Vitality Supreme Part 9

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Your evening meal should be taken between six and eight o'clock, depending upon the time of breakfast and lunch. Do not forget my suggestion for closing the meal with a little acid fruit. A few spinal exercises, a walk or a short run before retiring can be highly recommended.

During the evening, if convenient, take an air bath.

Take a combination sun bath and air bath in the morning or at any time during the day that is convenient. If you cannot take a regular sun bath wear light-colored clothing and walk on the sunny side of the street when outdoors to get the sun's rays through your clothing.


Take a hot soap-and-water bath once or twice a week.

Retire early enough to awake thoroughly refreshed at proper rising time without the warning of an alarm clock.


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Vitality Supreme Part 9 summary

You're reading Vitality Supreme. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Bernarr Macfadden. Already has 1074 views.

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