng "Shampooing Baths" at Yarmouth.

The Mayor had attended the Water Frolic; the first match was won by the "Red Rover" (S. C. Marsh, Esq.)

August 4th.-There had been a fire at Mr. Harvey's tan yard.

August 11th.-The first general meeting of the shareholders in the Yarmouth and Norwich Railway had been held at the Victoria hotel, Geo.

Stephenson, Esq., in the chair. It was stated that the line would be probably opened in the Spring of 1844, that the expenses already incurred would not exceed 10,000, and that 8,000 shares had been taken up.

August 25th.-A "young lady from Lincolns.h.i.+re," about 18 years of age, had eloped from lodgings on the Beach with a Yarmouth gentleman.

Sept. 8th.-At the Races, the Gold Cup was won by Mr. Wilshere's "Evasion"; the Vauxhall Stakes by Mr. H. Stracey's "Protempore"; the Member's Plate, and the Gentlemen's Plate by Mr. S. Palmer's "Everilda"; and the Handicap Stakes by Mr. Bignold's "Camille."

Strenuous endeavours were made to "put down low gambling," but the gamblers appeared to have found refuge in the public-houses, notably at the King's Head Inn, Market Place.

The "Bruce" had been launched from Mr. Chapman's yard.

Sept. 15th.-The Mayor (W. Johnson, Esq.), had entertained 100 friends at luncheon, on Sunday, after attending Church, where the Hon. and Rev. E.

Pellew had preached in aid of the Charity Schools, established in 1713.

The Race ball had been held at the Bath Rooms, which only 68 persons had attended.

Sailing matches had been held on the river, the starting place had being opposite the monument, when the "Red Rover" (S. C. Marsh), beat the "Maria" (Sir J. Preston), and the "Neptune" (J. Green). The Royal Sovereign won the Yawl Match.

Sept. 22nd.-H.M. the Queen had pa.s.sed through the roads in the "Trident,"

accompanied by two other steamers.

Sept. 29th.-The "India" had, after extensive repairs, been launched from Mr. A. R. Palmer's yard.

Mr. R. Lubbock had launched the "Isabella" (200 tons) for S. Sherrington, Esq.

Oct. 6th.-One of Mr. Shuckford's boats had brought in 23 lasts of herring, valued at 700.

Oct. 13th.-The Corn Exchange in Regent Street had been opened, when 150 gentlemen dined together. B. Dowson, Esq., was chairman, and Messrs J.

E. Laws and Thos. Barber were vice-chairmen. The Mayor, G. Danby-Palmer, Esq., Sir E. Lacon, Bart., and others being present.

Oct. 20th.-There had been a fire at the "New Commercial" club house.

Nov. 3rd.-A prisoner named Lessey complained to the Judge of the Insolvent Debtors' Court that he had lain in prison for 23 weeks before he obtained his discharge, and had then been arrested again at the suit of his solicitor for 19 19s. 4d. and was thus again a prisoner.

The following Councillors had been elected:-

_North Ward_: Mr. W. H. Bessey and Mr. C. May (vice Mr. E. H. L. Preston retired.)

_Market Ward_: Mr. E. Sewell and Mr. S. Miller, jun. (vice Mr. E. N.

Clowes, resigned). The polling being for

Sewell 162 Miller 142 Richmond 29 J. Lawn 29

_Regent Ward_: Messrs. C. Davie and J. Fish (re-elected.)

_St. George's Ward_: Mr. Lettis and P. Pullyn, Esq. (vice A. Woods, Esq., resigned.)

_Nelson Ward_: Messrs. Robinson and Symonds (re-elected.)

_St. Andrew's Ward_: Messrs. Thrower and W. H. Palmer (re-elected.)

Nov. 10th.-At the Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. R. Hammond proposed and Capt. Pearson seconded, the election of Samuel Palmer, Esq., as Mayor; and Mr. Brightwen moved and Mr. C. Davie seconded, William Hurry Palmer, Esq., for that office. A warm debate ensued, during which Mr. S. Cobb was somewhat violent, and in the result Mr. S. Palmer was elected by 23 to 13 votes.

Those voting for Mr. S. Palmer were Messrs. W. Hammond, C. Pearson, W. D.

Palmer, G. D. Palmer, J. Fiddes, H. Fellows, T. Lettis, jun., S. C.

Marsh, J. Tomlinson, T. Hammond, J. G. Cannell, J. Fish, M. Butcher, J.

Crow, W. Chambers, J. L. Cufaude, J. Bayly, T. Lettis, R. Hammond, J.

Barker, B. Fenn, A. Thrower, and S. Cobb. And for Mr. W. H.

Palmer-Messrs. J. Brightwen, C. Miller, E. Sewell, C. Davie, S. Robinson, D. A. Gourlay, S. Miller, jun., W. Wors.h.i.+p, C. May, J. Owles, J. N.

Sherrington, J. Symonds, and W. N. Burroughs.

In the evening a dinner took place at the Star Hotel, the Mayor in the chair.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 17 summary

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