The Gospel of Buddha Part 15

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The Blessed One accepted the suit, and after having delivered a religious discourse, he addressed the bhikkhus thus: 14

"Henceforth ye shall be at liberty to wear either cast-off rags or lay robes. Whether ye are pleased with the one or with the other, I will approve of it." 15

When the people at Rajagaha heard, "The Blessed One has allowed the bhikkhus to wear lay robes," those who were willing to bestow gifts became glad. And in one day many thousands of robes were presented at Rajagaha to the bhikkhus. 16



When Suddhodana had grown old, he fell sick and sent for his son to come and see him once more before he died; and the Blessed One came and stayed at the sick-bed, and Suddhodana, having attained perfect enlightenment, died in the arms of the Blessed One. 1

And it is said that the Blessed One, for the sake of preaching to his mother Maya-devi, ascended to heaven and dwelt with the devas. Having concluded his pious mission, he returned to the earth and went about again, converting those who listened to his teachings. 2



Yasodhara had three times requested of the Buddha that she might be admitted to the Sangha, but her wish had not been granted. Now Paj.a.pati, the foster-mother of the Blessed One, in the company of Yasodhara, and many other women, went to the Tathagata entreating him earnestly to let them take the vows and be ordained as disciples. 1

And the Blessed One, foreseeing the danger that lurked in admitting women to the Sangha, protested that while the good religion ought surely to last a thousand years it would, when women joined it, likely decay after five hundred years; but observing the zeal of Paj.a.pati and Yasodhara for leading a religious life he could no longer resist and a.s.sented to have them admitted as his disciples. 2

Then the venerable Ananda addressed the Blessed One thus: 3

"Are women competent, Venerable Lord, if they retire from household life to the homeless state, under the doctrine and discipline announced by the Tathagata, to attain to the fruit of conversion, to attain to a release from a wearisome repet.i.tion of rebirths, to attain to saints.h.i.+p?" 4

And the Blessed One declared: "Women are competent, Ananda, if they retire from household life to the homeless state, under the doctrine and discipline announced by the Tathagata, to attain to the fruit of conversion, to attain to a release from a wearisome repet.i.tion of rebirths, to attain to saints.h.i.+p. 5

"Consider, Ananda, how great a benefactress Paj.a.pati has been.

She is the sister of the mother of the Blessed One, and as foster-mother and nurse, reared the Blessed One after the death of his mother. So, Ananda, women may retire from household life to the homeless state, under the doctrine and discipline announced by the Tathagata." 6

Paj.a.pati was the first woman to become a disciple of the Buddha and to receive the ordination as a bhikkhuni. 7



The bhikkhus came to the Blessed One and asked him: 1

"O Tathagata, our Lord and Master, what conduct toward women dost thou prescribe to the samanas who have left the world?" 2

And the Blessed One said: 3

"Guard against looking on a woman. 4

"If ye see a woman, let it be as though ye saw her not, and have no conversation with her. 5

"If, after all, ye must speak with her, let it be with a pure heart, and think to yourself, 'I as a samana will live in this sinful world as the spotless leaf of the lotus, unsoiled by the mud in which it grows.' 6

"If the woman be old, regard her as your mother, if young, as your sister, if very young, as your child. 7

"The samana who looks on a woman as a woman, or touches her as a woman, has broken his vow and is no longer a disciple of the Tathagata. 8

"The power of l.u.s.t is great with men, and is to be feared withal; take then the bow of earnest perseverance, and the sharp arrow-points of wisdom. 9

"Cover your heads with the helmet of right thought, and fight with fixed resolve against the five desires. 10

"l.u.s.t beclouds a man's heart, when it is confused with woman's beauty, and the mind is dazed. 11

"Better far with red-hot irons bore out both your eyes, than encourage in yourself sensual thoughts, or look upon a woman's form with l.u.s.tful desires. 12

"Better fall into the fierce tiger's mouth, or under the sharp knife of the executioner, than dwell with a woman and excite in yourself l.u.s.tful thoughts. 13

"A woman of the world is anxious to exhibit her form and shape, whether walking, standing, sitting, or sleeping. Even when represented as a picture, she desires to captivate with the charms of her beauty, and thus to rob men of their steadfast heart. 14

"How then ought ye to guard yourselves? 15

"By regarding her tears and her smiles as enemies, her stooping form, her hanging arms, and her disentangled hair as toils designed to entrap man's heart. 16

"Therefore, I say, restrain the heart, give it no unbridled license." 17



Visakha, a wealthy woman in Savatthi who had many children and grandchildren, had given to the order the Pubbarama or Eastern Garden, and was the first in Northern Kosala to become a matron of the lay sisters. 1

When the Blessed One stayed at Savatthi, Visakha went up to the place where the Blessed One was, and tendered him an invitation to take his meal at her house, which the Blessed One accepted. 2

And a heavy rain fell during the night and the next morning; and the bhikkhus doffed their robes to keep them dry and let the rain fall upon their bodies. 3

When on the next day the Blessed One had finished his meal, she took her seat at his side and spoke thus: "Eight are the boons, Lord, which I beg of the Blessed One." 4

Said the Blessed One: "The Tathagatas, O Visakha, grant no boons until they know what they are." 5

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The Gospel of Buddha Part 15 summary

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