A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 11

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(b) Kingdom of Israel.

2. The Wide Influence of One Person.

(a) David.

(b) Jeroboam.

3. Righteousness Pays.

(a) David.

(b) Hezekiah.

4. Sin Destroys.

(a) Ahab.

(b) Kingdom of Israel.

VI. _Questions:_

1. Name some of the powers of the king. I Samuel 11:7; I Samuel 22:18,19; II Samuel 15:2; I Kings 5:13,15; I Kings 8; II Kings 23:35.

2. What kings did Samuel anoint?

3. How long was David hunted by Saul and at what age?

4. Where and how did David spare Saul?

5. What two sins did David commit? II Samuel 11.

6. After these sins what parable was spoken to him, and by whom?

7. What two psalms did David write after these sins?

8. Why was he called a man after G.o.d's own heart? I Samuel 13:14.

9. How many wives and concubines did Solomon have and what was the effect?

10. Name the worst king in Judah and the worst king in Israel.

11. Name five bad things Mana.s.seh did. II Kings 21.

12. Name five good things Josiah did. II Kings 22 and 23.

13. Name the first and last king of Israel, also of Judah.

VII. _What of Christ?_

(a) Symbol. The temple. John 2:19.

(b) Types. David. Matt. 9:27. Name two likenesses. Solomon. Matt. 12:42.

Name two likenesses.

(c) Prophecy. II Samuel 7:12,13.




Psalms Page

Song of Solomon Page

Proverbs Page


I. _The Collection and Divisions:_

In all probability the book of one hundred and fifty psalms, as it now stands, was compiled by Ezra about 450 B.C.

They are divided into five books, each closing with a benediction, evidently added to mark the end of the book. Note the number of psalms in Books 1 and 2.

II. _The Purposes:_

1. They were originally used as songs in the Jewish Temple Wors.h.i.+p.

2. For centuries after Christ they formed the only Christian Hymnal.

3. They have comforted and supported the troubled hearts of all believers in all ages.

III. _General Characteristics:_

1. They are _personal_.--Number the first personal p.r.o.nouns in Psalm 23.

Note the frequent occurrence in others.

2. They are the expression of _heart_ experiences.--Note the frequent use of the words heart and soul. These Hebrew poems are largely the diaries of the inner life.

3. They express the _intimate relation_ between G.o.d and man.--Note in Psalms 23, 103, 139 how many the phrases which contain p.r.o.nouns and words referring to both G.o.d and man.

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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 11 summary

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