A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 9

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VII. 2:16.

VIII. An unconquered enemy brings bondage.

IX. 7:20: "The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon."

X. 5.

6 to 8.


13 to 16.

Give to each of these (save Chapter 5) the name of the person described therein.

XI. Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson: the Six Deliverers.

XII. 1. Environment counts.

2. The Lord delivers when His people cry unto Him.

XIII. No Symbol. No Type. No Prophecy. The work of each judge is a.n.a.logous to the work of Christ.

XIV. _Questions:_

1. Name the three signs by which Gideon was a.s.sured of his call.

2. What was Jephthah's vow?

3. Locate the word "_s.h.i.+bboleth_", and narrate the historical event connected therewith.

4. What was Samson to be and for how long? 13:7. Read the Numbers chapter connected therewith.

5. Name and locate Samson's riddle.

6. State two reasons that account for the moral degradation of the times. 1:27 to 1:30; 21:35.

7. Name three things in Chapter 17 that indicate how low the state of religion had fallen.

8. How many times in the book does the following phrase occur and what is the significance of the statement, "In those days there was no king in Israel"

9. Name the judges mentioned in the catalogue of the faithful in Hebrews 11.

10. Name a piece of literature based on any one of the characters, and the author thereof.

QUOTATION.--"This period has been called the Heroic age of Hebrew history. It abounds in wild adventure and desperate feats of individual valor. Personal activity, daring and craft were the qualifications which raised the judges to their t.i.tle and eminence. They appear as gallant insurgents, or guerrilla leaders, rather than as grave administrators of justice or the regular authorities of a great kingdom." Copy in blank book.

XV. _Items of Special Interest._

Select ten.

XVI. _Individual Finds._

Chapters 5, 11, 16, 21.


I. Read the book through thoroughly, thoughtfully, and record the length of time required.

II. Name the eight leading characters.

III. Name seven interesting facts gleaned from the book.

IV. Prepare three questions upon the material of each chapter.

V. Give a phrase name to each of the four chapters.

VI. Record what you regard as the best verse.

VII. _Questions:_

1. Why, according to your opinion, is this story of Ruth recorded in the Bible?

2. What two large modern problems would be solved by living as indicated in this book?

3. Write a paragraph of one hundred words about gleaning, based upon this book and other portions of Scripture.

4. In what part of what gospel is the name of Ruth mentioned?

IV and V



I and II Samuel.

I and II Kings.

I and II Chronicles.

NOTE.--As these three pairs of books are so closely related in their historical contents, it is deemed best to study them together, though they overlap the two divisions of IV and V.

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