Kathie's Soldiers Part 24

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"I did not think Belle was that small! And you are a splendid champion, Emma. But Kathie is worthy of the best friends.h.i.+p in the world. She is never mean or envious, or looking out for the best places, and Mr.

Conover is just royal. The idea of the Haddens setting themselves up!

Why, Mrs. Alston used to sew for my mother, and mother is one of her warmest friends. Isn't there something very unjust about girls,--some girls, I mean?" blus.h.i.+ng as he corrected himself. "And why does not Mrs.

Wilder interfere, or is she on the patrician side?"

"Mrs. Wilder really doesn't know anything about it. The little hateful acts are done on the sly, just looks and tones, or some sentence that no one can take hold of. It would seem silly to complain of not being noticed. But it takes away the pleasant feeling that used to exist."

"And how does Kathie bear it?"

"Like a little angel. It hurts her cruelly too. About the time this first began, some very common-looking people spoke to Kathie in the street, and the girls have laughed and sneered at that. Indeed, nothing that she does escapes them. I almost wish that I wasn't a girl!"

"Boys don't badger a fellow that way, if they did there would be some thras.h.i.+ng! But I know just how to come up with Belle Hadden, and I'll do it!"

With that d.i.c.k laughed.

Emma was so much exasperated that the thought rather delighted her.

"What will you do?"

"I can't tell you until afterward. Don't I wish Rob Alston was home, though! He would enjoy the fun."

They separated at Emma's gate. She was not altogether sure that she was right in her desire, but she determined not to worry herself on that score.

Belle's party was to be quite a grand affair. A number of the Academy boys were invited, those who were rich and stylish; Belle did not come to school the next day, and the girls were rather indiscreet without their leader.

The rooms were beautiful, the supper elegant, the music fine, but--there were so _few_ young gentlemen! Not d.i.c.k Grayson, nor Walter Dorrance, nor Charlie Darrell, nor--ever so many others that had been counted upon sure.

Emma guessed as she heard the floating talk.

"I do suppose Belle Hadden was as deeply mortified last night as she could be," Emma said to Kathie. "If ever I have another cause that I want righted I will place it in d.i.c.k Grayson's hand. He is equal to Arthur's knights."

"What did he do?"

"He said he had a plan. I know now that it must have been to keep the nicest boys away from the party. Belle likes d.i.c.k so much too. It must have been worth seeing,--their disappointment. A host of wall-flowers with no one to lead them out to dance!"

"You didn't ask him to do it?" Kathie's face was full of pain and regret.

"No, not exactly. Indeed, I did not know what he meant to do, only I was telling him about Belle Hadden's meanness, and he thought of a way to pay her back."

"I am so sorry it was--that way."


"O Emma dear, don't think me ungrateful! You have stood by me of your own accord, I know," and Kathie clasped her hand. "I am so much obliged to you. They had nothing against you at first, and they were very sorry not to have you at the tableaux. But it always troubles me to know that other people have suffered--"

"Not when they deserve it, surely!"

"Always--if it can be helped."

"And you would not have done this? You think it was not right for me to tell?"

What could Kathie say,--blame her brave comrade?

"No, you do not think it right. I can see that in your face! Kathie, how _can_ you bear everything so patiently?"

"G.o.d makes it all right at last. He asks us to wait his time. And though it is very hard--" Kathie's lip quivered and her voice grew unsteady.

"It seems to me this has been the meanest thing I ever knew. You cannot guess what gave it the first start."

"Yes. It was while you were sick that the girls--took a dislike to me. I spoke to some people one day, some friends," correcting herself, "and Belle laughed at them. Then the girls talked about--mamma."

"It was shameful!"

"We _were_ poor, and we had to work. Mamma could not help all that. And then Uncle Robert came, and we have been so very happy ever since.

Thinking of it all, I don't mind this little trouble much. All that Belle says cannot make us coa.r.s.e and vulgar and ignorant, and I have been trying all the time to look on the best and brightest side."

Emma put her arm suddenly around Kathie.

"What is it," she asked, in a husky voice,--"what is it that makes you sweet and patient and tender and forgiving, always ready to minister to others and to the poor, even if you are laughed at and teased? Maybe it's the same grace that takes away the fear of death! O, I wish I knew!

I wish I had it! I am sometimes so miserable, Kathie. Do you believe that your G.o.d _could_ love and pity me a little?"

"'Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.'"

It was all that Kathie could think of to say as Emma stopped short in her walk, trembling, excited, and tearful.

"But how to come?"

Kathie hesitated. It seemed that she knew so little herself, how then could she direct another? She remembered the other time when she failed to bear witness, and though her shy, delicate nature shrank from anything like a parade of her most sacred feelings, strength was given her when she asked for it.

"I do not know how it is always--" in her sweet, faltering voice, "but when I first wanted to try--to be good,--to follow HIM even a little, it was just as if I reached out my hand and prayed him to take it, and kept close to him by endeavoring to do what he wishes--"

"And you did not have--any great light--"

"I had only a love and a desire to obey him. And it seemed as if everybody helped me,--mamma, Aunt Ruth, and Uncle Robert. But there is always something to overcome, some battle to fight."

"And I am a poor, raw recruit. Do you think He will accept me, Kathie?"

"Every one--to the uttermost."

They walked to the corner, where their paths diverged.

"I wish you would come and see me," Kathie said, with her ready grace.

"Fred was there occasionally last summer, and Uncle Robert liked him so much!"

"And you will forgive that--revenge? Perhaps I ought to have waited."

Kathie's look was sufficient, though she could not have spoken.

But the child went home in a gravely sweet frame of mind. She was in a mood to tell Uncle Robert the whole story that evening; but there were several guests, so there could be no confidences.

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Kathie's Soldiers Part 24 summary

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