Yarmouth Notes Part 80

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Aug. 4th.-The late P. Stead, Esq., had bequeathed 1,000 to the Hospital.

Aug. 28th.-The corner-stone of the Grammar School on Trafalgar Road had been laid by S. Nightingale, Esq. (Mayor).

Sept. 11th.-Upwards of 300 lasts of herring had been landed at the Fish Wharf, and prices ranged from 10 to 25 per last.

Sept. 25th.-Dr. Hills (Bishop of Columbia) had addressed two public meetings at the Town Hall, and preached at St. Nicholas' in aid of that Mission; the total sum thus realised was 64 11s.

Oct. 2nd.-Mr. R. H. Palmer (Revising Barrister) had been holding Courts at Yarmouth, Ormesby, and Gorleston, when Messrs. C. Diver, F.

Danby-Palmer, and F. W. Ferrier were the agents appearing before him.

Mr. Wm. Jas. Palmer had been elected House Surgeon at the Hospital in the place of Mr. Colley resigned.

Nov. 6th.-The following had been the result of the Election:-

_St. Nicholas' Ward_.

Mr. S. Nightingale (Con.) 266 Mr. E. H. L. Preston (Con.) 228 Mr. J. F. Neave (Lib.) 176 _Market Ward_.

Mr. J. E. Barnby (Con.) 246 Mr. Nuthall (Con.) 209 Mr. J. A. Norman (Lib.) 195 _Regent Ward_.

Mr. T. George (Con.) 158 Mr. W. Wright (Con.) 156 Mr. F. Danby-Palmer (Lib.) 82 Mr. John Clowes (Lib.) 72 _St. George's Ward_.

Mr. J. W. de Caux (Lib.) 156 Mr. W. J. Foreman (Con.) 151 Mr. Chas. Palmer (Con.) 137 Mr. H. Hammond (Lib.) 132 _Nelson Ward_.

Messrs. Veale and Bracey (Con.) unopposed.

_St. Andrew's Ward_.

Messrs. Gooda and Richmond (Con.) unopposed.

Nov. 10th.-Charles Woolverton, Esq., had been unanimously elected Mayor.

Owing to the recent gales, the following fis.h.i.+ng smacks were reported as missing:-The "Prince Albert," "Thomas and f.a.n.n.y," "Armada," "Echo,"

"Royal Diadem," "Lord Raglan," "Eugene," "Garland," and "Pursuit."

1,500 wind-bound vessels had sailed through the Roads northwards.

Dec. 4th.-The Justices had dismissed a summons for payment of rate in consequence of the action of the Overseers in not placing the rated person on the list, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer arguing the case for the ratepayer, and the Vestry-Clerk appearing for the Overseers. As this raised a large question on the Register, it had caused some excitement in political circles, and further action was threatened.


Jan. 1st.-Charles Dashwood, Esq., had given a ball at the a.s.sembly Rooms.

Jan. 12th.-Thomas Brightwen, Esq., had died at the age of 59.

Damage had been occasioned to several houses in the town by a heavy gale.

Jan. 26th.-Another wrecked vessel had been in contact with the Britannia Bier.

Jan. 29th.-Mr. J. H. Orde had been elected Borough Treasurer in the place of Mr. T. Brightwen deceased.

Two vessels had been in collision with the Newarp lights.h.i.+p.

Feb. 12th.-J. Tomlinson, Esq., had been elected Commodore of the Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club.

There had been a boiler explosion at Messrs. Bracey and Son's Ropery.

Feb. 16th.-There had been very heavy gales and much loss to the s.h.i.+pping.

During one of these gales the a.s.sembly Rooms had been discovered to be on fire, and this building thus sustained damage to the extent of 700 or 800.

Feb. 19th.-A meeting had been held at the Town Hall for the relief of the poor. The Mayor presided, and the Rev. Canon Nevill, Mr. Hammond, Major Orde, Mr. W. N. Burroughs, Mr. Gorell, Mr. John Clowes, Mr. Neave, and Mr. Laws took part in the proceedings. Between 200 and 300 was raised in the room.

Feb. 26th.-The organ in the Parish Church had been re-opened. This instrument appears from the report then issued to have been built by Jordan in 1732, and previously repaired in 1812 and 1840; the repairs this time costing 820.

March 12th.-Mr. Longley had been holding an Inquiry at the Tolhouse with regard to the alleged neglect of a pauper patient by Mr. Stafford (Surgeon for the North District).

March 19th.-Messrs. Blott had been prosecuted by the Haven Commissioners for obstructing the North River, when they were defended by Mr. F.

Danby-Palmer, and the case adjourned in order to effect a settlement.

March 26th.-The Rifle Corps had attended Gorleston Church, and afterwards marched round that village. This was the first time such a parade had taken place.

April 9th.-Captain Smyth, R.N., and Captain Dent, R.N., had been promoted to the rank of Admiral.

April 13th.-The following had been the polling of the elected Guardians (there being in all 32 candidates).-North: S. Nightingale (C), 356; J. F.

Neave (L), 308; J. D. Hilton (C), 292; S. Barge (C), 248. In this ward Mr. Cufaude had decided that Mr. Neave was disqualified, and had consequently declined to declare that gentleman elected, Mr. Neave's solicitor (Mr. F. Danby-Palmer) had, however, taken a different view of the affair, and this question was to form the subject of further proceedings. Market: J. A. Norman (L), 429; C. C. Aldred (C), 365; W.

Laws (C), 345. Regent: R. D. Barber, W. Wors.h.i.+p, and C. Diver (no figures given.) St. George's: J. W. de Caux (L), 356; J. Scott (L), 312; W. J. Foreman (C), 284. Nelson: G. Woolverton (C), 615.; J. Bracey (C), 548; F. Palmer (L), 392; J. Clowes (L), 345.

April 16th.-Mr. Cufaude had submitted an elaborate statement upon Mr.

Neave's case to the Local Government Board.

The const.i.tution of the Guardians was then 10 Tories and 6 Liberals.

April 23rd.-"Yachting Items": Mr. Palmer was building a schooner yacht.

Mr. Preston had purchased the "Otter." The "Red Rover" (Nightingale) was being altered, as was also the "Syren."

Messrs. Mills and Blake had launched a new barge.

Mrs. Bowyer Vaux, her son, and a friend, had been upset in a sailing boat on Breydon.

April 30th.-At a sale of Gas Shares, those of 30 realised 45 per share, and those of 7 10s., 11 10s. per share. It was stated that the maximum dividend of 8 per cent. was regularly paid on this stock.

May 4th.-Sir Alexander Shafto Adair, Bart., (Lib.), and Lord Mahon (Con.) were candidates for East Suffolk.

May 14th.-Mr. J. Fenn had caught a perch weighing 3 lbs. and 18 inches in length.

May 18th.-There was a report current of a fracas having taken place between two leading members of the Tory party during a meeting at the Star Hotel.

May 21st.-The Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club Dinner had taken place at the Town Hall.

May 25th.-"It is stated that the gallant gentleman, (Major Foreman) who figured in the _melee_ that arose at the late conference of the Conservative party is about to seek legal redress for the attack made upon him (by Mr. E. H. L. Preston.)"

The 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers (under the command of Captain Commandant William Danby-Palmer) had attended St. Peter's Church.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 80 summary

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