Yarmouth Notes Part 49

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Eight additional gas lamps had been placed on the Wellington Pier.

May 30th.-The first stone of the Wesleyan Free Church, on the Regent Road, had been laid by S. C. Marsh, Esq.

June 2nd.-The Russian brig "Phnix" had been brought in by a prize crew.

June 9th.-The mackerel fis.h.i.+ng was going on badly, and many boats had lost nets.

July 18th.-A brace of tench, weighing between eight and nine pounds, had been taken at Ormesby.

Mr. Stracey (afterwards Sir Edward Stracey, Bart.), the Tory candidate for East Norfolk had visited the town. (He was returned, on this occasion, without opposition.)

July 21st.-At the Regatta the following prizes were offered for luggers:-50, 20, and 10, and there were ten entries; during the match the "Race-horse" (Mr. I. Shuckford) was run down by the "Ocean Star"

(Smith and Son). Her crew was rescued by the yawls "Queen Victoria" and "Standard," but the master of the lugger (Lark) had two of his ribs broken. The "Brothers" (T. Lettis, jun.) won the first prize, the "Henry" (H. Swann, jun.) and the "Prima Donna" (J. Minns) taking the other two prizes. The yawl prizes were not awarded.

The following notice again appeared with regard to the case of


"The defendant, John Eagleton, a baker, at Yarmouth, who had contracted with the Guardians of Yarmouth to supply the poor with bread, was tried before the Recorder, N. Palmer, Esq., at the Quarter Sessions in March, 1854, upon an indictment charging him, in the seven first counts, with an offence at common law, in fraudulently supplying the poor with bread of short weight; and, in the three last counts, with attempting to obtain payment from the Guardians, by falsely pretending that he had supplied full weight. He was found guilty by the jury, but the Recorder reserved a case for the opinion of the Court of Criminal Appeal, as to the proprietory of the conviction in point of law. On the first argument on April 29th, 1854, before Pollock, C.B., Parke, B., Creswell, J., and Williams, J., the case was referred back to the Recorder, for him to state the whole evidence given at the trial, which he did accordingly, and the case, as re-stated, was, on the following 3rd of June, argued before Lord Campbell, C. J., Alderson, B., Coleridge, J., Martin, B., and Crowder, J., and they, having doubts as to the proprietory of the conviction, desired the case to be argued before the 15 judges, and on the 2nd December, 1854, it was argued before Jervis, C. J., Pollock, C. B., Parke, B., Maule, J., Wightman, J., Erle, J., Platt, B., Martin, B., and Crompton, J., and again on the 3rd of February last, before Jervis, C. J., Parke, B., Maule, J., Wightman, J., Creswell, J., Erle, J., Platt, B., Williams, J., Martin, B., and Crompton, J.-Mr. Bulwer appeared in support of the conviction, and Mr. Bodkin, Mr. Clerk, and Mr. J. H. Mills on behalf of the Defendant. The Judges took time to consider, and on July the 9th, Mr. Baron Parke delivered their judgment, affirming the conviction on the last three counts. The defendant will, therefore, have to appear before the Recorder at the next October Sessions to receive judgment."

July 25th.-One hundred and thirty ladies and gentlemen had attended the Regatta Ball at the Town Hall, among whom were-the Mayor and Mrs. Palmer, Lord Hastings, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lieut.-Col. Mason, Captains Longe, Markham Gay, and other Officers of the East Norfolk Militia, &c. Howlett's band attended, and dancing was kept up until 4.30.

July 28th.-The Grand Jury had found a true bill against Messrs. R.

Ferrier, sen., and R. Ferrier, jun., for a.s.sault upon John William de Caux, and it was stated that the case would be tried at the next a.s.sizes.

Aug. 4th.-The Mayor had presided at a meeting called to consider the "Small Tenements Act."

Eighty-five boats engaged in the Mackerel Fishery had taken fish to the value of 27,994.

Aug. 18th.-All hope of raising the "Racehorse," which was sunk at the Regatta, had been abandoned. The attempt to do so had cost 150.

Aug. 22nd.-C. J. Palmer, Esq., Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and Captain D. Lane had acted as Stewards of the Races, and 6,000 persons had been brought to the sports by rail.

Between 170 and 180 had been raised by a bazaar for the Congregational Chapel, King Street.

Aug. 25th.-Mr. E. H. L. Preston had had the small bone of his arm broken whilst endeavouring to quell a disturbance which had arisen between some of the Artillery Militiamen.

Eighty ladies and gentlemen had attended the Race Ball.

Aug. 29th.-Mr. J. H. Tillett had produced the "Bench Warrant" for the apprehension of the Messrs. Ferrier for the a.s.sault upon Mr. J. W. de Caux, reporter to the _Mercury_ and _Norfolk News_; bail was placed at 100 and two securities of 50 in each case.

Sept. 8th.-150 men of the Horse Artillery had been encamped on the North Denes, under the command of Captain Mountain and three Lieutenants.

Sept. 12th.-These troops had been reviewed on the South Denes in the presence of several thousands of persons.

Sept. 15th.-The news of the evacuation of the Southern part of Sebastopol by the Russians had been received by the general public with incredulity, they saying "too good news to be true."

Sept. 22nd.-A hare had taken to the sea, and was picked up by a person who went after it in a boat; having killed it, he sold it for 2s. 6d.

Oct. 3rd.-Sunday had been a day of thanksgiving for the success of the allied armies in the Crimea.

Oct. 10th.-The "Scampo," a Russian prize, had been brought into the Harbour.

At the Quarter Sessions there was another discussion between the Recorder and Mr. Steward on the one hand and the Visiting Justices on the other side, as to the validity of the appointment of the Rev. G. Hills as Chaplain to the Gaol.

John Eagleton had been sentenced to three months' imprisonment.

Oct. 17th.-The Liberals claimed a gain of 44 on the Revision, when Mr. Costerton appeared for the Liberal, and Mr. Cufaude for the Tory, party.

Oct. 20th.-A very brisk corn trade was being carried on, vessels coming in light to load with corn for France and Holland.

Robert Steward, Esq., had been fined 20s. and costs for obstructing the Quay-head.

Oct. 27th.-The East Suffolk Railway was projected.

In 1855, 258,121 quarters of corn had been s.h.i.+pped at this port.

The "Hopton Harriers" had held their first meet at the Kennel at Hopton.

Mr. W. Jex provided luncheon. The next meet was to be at Haddiscoe.

Oct. 31st.-Messrs. Beeching and Son had launched a beautiful lifeboat for the Gorleston beachmen.

Nov. 3rd.-Only two Wards had been contested. The returns were:-

_St. Nicholas' Ward_.

W. Wors.h.i.+p (C) 405 J. B. Hilton (C) 405 Henry Danby-Palmer (L) 262 John Mainprice (L) 262 _Regent Ward_.

R. D. Barber (C) 224 R. R. B. Norman (C) 224 John Clowes (L) 159 John Fish (L) 159

The names of the other re-elected Councillors are not given.

Four gun-boats had come into the Roads from the Baltic.

Nov. 10th.-The Mayor of Norwich had given a grand ball, in St. Andrew's Hall; Mr., Mrs. and the Misses Marsh, the Officers of the East Norfolk Militia and Norfolk Artillery Militia, the Misses Steward, the Mayor of Yarmouth and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer, and others had attended it from Yarmouth.

Nov. 14th.-The "Meander," 44 gun frigate, was at anchor off the Monument.

Nov. 28th.-Lieut. Matthew Gooda, late of the East Norfolk Militia, had died at Southtown, aged 76.

Dec. 1st.-The dinner, commemorative of the re-election of C. J. Palmer, Esq., to the office of Chief Magistrate, had been held at the Town Hall.

His Wors.h.i.+p was supported on his right by the Hon. H. Byng, Sir E. H. K.

Lacon, Bart., M.P., Lieut.-Colonel Astley, the Rev. George Hills, and J.

Harcourt, Esq., and on his left by the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), Sir H.

J. Stracey, Bart., M.P., the Mayor of Norwich and Captain Broadhead, R.N.

The Mayor's guests on this occasion numbered upwards of 100 persons.

George Danby-Palmer, Esq., had presided at a meeting called for the purpose of promoting a national testimonial to Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B.

Dec. 8th.-Mr. Wright (of the Adelphi) had been performing at the Theatre.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 49 summary

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