The Gospel of Buddha Part 56

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Goal, the.

G.o.ds and men, teacher of.

Goes out to wage war.

Gold, robes of cloth of.

Gone into the yoke.

Good qualities, cloud of; happiness is the outcome of good; overcome evil by good; good tidings; cultivate goodwill; good works are rain.

Gotama Gate.

Governs all things, karma.

Grace, the time of.

Gradual becoming.

Grant me my life.

Great is thy faith.

Great understanding, muni of.

Greatest enemy, his; the greatest of conquerors.

Greedy tailor, the.

Grief at change; overcome grief; selfish in my grief.

Grounded, that it be well.

Grove, bamboo.

Guide, error be thou my.

Guiding-rein, mind is the.

Happily, let us live.

Happiness is the outcome of good; vanity of worldly happiness.

Happy, he is altogether; make thyself happy.

Hard times teach a lesson.

Harvest Nirvana, the; thou wilt reap the harvest sown in the past.

Hast thou faith?

Hatred appeased not by hatred; cherish no hatred; hatred ceases by love; hatred does not cease by hatred.

He promoted him higher.

He who gives away, etc..

He who walks righteously is ever near me.

Hearts, bridler of men's.

Heaven, hope of, a mirage; like one who spits at heaven; pleasures of self in heaven.

Heavenly songs.

h.e.l.l is destroyed.

Helmet of right thought.

Help, do not rely on external; now my lot to help.

Hemp-grain, each day one.

Hen brooding over egg.

Hereafter, the.


Hermit, layman and.

Higher, he promoted him.

Hold fast to the truth.

Holiness better than sovereignty.

Homage, worthiest.

Honor, so great an.

Honored be his name.

Hope of heaven a mirage.

Hopeless desolation, a.

Hungry dog, parable of the.

I am not the first Buddha; I am the eldest; I am the truth; I am thirsty; I ask not for caste; I have first broken the egg-sh.e.l.l; no room for the I; I reverence my father; I shall not die until, etc.; such faith have I; the I perishable; the I, the soul; the thought of I; the transmission of the soul and the I.

Idea of self, the.

Ident.i.ty; ident.i.ty and non-ident.i.ty; ident.i.ty of self; where is the ident.i.ty of my self?

Idle talk, invocations are.

If thou art asked, give.

Ignorance, free your mind of; ignorance the root of evil.

Illimitable light.

Illusion, self an; the ego an illusion.

Ill.u.s.tration by a lamp; ill.u.s.tration by a letter.

Image of the eternal, truth the.

Immaterial life, emptiness and.

Immeasurable light.


Immortal, life; the immortal path.

Immortality; door of immortality; earnestness is the path of immortality; immortality in transiency; immortality in truth; the fruit of immortality; the water of immortality; truth and immortality.

Immutable, the words of Buddha.

Impure is nakedness.

Impurity, abstain from; purity and impurity belong to oneself.

Impurities, blow off the.

In the course of evolution.

Incantations; incantations have no saving power.

Incarnation of the truth.

Individuality a combination; the wheel of individuality.

Inexhaustible life.

Instability of the ego, the.

Instruction, words of.


Invocations; invocations are idle talk.

Is it wrong to go to war?

Jewel, a; precious crown jewel.

Jewels and worldliness.

Jungle, a pathless.

Karma governs all things.

Keep my hold on life.

Kill not.

King Bimbisara.

King of kings; king of truth; powerful king.

Kingdom of Righteousness, Foundation of the.

Kingdom of truth.

King's gift, the.

Kings, Naga.

Knew me not, they.

Knowledge remains.


Lake of Ambrosia.

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The Gospel of Buddha Part 56 summary

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