Yarmouth Notes Part 47

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The Naval Hospital was being prepared for 350 sick and wounded from the Black Sea fleet.

Nov. 18th.-The Mayor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), had issued cards for an entertainment at the Town Hall on the 30th inst.

Mr. J. L. Porter had been appointed manager of the National Provincial Bank at Yarmouth.

The Police had contributed one day's pay to the Patriotic Fund.

The "Tourist," London pa.s.senger steamer, Captain Dawson, had been lost on the North Sand. She was a very old vessel, and it was stated that this would have been her last voyage if no accident had happened to her; she was fully insured.

Nov. 22nd.-Messrs. Gurney & Co's. new Bank had been opened.

A poll had been taken on the question of the formation of a "Burial Board," when the voting on the first day was-

For the Board 312 Against it 311

A meeting of Ratepayers was subsequently held and the scheme denounced by several speakers.

Nov. 29th.-The Town Council had re-appointed the Rev. G. Hills, gaol chaplain "with only two dissentients."

Nearly 1,000 had been raised for the Patriotic Fund.

The polling for the Burial Board had closed as under-

For 468 Against 544 Majority 76

The "Sir William Jolliffe" had been placed on the station in the place of the "Tourist."

Dec. 13th.-Messrs. Dumbleton, Bradbeer, Palmer, and Bunn had complained to the Bench of the obstructions on the Quay.

Dec. 23rd.-The Council had "suspended" the s.e.xton for alleged misconduct.

The grocers and drapers had determined to close their shops on the day following Christmas Day.

"The Skimmer of the Sea," a barque of 320 tons, had been launched from Mr. Branford's yard.

Dec. 30th.-The East Norfolk Militia having been permanently embodied, had a.s.sembled under the command of Colonel Mason, but the Norfolk Militia Artillery had not been called up.

T. Brightwen, Esq., had qualified as a Magistrate.

Several large packages of warm clothing had been forwarded by the ladies of the town for the use of the soldiers in the Crimea.

C. J. Palmer, Esq., had entertained the inmates of the Gaol.

Pickpockets were again in town, and John Webb had been robbed by them of 4 15s.

Mr. Smyth had been appointed Surgeon to the Gaol in the place of Mr. H.

Wors.h.i.+p deceased.


Jan. 6th.-There had been a high tide and heavy flood; 130 yards of the rails between Yarmouth and Reedham had been carried away by the latter.

The following gentlemen had been chosen as the Library Committee.-The Mayor (C. J. Palmer, Esq.), Rev. J. B. Bampton, Rev. H. Squire, and Messrs. B. Fenn, R. R. B. Norman, J. Bayly, and S. C. Burton.

It was considered too cold to drill the Militia on the South-denes.

Jan. 13th.-The following quant.i.ty of fish had been forwarded from Yarmouth during the preceding year:-

Packages. Tons. Cwt.

From Jan. to Sep. 282,441 10,591 10 ,, Oct. to Dec. 250,981 9,411 15 Total 533,422 20,003 5

During the week 20 men of the East Norfolk Militia had volunteered for the line.

At the Tract Lenders' Festival 400 persons had partaken of tea at the Priory. They were addressed by the Rev. G. Hills, Rev. G. W. Grogan and other friends.

Jan. 17th.-The Norfolk Artillery Militia had received an order to be permanently embodied from the 23rd inst.

Jan. 20th.-Sixty more men had volunteered from the East Norfolk Militia for the line, making a total of 300 of such volunteers in all.

Winter had set in "with all the vigour and severity peculiar to this portion of the Eastern Coast."

Jan. 24th.-The weather continued intensely cold, and the navigation of the rivers were stopped by the acc.u.mulation of ice.

The District Visiting Society was doing great work in the way of alleviating distress.

Pickpockets were still at work. A woman had been robbed by one of them in the Market Row of 8s. 6d., and Mrs. Pole, of Burgh Castle, had suffered a loss of 2 17s. in this way.

Jan. 27th.-The Norfolk Artillery Militia had a.s.sembled,-156 non-commissioned officers and men, with the following officers: Captain Astley, Lieutenants Penrice, Tredcroft and North, Adjutant Gilberton, and Surgeon C. C. Aldred. Lord Hastings had not yet joined them.

The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had announced to the Hospital Committee that the Medical Library of the late Mr. Harry Wors.h.i.+p would be presented to that Inst.i.tution.

Bro. William Lucia had been elected W.M. of Lodge "Friends.h.i.+p," in succession to Bro. Oswald Diver.

Feb. 14th.-The business of the Port had been much affected by the rigour of the weather.

Feb. 17th.-Thirty-four men had volunteered from the Norfolk Militia Artillery for the Royal Artillery.

The South-quay was blocked by the coal carts near the Town Hall, and great complaints being made about this it was suggested that the colliers should unload at a wider part of the quay.

Feb. 21st.-The Subscription Ball had been attended by the Mayor and Mrs.

Charles Palmer, Lieutenant-Colonel Mason, the Honourable Mr. Harbord, Mr.

Astley, Mr. Graver Brown, Mrs. E. Graver Brown, Reverend A. B. Smyth, Captain Gay, Captain and Mrs. Rippingall, Captain and Mrs. Mathew, Captain, Mrs., and Miss Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Meadwell, Mr., Mrs., and Miss E. H. L. Preston, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Marsh, Mr., Mrs., and the Misses Steward, Mr. and Miss Chevallier, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier, Mr. Smith, (East Norfolk Militia) Mr. Smyth (East Norfolk Militia) and Mrs. Smyth, Mr. Palgrave, Mr. and the Misses Barber, Mr.

Boycott, Mr. Press, Mr. Aldred, Mr. Eyre, &c., &c.

The town was infested by a gang of thieves.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 47 summary

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