Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 27

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Accepts a pension of three hundred a year.

His belief in ghosts.

Publication of his edition of Shakespeare's works.

Honours conferred upon him.

His colloquial talents.

His predominance in The Club.

His biographer, James Boswell.

The inmates of his house near Fleet Street.

His visit to the Hebrides.

His prejudice against the Scotch.

His exposure of Macpherson's forgery of Fingal.

His Taxation no Tyranny.

His lives of the Poets.

His declining years.

His death.

Johnson, Michael of Lichfield.

Jones, Sir William, his part in the Literary Club.

Judgment and imagination.

Julian, the Emperor, his partiality for the Greek language.

Jurisprudence, Mr Bentham's reduction of, to a science.

Juryman, the stipend of an Athenian.

Just, Saint, expatiates on the guilt of Vergniaud and Petion.

Becomes a member of the Committee of Public Safety.

His doom.

His execution.

Juvenal compared with Dryden.

His satire compared with that of Samuel Johnson.

King, the, in the Athenian democracy.

Kleber, General, refuses to obey the cruel decree of the Convention.

Lacedaemon, causes of the silent but rapid downfall of.

The development of merit prevented by the laws of.

Her foreign policy and domestic inst.i.tutions.

Her government compared with that of Athens.

Her helots.

Langton, Bennet, a member of the Literary Club.

Latin works of Petrarch, the.

Lebon, the Jacobin, his crimes defended by Barere.

Placed under arrest.

Levett, Robert, the quack doctor.

Liberty, how regarded by the later ancient writers.

How regarded by historians of the Plutarch cla.s.s.

Peculiar and essentially English character of English liberty.

Political, views with which it was regarded by the French legislators of the Revolution.

Lies, various kinds of.

Lincoln Cathedral, story of the painted window of.

Literary Magazine, Johnson's contributions to the.

Literature, on the Royal Society of.

Literature, ancient, proper examination of.

State of literature as a calling, in the last century.

Literature of Britain, the, Speech on.

Livy, his faults and merits as a historian.

London, blessing of the great fire of.

Riots in, in 1780.

Longinus, criticism on his work on the "Sublime."

Louis XIV., his bitter lamentations of his former extravagances.

His character as a king.

Louis XV., condition of France when he came to the throne.

Louis XVI., his character.

His position in 1792.

His death.

Louis XVIII., leniency of his government at the Restoration.

Love, honourable and chivalrous, unknown to the Greeks.

The pa.s.sion as delineated in the Roman poets.

What is implied in the modern sense of the word love.

Change undergone in the nature of the pa.s.sion of love in the middle ages.

Lycurgus, his mistaken principles of legislation.

His system of domestic slavery.

Lyons, cruelties of the Jacobins at.

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Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 27 summary

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