Yarmouth Notes Part 45

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_Regina_ v _Eagleton_.

The indictment in this case contained ten counts, seven of which charged an attempt to defraud, and the last three an attempt to obtain money by false pretences. The defendant had entered into a contract with the Board of Guardians of Great Yarmouth to supply loaves of bread of the weight of three pounds and a half to the poor, and had supplied many of the out-door paupers with loaves weighing only 3lbs. 4 ozs., and had represented to the Overseers of the poor that the loaves supplied were of the contract weight, and had endeavoured to obtain payment accordingly. This case was sent back to the Recorder of Great Yarmouth to be amended, in order to have the question fully argued.

Mr. Bodkin and Mr. Mills appeared for the defendant, and Mr. Bulwer for the prosecution.

May 10th.-The Rev. R. J. Palmer, M.A., had lectured on "Mount Sinai and Arabia Petra."

May 20th.-The Earl of Leicester (Lord Lieutenant) had presented new colours to the East Norfolk Militia, which were received by Major Sir E.

Lacon and Captain Bloomfield, the service of consecration being performed by the Rev. Bowyer Vaux, a.s.sisted by the Rev. John Bampton.

Lord Hastings entertained several n.o.blemen and gentlemen at dinner at the Royal Hotel.

The officers of the East Norfolk Militia kept "open house" at the Victoria from two to six o'clock, and in the evening gave a ball at the Town Hall, at which the Earl of Leicester (Lord Lieutenant), Lord Hastings, Lord Walsingham, Lord Royston, the Hon. Jacob Astley, the Hon.

and Rev. Delaval and Mrs. Astley, Lady Lacon, Mrs. and Miss Lee Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Hoste, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gay (Thurning), Mr. and Miss Day, the Officers of the Militia Artillery, Lieutenant-Colonel Custance and the Officers of the West Norfolk Militia, Captain Norman, R.N., T. R.

Buckworth, Esq., W. Norris, Esq., T. Browne, Esq., the Mayor of Yarmouth, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. C. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Preston, Mr. E. R., Mrs., and the Misses Palmer, the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Waters, Captain and Mrs. Marcon, Captain Pearson, R.N., Mr.

and Miss Pearson, Mr. Mortlock Lacon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Steward and the Misses Steward were present. The refreshments and the supper, both of the most _recherche_ description, were supplied by Mr. Wilson, of this city. Weippert's admirable band was engaged, and the dance was kept up until near the dawn of day. Thus ended a day of pleasure without alloy, and next day the Regiment was inspected by Colonel Kelly.

A fine Russian brig of 400 tons, laden with salt, had been brought into the Roads, a prize of war. She subsequently proceeded to Sheerness.

Seven thousand pounds had been expended on the Wellington Pier works, where the Norfolk Artillery Band occasionally performed.

May 24th.-The North Denes had been selected for rifle practice.

The Mayor (J. Cherry, Esq.,) had given a ball to 200 guests at the Town Hall.

The "Contest" schooner, of 150 tons, had been launched from Messrs.

Beeching's yard.

May 31st.-Sir James Plumridge had been promoted to be Rear-Admiral of the White.

The Military Lunatic Asylum was to be converted into an Hospital for wounded seamen from the Baltic Fleet.

No. 3, Brighton Terrace, and No. 2, Queen's Road had been struck by lightning.

June 3rd.-The "Otter," war steamer, had put into the Roads.

The "Carolina," Russian brig, had arrived in this port for condemnation.

June 14th.-H.M.S. "Zeyphr" had been in the Roads.

Mr. John Clowes declined to pay 1 2s. due for Board of Health rate, on the ground that the Board was indebted to him for services rendered whilst he was Town Clerk. A distress was ordered to be issued.

June 17th.-Two vessels with wounded seamen were expected for the Hospital.

A small steamboat, the property of J. Penrice, Esq., had exploded near the Bridge.

June 21st.-Mr. McCullough, Mr. Chamberlin, Captain Briggs, and Mr. Scott had attended the Right Hon. E. Cardwell as a deputation from the "s.h.i.+pping a.s.sociation."

The premises occupied by the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Inst.i.tute had been purchased by C. J. Palmer, Esq., for 1,780.

July 1st.-The Norfolk Artillery had completed their 50 days' training, the gun practice being for 24-pounders at a target range of 1,250.

A meeting to promote the "Roads Regatta" had been held.

July 8th.-The month of June had been intensely cold on the East coast.

July 15th.-The mackerel fis.h.i.+ng had been very successful, the returns then amounting to 30,000, which sum would be probably increased to 40,000 before the boats made up.

July 22nd.-The "Hornet" screw frigate, 16 guns, had anch.o.r.ed in the Roads, on her way to join Sir Charles Napier's Fleet in the Baltic.

Four thousand persons had arrived in one day by excursion trains from Norwich, Ipswich and Lynn.

S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., had laid the foundation stone of the King Street Congregation Chapel; afterwards there was a dejeuner at the Victoria Hotel, where J. W., Esq., presided.

Lord Sondes had been appointed Lord High Steward of the Borough.

Aug. 2nd.-Many visitors were arriving, chiefly from Cambridge and the Isle of Ely.

A Poor's rate of 1s. 6d. in the had been signed.

Aug. 5th.-At the Roads Regatta the following yachts entered:-

Name. Tons. Owner.

Phantom 25 S. Lane, Esq.

Thought 28 C. Coope, Esq.

Sheldrake 17 Capt. Love.

The Sheldrake gave up and the others were timed as follows:-

1st round. 2nd round. 3rd round.

H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S.

Thought 12 56 0 1 48 0 2 41 6 Phantom 12 58 45 1 50 48 2 45 5

In the yawl match the "Queen Victoria" beat the "Eclipse," "Royal Victoria" and "Cambridge La.s.s."

The dinner was held at the Victoria Hotel, the Mayor in the chair. The Earl of Albemarle, Mr. Butcher, Mr. C. Cory, Mr. C. J. Palmer, and Mr.

Seaman took part in the after dinner proceedings.

Steamers continued to pa.s.s through the Roads on their way to the Baltic.

Aug. 9th.-Edward Tupman and Edward Gill, captains of vessels, bound for the North, had been charged with a.s.saulting S. C. Marsh, Esq., Deputy-Mayor, and fined 5 each or two months' imprisonment, and also 50s. each and 15s. damage to clothes, for a.s.saulting Mr. Joseph Giles (gaoler).

Aug. 12th.-Sir John Walsham had held an Inquiry as to the Election of Guardians and "impounded" several voting papers.

The screw frigate "Horatio" had been in the Roads and visited by numbers of persons.

It was rumoured that some 40 vessels, known as "Barking Smacks" were likely to be added to the local fis.h.i.+ng fleet.

The Centenary of the Baptist Church, Church Plain, had been celebrated.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 45 summary

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