Yarmouth Notes Part 82

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Those in the body of the Court showed their enjoyment by encouraging shouts of "Go it Neave," "Give it them," an appeal, however, which was scarcely necessary, as the North Ward champion appeared in fine mettle, and continued his address, although the greater part of it was lost in the general turmoil. Referring to the result, Mr.

Nightingale was understood to say that Mr. Neave would never be so near winning again, which elicited a rejoinder from the latter that he had been told he should never be elected a Guardian, but he had shown them what he could do, and if he were spared he would yet be in the Council. This declaration of future hostilities was received with great uproar, which was with difficulty quelled sufficiently to enable the business of the meeting to be proceeded with. This having been brought to a termination, after sundry interruptions, the newly-elected hastily quitted the Court, the proceedings having afforded a singular exhibition of political amenities, from a Yarmouth point of view.

The following is the official return:-

_North Ward_.

Mr. Hilton (C) 395 ,, Wors.h.i.+p (C) 384 Neave (L) 371 Blyth (L) 287 _Market Ward_.

Mr. J. A. Norman (L) 402 ,, I. Preston, Junr. (C) 376 ,, Combe, (C) 336 ,, Garratt (L) 4 _Regent Ward_.

Mr. J. Tomlinson (C) 281 R. D. Barber (C) 261 ,, Woodger (L) 86 R. Page (L) 7 _St. George's Ward_.

Mr. F. Danby-Palmer (L) 292 ,, H. Hammond (L) 291 ,, Baker (C) 164 ,, Doughty (C) 142 _Nelson Ward_.

Messrs. Woolverton (C) and Stone (L) unopposed.

_Southtown or St. Andrew's Ward_.

Mr. R. Steward (C) 365 ,, Hammond (C) 358 ,, Beevor (L) 309 ,, Nelson (L) 300

As the result of this election, it was believed that Mr. E. H. L. Preston would be Mayor for the ensuing year.

Mr. F. Ferrier had been returned in the place of Mr. Stagg, deceased, for the Regent Ward.

An effort was being made to restore St. George's Chapel.

Nov. 12th.-At the Council meeting, Mr. J. C. Smith proposed, and Mr.

Bracey seconded, Mr. E. H. L. Preston, as Mayor, and this was carried _nem. dis._

There had been an enormous catch of herring; Messrs. Smith's "Ocean Wave"

had taken 29 lasts, and on the Thursday it was computed that 1,409 lasts of fish had been landed at the Wharf.

Nov. 16th.-C. E. Bartram, Esq., J.P. and Councillor for the South Ward had died.

Nov. 19th.-The Volunteers had received "Snider Rifles."

Mr. J. H. Fellows had presided at a meeting at the "New Royal Standard"

to select a candidate for the South Ward, when Mr. Fredk. Palmer was brought forward, the other candidates named being Mr. I. Hill, Mr. G.

Harvey, and Mr. J. H. Harrison.

Nov. 23rd.-Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant:-2nd N.R.V., Lieut.

A. J. Palmer to be Captain, vice Youell resigned; Ensign E. H. H. Combe to be Lieut., vice Palmer promoted.

Nov. 26th.-The following had been the result of the election in the Nelson Ward:-

Mr. Fredk. Palmer (L.) 447 Isaac Hill (C.) 269

After the declaration of the poll a procession, headed by a band, had paraded the streets.

Twelve vessels had already cleared with 28,390 barrels of herring for Italian ports.

Dec. 3rd.-A pet.i.tion alleging bribery at St. George's Ward Election, had been presented to the Town Council, and supported there by Mr. J. W. Bunn (one of the Aldermen). Mr. F. Danby-Palmer repudiated the charge on behalf of Mr. Hammond and himself, and, ultimately, on the motion of Mr.

Harmer, the doc.u.ment was ordered to be laid "under the table."

The death of Mr. H. H. Barber (one of the Councillors for the South Ward, and a Captain in the 2nd N.R.V.) is recorded.

In the Nelson Ward Mr. H. Fenner (C.) had been returned in his place, having beaten Mr. Woodger (L.) by 85 votes.

The fis.h.i.+ng-boats were "making up" after a very successful voyage.

It was proposed to lay down a tramway from Yarmouth to Lowestoft.

Dec. 17th.-The Mayor had presented the testimonial to Inspector Berry; it consisted of a 20 guinea watch and a purse of 145.

One fis.h.i.+ng boat had caught 142 lasts of herring during the season.

It was estimated that 40,000 would be paid to the fishermen in wages.

Messrs. Woolverton and George had opened a Stock Sale at Acle, the former gentleman acting as auctioneer. There were a large number of entries, and fat stock had realised 10s. 6d. per stone.

Dec. 21st.-Miss Emma Pearson (daughter of the late Captain Pearson, R.N.) had written a letter from the seat of war at Orleans, where she was nursing the sick and wounded.

Dec. 24th.-Records the death of Mr. Henry Fellows, s.h.i.+pbuilder, aged 70.

Herring had averaged 10 per last during the season, and it was computed that the money value of the fish caught during the season was 180,000.

Dec. 28th.-Mr. Wyllys' sledge had upset at the corner of Regent Street, and knocked over a woman, but no serious damage had been sustained.

Dec. 31st.-Mr. J. H. Want had obtained the contract for the erection of a new Post Office in Regent Street.


Jan. 4th.-Records the abandonment of what was known as the "Ordering up system," under which complainants had been accustomed, on payment of a fee of 2s. (without summons), to have persons brought before the Magistrates by the police.

A young Danish girl had been discovered working as a sailor on board a vessel.

Jan. 10th.-One Thacker, a veteran gunner, generally known as "Old Stork"

had brought down five swans at one shot on Breydon.

Jan. 14th.-The Mayor (E. H. L. Preston, Esq.), had given a ball at the Town-hall; about 180 guests were present; Mr. Sturge led the band; and Mr. Collins provided the refreshments.

A large otter, measuring 4 feet and weighing 30 lbs., had been shot near the North River; it had previously been pursued by a skater, who had seized it by the tail, when it turned upon him and inflicted a considerable wound on his wrist.

Jan. 15th.-The Magistrates had refused to convict in a vaccination case, which conduct was greatly exercising the Board of Guardians.

Jan. 25th.-The schooner "Starling" had foundered in the fair way of the harbour between the piers, and thus blocked the navigation.

Feb. 1st.-The first subscription ball was advertised with the following list of stewards:-The Mayor, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., Henry E.

Buxton, Charles Sharpe Sharpe, and William Danby-Palmer, Esqs.

Feb. 4th.-Bro. Edward Howes had been installed W.M. of Lodge "Friends.h.i.+p," the members of which lodge had presented a testimonial to Bro. C. L. Chipperfield.

Mr. W. J. Foreman had presided at the meeting of the Great Yarmouth Building Society, and Mr. Frederick Palmer at the meeting of the Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society. Each inst.i.tution published a favourable report of its proceedings and declared bonuses of 15 and 16 13s. 4d.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 82 summary

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