Sixty Years of California Song Part 19

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Masonic Temple, corner Montgomery and Sutter streets.

Mechanics Pavilion, Union Square.

Mechanics Pavilion, Mission street.

Mechanics Pavilion, Market street.

Knights of Pythias Hall, Market street.

Woodward's Gardens, Mission street.

Pioneer Hall, Fourth street, between Market and Mission streets.

Metropolitan Temple, Fifth street.

Y.M.C.A. Hall, Sutter street. Sang eight years here.

Wigwam, political meetings, James G. Blaine and others, Stockton and Geary streets.

Odd Fellows Hall, Western Addition, Geary and Steiner streets.

Mark Hopkins Inst.i.tute, California street.

Odd Fellows Hall, Mission street.

Tent Pavilion, Mission street, back of the old Palace Hotel.

Ixora Hall, Mission street.

Winter Garden, Stockton street, between Sutter and Post streets.

Ladies' Relief Society.

Protestant Orphan Asylum.


Mae Whitney Mrs. May Stewart-Jolly Elizabeth Harrold Gussie Graves Mary Harrold Nettie Worden Mary R. Beam Mrs. Louis Gla.s.s Mme. Annie Tregar



First Presbyterian Church, 1870-1871, Stockton street.

St. John's Presbyterian Church, Post street.

St. Patrick's Church, Mission street, March 21, 1869, 1870-1874.

St. Mary's, California and Dupont streets, 1869, 1870; 3 months.

Congregational Church, Dupont and California streets.

Calvary Church, Bush street.

Calvary Church, Geary street, May 7, 1882.

Fruitvale Congregational Church, Oakland.

Noe Valley Mission, Noe Valley.

Hamilton Hall Mission, Western Addition.

Howard Presbyterian Church, Howard street.

First Methodist Church, Mission street.

Church of the Advent, Mission street.

Church of the Advent, East Oakland.

Powell Street Methodist Church, Powell street.

Green Street Church, Green street.

Episcopal Church, Stockton street.

Larkin Presbyterian Church, Larkin street.

O Habi Sholom, Mason street, September 15, 1887, 1888.

Old Catholic Mission Church, Mission Street.

Pilgrim Congregational Church, East Oakland.

St. Brigid's, Western Addition, San Francisco.

San Bruno Road Catholic Church, 1875.

St. Ignatius Church, Market street, 1869.

Notre Dame, French Catholic Church; Organist, R.A. Lucchesi.

Unitarian Church, Geary street; Harry Hunt, organist.

Howard Street Methodist Church; Martin Schultz, organist.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

Trinity Church, Powell street.

Grace Cathedral, corner California and Stockton streets.

Alemany, Bishop, St. Mary's Catholic Church, California street, San Francisco.

Akerly, Father, St. John's Episcopal Church, Oakland.

Anderson, Rev. John, First Presbyterian Church, Stockton street, San Francisco.

Anderson, Rev. John Jr. (a.s.sistant), First Presbyterian Church, Stockton street, San Francisco.

Buchard, Rev. Father, St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church, Market street, San Francisco.

Baylis, Rev. Mr., First Presbyterian Church, Stockton street, San Francisco.

Barrows, Rev. D.D., Calvary Church, Bush street, San Francisco.

Beecher, Henry Ward, Congregational Church, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bettleheim, Rabbi, Jewish, Mason street, San Francisco.

Bailey, Rev. Mr., Congregational Mission, Sixteenth street, Oakland.

Beecher, Lyman R., Congregational Church, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bok.u.m, Rev. Henry, Reformed Church, Betts street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Burgess, Rev. Dr., Congregational Church, Dedham, Ma.s.s.

Birmingham, Rev. Father, Roman Catholic Church, Mission street, San Francisco.

Burrows, Dr., School for Boys, Stockton and Geary streets, San Francisco.

Curry, Rev. James, Emanuel Presbyterian Church, Oakland.

Cunningham, Rev. Dr. D., Presbyterian Church, Stockton street, San Francisco.

Cool, Rev. P.Y., First Methodist Church, Santa Cruz, California.

Cook, Rev. Dr., Y.M.C.A., Sutter street, San Francisco.

Cheney, Rev. B.G., Baptist Church, Was.h.i.+ngton street, San Francisco.

c.o.x, Rev. H., Methodist Church, Mission street, San Francisco.

Chapman, Rev. Dr., Congregational Church, East Oakland, California.

Dixon, Rev. Frank, Y.M.C.A., Sutter street, San Francisco.

Dille, Rev. E.R., Methodist Church, Fourteenth and Clay streets, Oakland.

Dodge, Dr., Presbyterian Church.

Ells, Rev. James, Presbyterian Church, Stockton street, San Francisco.

Edwards, Rev. Mr., Hamilton Hall, Oakland.

Eston, Rev. Giles, Episcopal Church, Santa Cruz.

Freer, Rev. James, Congregational Church, Santa Cruz.

Frisk, Rev., Congregational Church, San Francisco.

Freidlander, Rabbi, Jewish, Fourteenth street, Oakland.

Gray, Rev. Father, Roman Catholic Church, Mission street, San Francisco.

Gibson, Rev. M., Scotch Presbyterian Church, Jones street, San Francisco.

Gerrior, Rev. Mr., Congregational Church, Jones avenue and East Fourteenth street, Oakland.

Guard, Rev. Thomas, Presbyterian Church, Bush street, San Francisco.

Hemphill, Rev. John, Presbyterian Church, Geary and Powell streets, San Francisco.

Hemphill, Rev. Joseph, Presbyterian Church, Noe Valley, San Francisco.

Hewes, Rev. Mr., Baptist Church, Mission District, San Francisco.

Horton, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Church, Fourteenth and Franklin streets, Oakland.

Hagar, Rev. E.W., Episcopal Church, Stockton, California.

Happersett, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Church, Stockton, California.

Jewell, Rev. Frank, Methodist Church, Mission street, San Francisco.

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Sixty Years of California Song Part 19 summary

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