The Troubadours Part 7

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K. Bartsch, _Grundriss zur Geschichte der provenzalischen Literatur_, Elberfeld, 1872. A new edition of this indispensable work is in preparation by Prof. A. Pillet of Breslau. The first part of the book contains a sketch of Provencal literature, and a list of ma.n.u.scripts.

The second part gives a list of the troubadours in alphabetical order, with the lyric poems attributed to each troubadour. The first line of each poem is quoted and followed by a list of the MSS. in which it is found. Modern editors have generally agreed to follow these lists in referring to troubadour lyrics: e.g. B. Gr., 202, 4 refers to the fourth lyric (in alphabetical order) of Guillem Ademar, who is no. 202 in Bartsch's list.

A list of corrections to this list is given by Grober in Bohmer's _Romanische Studien_, vol. ii. 1875-77, Stra.s.sburg. In vol. ix. of the same is Grobers' study of troubadour MSS. and the relations between them.

A. Stimming, _Provenzaliscke Literatur in Grober's Grundriss der Romanischen Philologie_, Stra.s.sburg, 1888, vol. ii. part ii. contains useful bibliographical notices.

A. Restori, _Letteratura provenzale_, Milan, 1891 (_Manuali Hoepli_), an excellent little work.

A. Jeanroy, _Les origines de la poesie lyrique en France_, 2nd edit., Paris, 1904.

J. Anglade, _Les troubadours_, Paris, 1908, an excellent and trustworthy work, in popular style, with a good bibliography.

J. H. Smith, _The troubadours at Home_, 2 vols., New York, 1899; popularises scientific knowledge by impressions of travel in Southern France, photographs, and historical imagination: generally stimulating and suggestive, Most histories of French literature devote some s.p.a.ce to Provencal; e.g. Suchier & Birch-Hirschfeld, _Geschichte der franzosischen Litteratur_, Leipsic, 1900. The works of Millot and Fauriel are now somewhat antiquated. _Trobador Poets_, Barbara Smythe, London, 1911, contains an introduction and translations from various troubadours.


F. Raynouard, _Lexique roman_, 6 vols., Paris, 1838-1844, supplemented by.

E. Levy, _Provenzalisches supplement-Worterbuch_, Leipsic, 1894, not yet completed, but indispensable.

E. Levy, _Pet.i.t dictionnaire provencal-francais_, Heidelberg, 1908.

J. B. Roquefort, _Glossaire de la langue romane_, 3 vols., Paris, 1820.

W. Meyer-Lubke, _Grammaire des langues romanes_, French translation of the German, Paris, 1905.

C. H. Grandgent, _An outline of the phonology and morphology of old Provencal_, Boston, 1905.

H. Suchier, _Die franzosiche und provenzalische Sprache_ in Grober's _Grundriss_. A French translation, _Le Francais et le Provencal_, Paris, 1891.


The following chrestomathies contain tables of grammatical forms (except in the case of Bartsch) texts and vocabularies.

_Altprovenzalisches Elementarbuch_, O. Schultz-Gora, Heidelberg, 1906, an excellent work for beginners.

_Provenzalische Chrestomathie_, C. Appel, Leipsic, 1907, 3rd edit.

_Manualetto provenzale_, V. Crescini, Padua, 1905, 2nd edit.

_Chrestomathie provencal_, K. Bartsch, re-edited by Koschwitz, Marburg, 1904.

The following editions of individual troubadours have been published.

Alegret. _Annales du Midi_, no. 74.

Arnaut Daniel. U. A. Canello, Halle, 1883.

Bernart de Rovenac. G. Borsdorff, Erlangen, 1907.

Bartolomeo Zorzi. E. Levy, Halle, 1883.

Bertran d'Alamanon. J. Salverda de Grave, Toulouse, 1902 (_Bibliotheque Meridionale_).

Bertran de Born. A. Thomas, Toulouse, 1888 (_Bibliotheque Meridionale_).

Bertran de Born. A. Stimming, Halle, 1892 (and in the _Romanischz Bibliothek_, Leipsic).

Blacatz. O. Soltau, Leipsic, 1890.

Cercamon. Dr Dejeanne, Toulouse, 1905 (_Annales du Midi_, vol. xvii.).

Elias de Barjols. Stronski, Paris, 1906 (_Bibliotheque Meridionale_ vi.).

Folquet de Ma.r.s.elha. Stronski, Cracow, 1911.

Folquet de Romans. Zenker (_Romanische Bibliothek_).

Gavaudan. A. Jeanroy, _Romania_, x.x.xiv., p. 497.

Guillaume IX. Comte de Poitiers. A. Jeanroy, Toulouse, 1905.

Guillem Anelier de Toulouse. M. Gisi, Solothurn, 1877.

Guillem de Cabestanh. F. Huffer, Berlin, 1869.

Guillem Figueira. E. Levy, Berlin, 1880.

Guillem de Montanhagol. J. Coulet, _Bibliotheque Meridionale_, iv., Toulouse.

Guiraut de Bornelh. A. Kolsen, Berlin, 1894 and 1911.

Guiraut d'Espanha. P. Savi-Lopez. _Studj mediaevali_, Fasc. 3, Turin, 1905.

Guiraut Riquier, etude sur, etc. J. Anglade, Paris, 1905.

Jaufre Rudel. A Stimming, Kiel, 1873.

Marcabrun. Dr Dejeanne. _Bibliotheque Meridionale_, 1910.

Marcoat. Dr Dejeanne, Toulouse, 1903 (_Annales du Midi_, xv.).

Monk of Montaudon. E. Philippson, Halle, 1873; O. Klein, Marburg, 1885.

N' At de Mons. Bernhard. _Altfranzosische Bibliothek, Heilbronn_.

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