The Adventures of a Country Boy at a Country Fair Part 12

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"Who? Long Jim? No; but the boys say he is here somewhere running the swinging ball game."

"What is that?"

"A wooden ball is swung on two short uprights about eight inches apart, and between them, in the center, stands a small peg. You pay ten cents for the privilege of swinging the ball, and if it hits the peg when it comes back after leaving your hand, you get a dollar."

"I should think that would be easy enough to do."

"Well, don't try it with such an idea or you'll go broke mighty quick.

It looks simple; but it isn't accomplished very often."

"Have you done anything since I left here?"

"Yes, and scooped in as much as I had any right to expect. I don't want to spoil to-morrow's business, so sha'n't make another pitch, but will spend my time trying to find Jim."

"What good can that do?"

"I still count on making him give back your fifteen dollars, if nothing more. I reckon your Uncle Nathan won't try again to get a warrant out for us, and so I sha'n't bother my head about learning anything regarding the robbery."

"He'll make things just as disagreeable as he can; there's no question about that."

"Well, let him, and we'll see who comes out ahead. Trade is beginning to pick up, and you'd better attend to your customers."

Hazelton walked away, and from that moment until nearly nightfall Teddy had all the business both he and his clerk could attend to.

Nearly every one had something to say about the accident on the creek, and the young fakir was forced to tell the story over and over again, until he really got tired of repeating the details.

When nearly all of the visitors had left the grounds Teddy made up his cash account, and the sum total surprised both himself and Tim.

Including the amount paid Uncle Nathan he had taken in fifty-five dollars and twenty cents. Ten per cent. of this was paid to the clerk, and he found himself possessed of the magnificent sum of thirty-one dollars and seventy cents.

"At this rate we shall be rich before the end of the week," he said, in a tone of satisfaction.

"That's a fact; but it don't seem right for me to take so much," Tim replied, as he wrapped the five dollars and a half which had been given him in his handkerchief.

"That was the agreement, an' we'll stick to it."

"But when you promised ten cents on every dollar neither of us believed trade would be half so good."

"You're right; I thought if we got one-third as much business would be booming; but that has nothing to do with our bargain. You've hung right on here, without even stopping for anything to eat, an' are ent.i.tled to what you've been paid. Everybody says there'll be a bigger crowd to-morrow, an' so we stand a chance to make considerable more. Are you going home to-night, or do you count on staying here?"

"I've got to let the folks know where I am, for when I left it was allowed I'd be back by sunset. To-morrow I'll come prepared to stay the rest of the week."

"There'll be plenty of stages running, an' you can afford to ride both ways after this day's work. I want to send some of this money home to mother, for it ain't safe to carry so much around with me."

"Am I to take it?"

"Yes, an' you can tell her all that has happened. Ask her to come over Thursday, an' see for herself that we're getting rich."

Twenty-five dollars was tied in a bundle with many wrappings of paper, and Tim started off, looking almost afraid at being the custodian of so much wealth.

It was necessary Teddy should pack up his entire stock until next morning, and this he proceeded to do as soon as he was alone. Mr. Sweet had given him permission to bring his goods into the museum tent, and his only trouble was how everything could be carried without a.s.sistance.

Before he was ready for departure, however, Sam came up, and the question of transportation was settled.

"Well, how do you feel now?" Teddy asked, cheerily, for the knowledge that he had already taken in nearly enough to pay his debts caused him to feel very jolly.

"I allers get the worst of everything," Sam replied, disconsolately.

"You an' Dan made a big strike when you tumbled into the water, an' I've had a blowin' up; come mighty near losin' my job into the bargain."


"'Cause the boss says that I was careless an' reckless, an' that I couldn't earn enough in a month to pay for the two boats I've smashed."

"Are they lost entirely?"

"No, of course not. We pulled 'em out a little while ago, an' it cost so very much to fix both. The folks in the other boat were as much to blame as me."

"They certainly were not keeping any better lookout, and, as a matter of fact, I suppose I'm more at fault than any one else, for if I hadn't sung out about the fakir it wouldn't have happened."

"That's what I told the boss; but he's chuck full of foolish talk about the bravery he says you an' Dan showed, an' is tryin' to get up what he calls a testimonial for you."

"A what?" Teddy cried, in surprise.

"I heard him say testimonial; but if you know what that means you can go to the head."

"I don't, and I hope it won't amount to anything. I've been paid enough for what was done by the boom it gave my business."

"Of course, you an' Dan are bound to have the best end of it."

"Why didn't you stop an' do the same thing?"

"'Cause I had sense enough to look out for myself first."

"But you know how to swim."

"What of that? It's mighty risky catchin' hold of people in the water, an' I don't mean to take any chances. How much have you made to-day?"

When Teddy told him, the expert in rowing looked decidedly envious.

"You've got all that money in one day?"

"Yes; but I sent the most of it home to mother."

"It's funny what luck some folks have, when them as knows the business twice as well don't much more'n earn their salt," Sam said, as if to himself, and before he could continue Dan arrived.

He wore his own clothes, and carried those Teddy had left in the boat-house.

"These were dry, so I brought 'em up. You needn't carry back the ones you borrowed till to-morrow, so Sam's boss says."

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The Adventures of a Country Boy at a Country Fair Part 12 summary

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