Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Part 20

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[Greek: logikos], rational.

[Greek: logos], reason.

[Greek: logos spermatikos], seminal principle.

[Greek: mesa, ta], things indifferent, viewed with respect to virtue.

[Greek: noeros], intellectual.

[Greek: nomos], law.

[Greek: nous], intelligence, understanding.

[Greek: oiesis], arrogance, pride. It sometimes means in Antoninus the same as [Greek: typhos]; but it also means "opinion."

[Greek: oikonomia] (dispositio, ordo, Cic.) has sometimes the peculiar sense of artifice, or doing something with an apparent purpose different from the real purpose.

[Greek: holon, to], the universe, the whole: [Greek: he ton olon physis].

[Greek: onta, ta], things which exist; existence, being.

[Greek: orexis], desire of a thing, which is opposed to [Greek: ekklisis], aversion.

[Greek: horme], movement towards an object, appet.i.te; appet.i.tio, naturalis appet.i.tus, appet.i.tus animi (Cic.).

[Greek: ousia], substance (vi. 49). Modern writers sometimes incorrectly translate it "essentia." It is often used by Epictetus in the same sense as [Greek: hyle]. Aristotle (Cat. c. 5) defines [Greek: ousia], and it is properly translated "substantia" (ed. Jul. Pacius).

Porphyrius (Isag. c. 2): [Greek: he ousia anotato ousa to meden pro autes genos hen to genikotaton].

[Greek: parakolouthetike dynamis, he], the power which enables us to observe and understand.

[Greek: peisis], pa.s.sivity, opposed to [Greek: energeia]: also, affect.

[Greek: peristaseis], circ.u.mstances, the things which surround us; troubles, difficulties.

[Greek: pepromene, he], destiny.

[Greek: proairesis], purpose, free will (Aristot. Rhet. i. 13).

[Greek: proaireta, ta], things which are within our will or power.

[Greek: proairetikon, to], free will.

[Greek: prothesis], a purpose, proposition.

[Greek: p.r.o.noia] (providentia, Cic.), providence.

[Greek: skopos], object, purpose.

[Greek: stoicheion], element.

[Greek: synkatathesis] (a.s.sensio, approbatio, Cic.), a.s.sent; [Greek: synkatatheseis] (probationes, Gellius, xix. 1).

[Greek: synkrimata], things compounded (ii. 3).

[Greek: synkrisis], the act of combining elements out of which a body is produced, combination.

[Greek: synthesis], ordering, arrangement (compositio).

[Greek: systema], system, a thing compounded of parts which have a certain relation to one another.

[Greek: hyle], matter, material.

[Greek: hylikon, to], the material principle.

[Greek: hypexairesis], exception, reservation; [Greek: meth'

hypexaireseos], conditionally.

[Greek: hypothesis], material to work on; thing to employ the reason on; proposition, thing a.s.sumed as matter for argument and to lead to conclusions. (Quaestionum duo sunt genera; alterum infinitum, definitum alterum. Definitum est, quod [Greek: hypothesin] Graeci, nos _causam_: infinitum, quod [Greek: thesin] illi appellant, nos _propositum_ possumus nominare. Cic. See Aristot. a.n.a.l. Post.

i. c. 2).

[Greek: hypokeimena, ta], things present or existing, vi. 4; or things which are a basis or foundation.

[Greek: hypolepsis], opinion.

[Greek: hypostasis], basis, substance, being, foundation (x. 5).

Epictetus has [Greek: to hypostatikon kai ousiodes]. (Justinus ad Diogn. c. 2.)

[Greek: hyphistasthai], to subsist, to be.

[Greek: phantasiai] (visus, Cic.); appearances, thoughts, impressions (visa animi, Gellius, xix. 1): [Greek: phantasia esti typosis en psyche].

[Greek: phantasma], seems to be used by Antoninus in the same sense as [Greek: phantasia]. Epictetus uses only [Greek: phantasia].

[Greek: phantaston], that which produces a [Greek: phantasia: phantaston to tepsiekos ten phantasian aistheton]

[Greek: physis], nature.

[Greek: physis he ton olon], the nature of the universe.

[Greek: psyche], soul, life, living principle.

[Greek: psyche logike, noera], a rational soul, an intelligent soul


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Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Part 20 summary

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