Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 32

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Rumford, Count, his proposition for feeding soldiers cheaply.

Russell, Lord William, his last saying.

Sacheverell, prosecution of.

Sadler, Mr, review of his work on the Law of Population.

His style.


And spirit.

His attack on Mr Malthus.

His distinctions without a difference.

The great discovery by which he has vindicated the ways of Providence.

His refutation refuted.

The motto on his t.i.tle-page.

His statements examined and refuted.

Safety, Committee of Public, formation of the, in Paris.

Names of the persons composing the.

Character of the men composing the Committee.

Its crimes and blunders.

Robespierre's fiendish motion.

Sall.u.s.t, his merits as a historian.

His conspiracy of Catiline.

Satire of Juvenal and Dryden.

Savage, Richard, his career.

Schoolmen, Lord Bacon's description of the logomachies of the, of his time.

Scott, Sir Walter, his use of the rejected fragments of history.

Sermon in a Churchyard.

Shakspeare, William, language he gives to his superhuman beings.

His euphuism.

His dramas miracles of art.

His exquisite imagery.

Publication of Johnson's edition of the works of.

Character of the work.

Shelburne, William, Earl of, in the Whig opposition.

Placed by the King at the head of the Treasury.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, his repartee to Pitt.

Sidney, Sir Philip, his dying thanksgiving.

Sieyes, the Abbe, M. Dumont's sketch of the character of.

Similitudes, Dante's.

Simon, Saint, his character and opinions.

Slavery, Domestic, the cause of the violence of factions in ancient times.

Smalridge, Dean of Carlisle and Christ Church.



Spain, revolution of the poetry of.

Sparta, the great men of.

Mr Mitford's admiration of the stability of the inst.i.tutions of.

Real character of the Spartans.

Their kind of liberty.

Spectator, Addison's, crowds of imitations of the.

SPEECHES--Anatomy Bill.

Church of Ireland, the.

Confidence in Lord Melbourne's Ministry.


Corn Laws, the.

Dissenters' Chapels Bill.

Edinburgh Election.


Exclusion of Judges from the House of Commons.

Gates of Somnauth, the.

Government of India, the.

Inaugural Speech at Glasgow College.

Jewish Disabilities.

Literature of Britain, the.


Parliamentary Reform.

People's Charter, the.

Re-election to Parliament.

Repeal of the Union with Ireland.

State of Ireland, the.

Sugar Duties, the.

Ten Hours Bill, the.

Theological Tests in the Scotch Universities.

War with China, the.

Spencer, George Earl, his able administration of the Admiralty.

Spies, political, in France.

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Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 32 summary

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