Yarmouth Notes Part 39

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Feb. 21st.-It was announced by a handbill signed by Mr. Harrison, that these owners had come to a satisfactory arrangement with the Overseers, and that further legal proceedings had been abandoned.

Feb. 28th.-"The Queen Charlotte" and "Mad Bess" steam-packets were advertised as going to run between this port and Rotterdam.

March 6th.-A meeting of s.h.i.+powners had been held (S. Paget, Esq., in the chair), to consider certain representations made to them from other places, with regard to the action to be taken by their cla.s.s at the next General Election, but no resolution was arrived at in conformity therewith.

Henry Austin, Esq., (Secretary to the General Board of Health), had visited and inspected the town.

March 13th.-Mr. Beeching continued to receive numerous orders for his improved lifeboats.

The Mormons had engaged the School of Industry as a "Church."

The following were the tenders for the Priory Schools:-Mr. John Key 1,120, Mr. R. Page 1,232, Mr. R. Pratt, 1,310, and a London builder 1,637. Mr. Norfor and Mr. Stanley were acting with the successful contractor.

March 20th.-A meeting had been held at the King's Head Inn with regard to the representation of the Borough. Mr. J. W. was chairman, and Mr. R. Hammond, John Owles, and C. E. Bartram took part in the proceedings, which eventuated in a request to Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., and W. T. M'Cullagh, Esq., M.P., to contest the Borough in the Liberal interest.

March 27th.-The Conservatives had held a meeting at the Angel-hotel for a similar purpose. Mr. E. H. L. Preston presided. Mr. R. Ferrier moved, and Mr. W. H. Palmer seconded Sir E. H. K. Lacon as a candidate for the Borough, and Mr. B. Dowson proposed, and Mr. S. H. Aldred seconded Mr. C.

Rumbold as his colleague.

The question of the rating of the Vauxhall property had been settled by the Court finding that the premises were in Norfolk, which was, in fact, a verdict for the plaintiff. The sum in dispute was 11s. 8d., and it was estimated that the costs amounted to about 1,000.

A fire had occurred on Mr. Ecclestone's premises in the Broad Bow. G.

Danby-Palmer, E. H. L. Preston. R. Hammond, and W. N. Burroughs, Esqs., were early on the spot and rendered valuable a.s.sistance.

Mr. George Barrett had been elected Master of the Blue Coat Charity School in the place of the late Mr. Gershom Davie.

Captain Ellis, R.N., and the Coastguard had seized 162 bales of tobacco on board the collier "Martha."

A quartett meeting had been held at Noverre's Rooms, the performers being William Yetts, Esq., (leader), Mr. D. Hogarth, Mr. G. Sharp, and Mr.


April 3rd.-The Liberal party had held a meeting at the "Star" for the purpose of receiving Admiral Sir C. Napier and W. T. M'Cullagh, Esq., M.P., who had arrived in the town (J. W., Esq., in the chair); on the same day a public meeting of electors had been held in the Corn Exchange (George Danby-Palmer, Esq., chairman), and on the platform were R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, J. W., J. Bayly, T. Lettis, J. Jackson, C.

E. Bartram, R. Barber, C. Miller, Esqs., Captain W. Briggs, Messrs. J. D.

Chapman, Chris. Steward, J. Mainprice, B. Bellin, J. Cobb, P. White, and others.

The meeting was a crowded one, and the candidates appear to have been heartily received.

April 10th.-W. Stirling Lacon, Esq., H.E.C.S., had invented an appliance for the more easily lowering of s.h.i.+ps' boats, which was approved by many nautical gentlemen, including, locally, Admiral Sir E. Travers, R.N., and Captain Pearson, R.N.

The Rev. Partridge, A.M., had been recommended by the Committee to the proprietors for the post of Head Master at the Grammar School.

The Priory Schools had been commenced.

At the Election of Guardians, Mr. J. H. Harrison had been nominated for all the Wards, but had elected to stand for the Nelson Ward, in which he resided.

Messrs. W. Green, W. Wright, S. Lessey, and J. Borking had been re-elected Overseers.

Captain John Pike (one of the Aldermen) had died.

April 17th.-Mr. Rumbold, M.P., had arrived in Yarmouth, as also had Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Admiral Sir C. Napier, and W. T. McCullagh, Esq., M.P.

The Tories were making a private canva.s.s in the evenings.

The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had been appointed Chaplain to the Military Asylum, vice the Rev. C. Davie, M.A., resigned.

The following Guardians had been elected:-

_St. Nicholas' Ward_.-Messrs. Thomas Brightwen, E. H. L. Preston, and S.


_Regent_.-Messrs. W. Wors.h.i.+p, S. C. Marsh, and D. A. Gourlay.

_St. George's_.-Messrs. B. Fenn, R. Ferrier, and P. Coble.

_Market_.-There was a contest here as under:-

E. R. Aldred 248 W. Laws 238 Edward Harvey 161 Edward B. Jay 89

The first three were elected.

In the _Nelson Ward_ the return was-

George Danby-Palmer 327 Charles Woolverton 286 S. V. Moore 276 W. Yetts 176 J. H. Harrison 147

The first four were therefore elected.

Messrs. William H. Palmer and E. P. Youell had been elected by the pew-holders, Churchwardens of St. Mary's, Southtown; and Mr. F. R. King (vice F. S. Costerton resigned) and Mr. William Hammond had been appointed to similar office at Gorleston.

At the Yarmouth Vestry (the Rev. G. Hills presiding), Mr. R. Hammond proposed, and Mr. J. G. Fisher seconded the re-election of Mr. C. D.

Steward, and Mr. B. Fenn proposed, and Mr. F. Wors.h.i.+p seconded the re-election of Mr. E. R. Aldred. The Church Rate was then 2d. in the .

At this meeting Messrs. R. Hammond and J. Davey were re-elected "auditors" for the ensuing year.

April 24th.-It was said that Lord A. Lennox was ready "to start" for Yarmouth. Meanwhile Sir E. H. K. Lacon was canva.s.sing the electors, accompanied by about 30 leading Conservatives, and Mr. Rumbold M.P. was taking a similar course in company with six or seven personal friends, while Sir C. Napier and Mr. McCullagh, M.P., were addressing crowded meetings of electors in the several Wards of the Borough.

At the Council Meeting, Mr. C. C. Aldred had publicly apologised for stating as regarded Mr. F. S. Costerton "that a const.i.tuency had been defeated by the advice of a petty-fogging lawyer."

The election of an Alderman was then proceeded with, when the voting-

For Mr. Yetts 23 ,, Mr. Pullyn 23

And the Mayor gave his casting vote in favour of Mr. Pullyn.

Mr. Palmer had obtained a rule in the Queen's Bench for a new trial in the case of Bradstreet _v_ Hammond.

May 1st.-Contains much matter reflecting on Mr. Rumbold's present position as contrasted with his former one when connected with the Liberal party. Having completed his canva.s.s, that gentleman had issued a joint address with Sir E. Lacon, and being seriously indisposed had left Yarmouth for his country seat.

The Tory Government, which had been in office six weeks, had appointed Messrs. B. Fenn, T. Brightwen, J. Cherry, R. Steward, C. C. Aldred, and J. G. Plummer, Magistrates for the Borough.

The Bench previously to this had consisted of Liberals, Messrs. George Danby-Palmer, R. Hammond, W. Johnson, and J. W., and Conservatives, J. F. Costerton, E. H. L. Preston, William Danby-Palmer, W. Thurtell, J. C. Smith, William H. Palmer, B. Jay, W. Yetts, J. Fenn, and W. H. Bessey.

The "Disfranchised Freemen" had held a meeting and adopted a pet.i.tion to Parliament, Messrs. Jacob Harvey, Nelson, Royal, and J. Taylor taking part in the proceedings.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 39 summary

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