Moon Lore Part 12

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4 _Timon_, a Play. Edited by the Rev. A. Dyce. London (Shakespeare Society), 1842, Act iv. Scene iii.

5 _The Man in the Moon drinks Claret_, as it was lately sung at the Court in Holy-well. _Bagford Ballads_, Folio Collection in the British Museum, vol. ii. No. 119.

6 _Conceits, Clinches, Flashes, and Whimzies_. Edited by J. O.

Halliwell, F.R.S. London, 1860, p. 41.

7 _The Man in the Moon_, by C. Sloman. London, 1848, Music by E. J. Loder.

8 _Ancient Songs and Ballads_, by Joseph Ritson. London, 1877, p. 58.

9 _On the Religions of India_. Hibbert Lectures for 1878. London, p. 132.

10 _An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language_, by John Jamieson, D.D. Paisley, 1880, iii. 299.

11 _Sir Thomas Browne's Works_. Edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S., London, 1835, iii. 157.

12 _Popular Antiquities of Great Britain_. Hazlitt's Edition.

London, 1870, ii. 275.

13 _Asgard and the G.o.ds_. Adapted from the work of Dr. Wagner, by M.W. Macdowall; and edited by W. S. Anson. London, 1884, p.


14 _An Introduction to the Science of Comparative Mythology and Folk Lore_, by the Rev. Sir George W. c.o.x, Bart., M.A. London, 1881, p. 12.

15 _Plutarch's Morals_. Translated by p. Holland. London, 1603, p.


16 _Myths and Marvels of Astronomy_, by R. A. Proctor. London, 1878, p. 245. See also, _As Pretty as Seven and other German Tales_, by Ludwig Bechstein. London, p. 111.

17 _Curious Myths of the Middle Ages_, by S. Baring-Gould, M.A.

London, 1877, p. 193.

18 _Northern Mythology_, by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1851, iii.


19 _Notes and Queries_. First Series, 1852, vol. vi. p. 232. The entire text of this poem is given in Bunsen's _G.o.d in History_.

London, 1868, ii. 495.

20 Thorpe's _Mythology_, i. 6.

21 _Ibid.,_ 143.

22 _Curious Myths_, pp. 201-203.

23 _Teutonic Mythology_, by Jacob Grimm. Translated by J. S.

Stallybra.s.s. London, 1883, ii. 717.

24 _De Natura Rerum_. MS. Harl. No. 3737.

25 MS. Harl. No. 2253, 81.

26 _The Archaeological Journal_ for March, 1848, pp. 66, 67.

27 See Tyrwhitt's _Chaucer_. London, 1843, p. 448.

28 Dekker's _Dramatic Works_. Reprinted, London, 1873, ii. 121.

29 _Popular Rhymes of Scotland_. Robert Chambers. London and Edinburgh, 1870, p. 185.

30 _Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales_, by J. O. Halliwell.

London, 1849, p. 228.

31 _Curious Myths_, p. 197.

32 Grimm's _Teutonic Mythology_, ii. 719-20.

33 _The Vision of Dante Alighieri_. Translated by the Rev. H. F.

Cary, A.M. London.

34 _The Folk-Lore of China_, by N. B. Dennys, Ph.D. London and Hong Kong, 1876, p. 117.

35 _Himalayan Journals_, by Joseph D. Hooker, M.D., R.N., F.R.S.

London, 1855, ii. 278.

36 _Primitive Culture_, by Edward B. Tyler. London, 1871, i 320.

37 _A Brief Account of Bushman Folk-Lore_, by W. H. J. Bleek, Ph.D. Cape Town, 1875, p. 9.

38 _The History of Greenland_, from the German of David Cranz.

London, 1820, i. 212.

39 _An Arctic Boat Journey in the Autumn of 1854_, by Isaac J.

Hayes, M.D. Boston, U.S., 1883, p. 254.

40 _The Natural Genesis_, by Gerald Ma.s.sey. London, 1883, i.


41 _The Church Missionary Intelligencer_ for November, 1858, p.


42 _Ibid._, for April, 1865, p. 116.

43 See _Notes and Queries_. First Series. Vol. xi. p. 493.

44 _Researches into the Early History of Mankind_, by Edward B.

Tylor, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. London, 1878, p. 378.

45 _Ibid.,_ p. 336.

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