The Gospel of Buddha Part 47

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Gospel: XCIII Sources: MPN, ii, 27-35 Parallelisms: --

Gospel: XCIV, 1 Sources: BSt,p. 84 Parallelisms: See Matth. iv, 1 and Mark i, 13

Gospel: XCIV, 2-13 Sources: MPN, iii, 46-63 Parallelisms: --

Gospel: XCV Sources: MPN, iv, 14-57 Parallelisms: --

Gospel: XCV, 6 Sources: MPN, iv, 25 Parallelisms: John xix, 28

Gospel: XCV, 14-22 Sources: MPN, iv, 47-52 Parallelisms: Matth. xxvii, 2; Mark ix, 2

Gospel: XCVI Sources: MPN, v, 1-14, concerning Metteyya see EH s.v. RhDB, pp. 180, 200; OldG, p. 153, etc.

Parallelisms: John xiv, 26

Gospel: XCVII Sources: MPN, v, 52-69, and vi; Fo, vv. 2303-2310 Parallelisms: --

Gospel: XCVII, 19-20; XCVII, 23-24 Sources: _Mahatanhasamkhaya-Sutta, Majjhima Nikaya_, vol. 1, p. 263, quoted by OldG, p. 349, E, p. 325.

Parallelisms: --

Gospel: XCVII, 22 Sources: _Suttavibbanga, Parajika_ 1, pp. 1, 4 quoted by OldG, p. 349, E, p. 325 Parallelisms: 1 Cor. xv, 20

Gospel: XCVIII Sources: EA, embodying later traditions, see EH and almost any other work on Buddhism.

Parallelisms: The Christian Trinity dogma

Gospel: XCIX Sources: EA Parallelisms: --

Gospel: C Sources: EA, in imitation of a formula at present in use among Northern Buddhists Parallelisms: --


AN.--Anguttara Nikaya in Warren's Buddhism in Translations.

Bf.--Burnouf, Introduction a l'histoire du Bouddhisme Indien, Paris 1844.

Bgt.--The Life or Legend of Gautama, by the R. Rev. P. Bigandet.

BL.--Buddhist Literature in China by Samuel Beal.

BP.--Buddhaghosha's Parables. Translated by T. Rogers, London, 1870.

BSt.--Buddhist Birth Stories or Jataka Tales. Translated by Rhys Davids.

C.--The Jataka edited by Prof. E.B. Cowell, Cambridge.

CBS.--A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese by Samuel Beal.

London, 1871.

ChD.--[Chinese Dhammapada.] Texts from the Buddhist Canon, commonly known as Dhammapada. Translated by S. Beal, London and Boston, 1878.

Dh.--The Dharma, or The Religion of Enlightenment by Paul Carus. 5th ed.

Chicago, 1907.

DP.--The Dhammapada. Translated from Pali by F. Max Muller, Vol. X, Part I, of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1881.

EA.--Explanatory Addition.

EH.--Handbook of Chinese Buddhism, by Ernest J. Eitel. London, 1888.

Fo.--The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King. A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha, translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmarakhsha, A.D. 420, and from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. Vol. XIX of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1883.

G.--Reden Gotamo's by Karl Eugen Neumann.

HF.--Hymns of the Faith (Dhammapada) transl. by Albert J. Edmunds.

HM.--A Manual of Buddhism, by R. Spence Hardy.

LKG.--Die Legende von Kisagotami, by Jakob H. Thiessen. Breslau, 1880.

LV.--Lalita Vistara, translated into German by Dr. S. Lefmann. Berlin, 1874.

MPN.--The Mahaparinibbana Suttanta. The Book of the Great Decease. Vol.

XI of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford 1881.

MP.--The Mahavagga. I-IV in Vol. XIII; V-X in Vol. XVII of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1881-1882.

MY.--Outlines of the Mahayana as Taught by Buddha, by S. Kuroda. Tokyo, j.a.pan, 1893.

OC.--The Open Court, a monthly magazine, published by the Open Court Publis.h.i.+ng Company, Chicago.

OldG.--German Edition, Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre und seine Gemeinde, by H. Oldenberg. Second Edition. Berlin, 1890.

OldE.--English translation, Buddha, His Life, His Doctrine, and His Order by H. Oldenberg. London, 1882.

PT.--Pantschatantra, translated into German by Theodor Benfey. Two vols.

Leipsic, 1859.

QKM.--The Questions of King Milinda, translated from Pali by T.W. Rhys Davids, Vol. x.x.xV of the Sacred Books of the East. Oxford, 1890.

RB.-The Life of the Buddha from Thibetan Works, transl. by W.W.

Rockhill. London, 1884.

rGya.--rGya Tchee Roll Pa, Histoire du Bouddha Sakya Mouni, by Foucaux.

Paris, 1868.

RHB.--The Romantic History of Buddha from the Chinese Sanskrit, by S.

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