Edge of the Jungle Part 12

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126 20 Frog, Gawain; _Phyllomedusa_ sp.

132 17 Marine Toad; _Bufo marinus_ (Linne)

133 8 Scarlet-thighed Leaf-walker; _Phyllobates inguinalis_.

149 2 Attas, Leaf-cutting Ants; _Atta cephalotes_ (Fab.)

151 12 Fruit Bats; _Vampyrus spectrum_ (Linne)

152 11 King Vulture; _Gypagus papa_ (Linne)

11 Harpy Eagle; _Harpia harpyja_ (Linne)

163 3 Ani; _Crotophaga ani_ Linne

7 Marine Toad; _Bufo marinus_ (Linne)

164 19 White-faced Opossum; _Metachirus o. opossum_ (Linne)

173 1 Attas, Leaf-cutting Ants; _Atta cephalotes_ (Fab.)

5 Hummingbird; _Phoethornis r. ruber_ (Linne)

174 7 Tamandua; _Tamandua t. tetradactyla_ (Linne)

175 1 Trogon; _Trogon s. strigilatus_ (Linne)

9 Tarantula Hawks; _Pepsis_ sp.

181 17 Cicada larvae; _Quesada gigas_ Oliv.

182 5 Roaches; _Attaphila_ sp.

231 26 Manatee; _Trichechus manatus_ Linne

232 24 Crocodile; _Caiman sclerops_ (Schneid.)

233 6 Jacana; _Jacana j. jacana_ (Linne)

8 Gallinule; _Ionornis martinicus_ (Linne)

9 Green Herons; _Butorides striata_ Linne

10 Egrets; _Leucophoyx t. thula_ (Molina)

233 17 Kiskadees; _Pitangus sulphuratus_ (Linne)

19 Black Witch; _Crotophaga ani_ (Linne)

19 House Wren; _Troglodytes musculus clarus_ Berl. and Hart

22 Manatee; _Trichechus manatus_ (Linne)

242 1 Jacana; _Jacana j. jacana_ (Linne)

3 Gallinule; _Ionornis martinicus_ (Linne)

243 15 Mongoose; _Mungos mungo_ (Gmel.)

246 11 Little Egret; _Leucophoyx t. thula_ (Molina)

14 Tri-colored Heron; tricolor_ (P. L. S. Mull.)

15 Little Blue Heron; _Florida c. caerulea_ (Linne)

249 14 White Egret; _Casmerodius egretta_ (Gmel.)

250 10 Night Heron; violacea cayennensis_ (Linne)

254 1 Giant Catfish, Boom-boom; _Doras granulosus_ Valen.

256 6 Long-armed Beetle; _Acrocinus longima.n.u.s_ (Linne)

276 10 Rufus Hummingbird; _Phoethornis r. ruber_ (Linne)

278 16 Tapping Wasp; _Synoeca irina_ Spinola

280 10 Mazaruni Daisy; _Sipanea pratensis_ Aubl.

21 Trogons; _Trogonurus c. curucui_ (Linne)

282 10 Quadrille Bird; _Leucolepis musica musica_ (Bodd.)

284 3 Bubble Bugs; _Cercopis ruber_

289 16 Army Ants; _Eciton burch.e.l.li_ Westwood

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Edge of the Jungle Part 12 summary

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