Yarmouth Notes Part 33

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Preston to that office, when the voting was, for Mr. Gourlay 27 and for Mr. Preston 14.

Nov. 17th.-A "Sanitary Inquiry" had been held before Wm. Lee, Esq.

Dec. 22nd.-Mr. Jas. Jackson had been elected a Councillor for the North Ward in the place of Richard Hammond, Esq., who had been appointed an Alderman, vice S. Cobb, Esq., deceased.

Dec. 30th.-35 13s. 6d. had been paid by Mr. Sloman to the funds of the Hospital, on account of the profits derived from the sale of hymn books.

The inmates of the Workhouse had been regaled with a dinner of plum pudding and roast beef, with a pint of strong beer each.


Jan. 5th.-At the Hospital meeting it was stated that 96 4s. 11d. had been collected for that inst.i.tution on the general Fast Day. Mr. B.

Dowson occupied the chair, and Messrs. G. D. Palmer, J. G. Cannell, W.

Steele, W. H. Palmer, and Dr. Impey took part in the proceedings.

Jan. 12th.-The Haven Commissioners were being urged to lengthen the Jetty, to enable vessels to land there when they could not enter the port.

Jan. 19th.-An address of condolence had been voted by the Town Council to the Queen on the occasion of the death of the Queen Dowager.

The parsonage house had been purchased from the Corporation by private subscription.

The Revs. J. Everitt, S. Dunn, and W. Griffiths, three Wesleyan Ministers, expelled by the Conference, had held a meeting of their friends at the Corn Hall.

Jan. 26th.-The annual meeting of the Royal Life Fund had been held, W. H.

Palmer, Esq., in the chair, when the expenditure for the year appeared to have been 174 11s. 9d., as against a.s.sets amounting to 172 15s. 9d.

The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had delivered a lecture on "Nineveh."

The "Enterprise," steamer, was being repaired by Mr. A. R. Palmer, prior to her resuming her pa.s.sage between this port and Rotterdam.

Feb. 9th.-The fishery business was in a very depressed state, and it was computed that from 15,000 to 20,000 less cash would on that account be circulated in the town.

Ninety volumes of books had been given to the library of the Young Men's Inst.i.tute by the Mayor (D. A. Gourlay, Esq.), Admiral Hills and Robert Steward, Esq.

Feb. 16th.-An endeavour was being made to reduce the wages paid to coalheavers.

Feb. 23rd.-Disturbances had arisen on this account, and a man named Lightning had complained to the Mayor that he had been a.s.saulted by James Miller and others because he agreed to the owners' terms.

Mr. Henry Pickard (relieving officer) had been charged before the Magistrates for the manslaughter of Sarah Auger (aged 20) and acquitted.

The smack "Good Intent" had been seized and condemned as a smuggler, and Richard Parmenter, of the White Swan Inn, and George s.h.i.+rley, fish curer, had been committed to Norwich Castle upon Exchequer writs for 8,230 each.

A meeting had been held with regard to the legalisation of marriage with a deceased wife's sister (the Mayor in the Chair), when a pet.i.tion in favour of that measure was adopted.

March 9th.-The "Sacramento" (400 tons) had been launched from Mr. H.

Fellows' yard.

March 16th.-Mr. Wors.h.i.+p, Mr. Ferrier, and Mr. Jay, had attended a meeting of the Haven Commissioners, and suggested that the first stone of the bridge should be laid with Masonic honours.

Mr. Benjamin b.u.t.ton had been appointed one of the parish surgeons in the place of Mr. William Burgess deceased.

The highest tender for the ballast dues had not been taken owing to a mistake of the Deputy Town Clerk.

The conduct of the prisoners in the gaol had been of an extremely disorderly character.

March 23rd.-The "Eagle" (recently launched from the yard of Mr. T.

Barber) had been lost off Jaffa. Mr. Barber was insured to the extent of 4,000.

Five wherries had broken adrift at night and fouled the Haven bridge but they had all been secured by the river watch.

March 30th.-There had been a heavy fall of snow and intense cold, the thermometer standing at 23 deg.

Two new oyster beds had been discovered in the roadstead, and oysters vended at 1d. to 3d. per quarter.

April 6th.-The first boilers ever made in the town had been manufactured by Mr. S. V. Moore, for the "Enterprize," and fixed in her at the Crane.

They weighed 13 tons each.

William Barth, Esq., had died in London.

Mr. Robert Waters' mill at Southtown had been burnt. It was insured for 1,600 in the Sun and Norwich Union Fire Offices.

April 13th.-The death of Admiral Hills is recorded.

The following Guardians had been elected:-The Mayor (D. A. Gourlay, Esq.), T. Brightwen, James Jackson, George Danby-Palmer, S. C. Marsh, J.

Fish, J. Fiddes, and B. Fenn, Esqs., and Messrs. M. Blowers, R.

Ecclestone, C. Steward, J. Lawn, T. Lettis, jun., S. Norman, J. D.

Chapman, and S. J. Fill.

April 20th.-A pet.i.tion for the abolition of Church Rates was being signed in the town.

April 27th.-The Congregationalists had determined to build a new chapel upon part of the site of the late Mansion of John Penrice, Esq., in King Street, and 1,107 10s. 7d. had already been subscribed.

Dr. Smyth had delivered a lecture on "Respiration and Atmospheric Air,"

at the Y.M.I. The attendance was small.

May 4th.-Contains the record of the death of Samuel Palmer, Esq., from the effects of an accident. Mr. Palmer was taking a drive in the afternoon, and while going over the Bridge his pony took fright at the firing of some cannon in commemoration of the marriage of Miss Costerton, Mr. Palmer in attempting to jump out of his gig was thrown with great force upon his head, which injury proved a fatal one.

A finely-toned bell weighing 10 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lbs. in the key G, bearing the inscription "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," had been fixed in the tower of the new Roman Catholic Church.

The Poor's box in the Parish Church had been broken open, and the contents, believed to be a large amount, stolen.

May 11th.-Mr. E. H. L. Preston had been appointed Receiver of Admiralty Droits in the place of Mr. Samuel Palmer deceased.

The following compensation had been awarded, with regard to the properties taken for the approach to the new bridge:-

Mr. Puncher 1,757 Mr. Teasdel 418

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Yarmouth Notes Part 33 summary

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