Castle Hohenwald Part 38

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"As the old man embraced his darling son the tears rolled down his withered cheeks; he held him clasped in his arms for a moment, and then turning to me, said, with profound emotion, 'We owe this happy moment to our Anna. She has been the guardian angel of those two,' pointing to Kurt and Celia; 'softening my old heart until I gladly receive Kurt as a son. She has restored you to life, Arno. The dark cloud that divided you has vanished, serene skies smile above your future. Have you nothing to ask at her hands, Arno?'

"What Arno replied I cannot tell you. I felt his arm about me, his lips upon mine, and heard the ecstasy in his whispered words, 'Mine,--mine for all eternity!'

"This was our betrothal. My dearest father joyfully gave us his blessing, and Kurt and Celia, Arno and I have just pa.s.sed the happiest evening of our lives, in the circle of those dearest to us, where only you, my own faithful Adele, were wanting. Count Styrum recounted to the Freiherr his adventures in the castle of a.s.sais, and the old Baron told in his turn of how the danger that had threatened the Finanzrath had fortunately been averted by the kind interference of influential friends. Upon Werner's promise, made in writing, never to return to Germany, the warrants out against him on a charge of high treason have been withdrawn, and he is living in Vienna in great seclusion. The thought of Werner, so different from his father, brother, and sister in his whole character and nature, disturbed my happiness for a moment, but only for a moment. One glance at Arno was enough to dissipate any cloud called up in my mind by the remembrance of his unworthy brother.

"Darling Adele, my heart is full. The shadows of the past lie behind me, the future is brilliant with glorious suns.h.i.+ne. Farewell, my own true friend; I know how you will rejoice with and for your Lucie."

Spring had again returned, and with it the blessings of peace to the fatherland. In the latter days of May there was joy indeed at Castle Hohenwald, where a double marriage was celebrated. Of course Lucie and Arno, Celia and Kurt, were the happy pairs, and Count Styrum, with his charming young wife, was present on the auspicious occasion.


[Footnote 1: Councillor of finance. It is best to give these t.i.tles in German; they must always be awkward in English. A. L. W.]

[Footnote 2: Forest-depths.]


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Castle Hohenwald Part 38 summary

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