Heroes of Marvel Chapter 993: Known Support

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Chapter 993: Known Support

In the face of Darren Cross’s reluctance to reveal his partner’s ident.i.ty, Scott was tempted to use some cruel means to extract the information from him.

However, he was aware that if he were to open the gla.s.s bottle, Darren Cross would surely flee and he wasn’t certain if he could catch him again.

Of course, if Professor Pym were awake, he would be able to deduce who Darren Cross’s allies were. During the development of the Antman suit and Pym Particle, Professor Pym was still a member of s.h.i.+ELD.

However, the head of s.h.i.+ELD’s weapon defense department had different plans for the technology and clashed with Professor Pym, which ultimately led to his departure from s.h.i.+ELD.

Based on Darren Cross’s comments on s.h.i.+ELD, it’s likely that his partners are retired bosses from the older generation of s.h.i.+ELD.

While the current s.h.i.+ELD is under the leaders.h.i.+p of “young people” like Steve Rogers, these older individuals can still exert their influence and pursue their goals by leveraging their previous ident.i.ties.

Power is a difficult thing to relinquish, and these retired bigwigs are no exception. Despite having left s.h.i.+ELD, their desire to prove themselves remains strong, and they are constantly on the lookout for new avenues to exert their influence.

In particular, the former head of s.h.i.+ELD’s weapons department has been coveting the Antman technology for years. With s.h.i.+ELD growing stronger under the leaders.h.i.+p of Captain America, they are willing to take risks, and the Antman technology represents a significant opportunity for them to achieve their goals.

Scott was left with no other option but to wait for Hope or Luis to see if they could help him find a way out of his current predicament. Although the people monitoring them were blatantly obvious, they wouldn’t dare to attack them in public, giving Scott some peace of mind.

However, he knew that if Professor Pym could find another opportunity, he would know exactly how to proceed.

Unbeknownst to Scott, the people monitoring Hope and Luis had also dispatched a team to search for him. As he waited, a small group was rapidly approaching the residential building, hoping to find Scott before he could make his escape.

Luckily, Scott had moved just in time, and if he hadn’t, he would have been caught immediately.


As Scott and Darren Cross locked eyes through the gla.s.s bottle, a tense silence descended upon them. Suddenly, a faint energy wave swept over the area. It was the scanning energy wave sent out by the team searching for Scott outside.

Dī Dī Drops!

Scott remained oblivious to the energy fluctuation that had just occurred, but he was immediately alerted by the sound of the siren emanating from Lin Rui’s communicator. His heart began to race as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Thankfully, Lin Rui had been thoughtful enough to equip the communicator with a special function that the Antman suit did not possess. Otherwise, Scott would have been left completely in the dark.

“Huh?! What’s going on?!” As he listened to the siren blaring, Scott’s mind raced with possibilities. Was it the authorities closing in on him? Or perhaps his allies were coming to his rescue?

To his surprise, however, there was no response from Lin Rui on the other end of the communicator. It was up to Scott to figure out what was going on and to make his next move.

“Haha! My rescuers are here! You won’t be able to escape this time!” Darren Cross also heard the siren of the communicator through the gla.s.s bottle, and seeing Scott’s nervous expression, he shouted in surprise.

“The person who saved you? Are they the people working with you?” Hearing what Darren Cross said, Scott quickly blinked his eyes a few times and said in a low voice.


Without waiting for a response from Darren Cross, Scott swiftly reached for the gla.s.s bottle on the table and made a run for it toward the back of the room.

The blaring alarm from his communicator signaled danger, and his instincts told him to get out of there as fast as he could. His heart raced as he sprinted, and he could feel his palms starting to sweat.

However, Darren Cross wasn’t going to let him get away that easily.

With a look of disdain on his face, he grabbed hold of the gla.s.s bottle from inside and warmed him that running was futile. “Do you think you can run away?” he sneered. “Their background and strength are beyond what you can imagine.”

Despite the panic that threatened to overwhelm him, Scott knew that he couldn’t give up without a fight. He knew that his Antman powers might not be enough against the opponents, who possessed the same equipment to detect him.

After all, Darren Cross had given them several sets of Antman suits. They might even have been prepared for this very moment.

In addition, he knew that the opponents were professionals who were more than capable of taking him down. But Scott was not one to back down from a challenge.

“Huh! I still have to try!” he retorted to Darren Cross, determined to make his escape.

Buzz Buzz!

Scott swiftly made his way to the fence at the back of the house and flipped over it, landing safely on the other side. As he jumped out, he shrunk himself in an instant, using his Antman abilities to reduce his size.

However, in the rush, he had forgotten that the gla.s.s bottle he was holding wouldn’t shrink with him.

Just as he was about to make his escape, the gla.s.s bottle slipped out of his grip and fell to the ground with a loud crash.

“d.a.m.n it!” Scott cursed under his breath, his face contorting into an expression of frustration and anger.


As the flying ant soared through the air, Scott Lang seized the opportunity to make his move. With a sudden burst of energy, he launched himself from the ant’s back, and in an instant, his size grew dramatically.

In his enlarged state, he deftly s.n.a.t.c.hed the gla.s.s bottle from its resting place and prepared to make his escape.

However, to his dismay, Scott found that he was unable to shrink himself back down to his normal size.

He wasn’t sure if it was due to the unique material of the gla.s.s bottle or if the presence of Darren Cross inside had somehow interfered with his abilities as Antman. Whatever the cause, he knew he had to act quickly.

With no other choice but to flee, Scott clutched the gla.s.s bottle tightly and made a dash for safety.


As Scott clambered over the wall, multiple beams of light suddenly illuminated the area. He found himself surrounded by a throng of people, just as Darren Cross had warned – their search technology was formidable. Scott had no time to transform into Antman before he was swiftly detected.

“I’ve got him! Take him down!” Darren Cross bellowed, gesturing towards the figures outside the gla.s.s enclosure.


Before Darren Cross could finish his command, Scott had already flung a handful of tiny metal darts with lightning speed. The projectiles hurtled towards the throng of people before him and swiftly closed the gap, creating a barricade in mid-air that blocked their incoming attacks.

Bang Bang Bang!

As Scott hurled the metal darts, a cacophony of gunfire erupted in the darkness. The opponent’s bullets ricocheted off the enlarged darts, preventing them from causing any harm. The darts continued to rain down on the attackers, forcing them to frantically dodge and weave to avoid being struck.

However, despite Scott’s valiant effort, he found himself surrounded from multiple directions. His current size made it almost impossible to extract Darren Cross and escape unscathed.

“Hehehe, you’re trapped now!” Darren Cross cackled, sensing victory was within his grasp. The gla.s.s bottle shook violently as he taunted Scott.

“Not necessarily!”

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 993: Known Support summary

You're reading Heroes of Marvel. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 离群戏 著, Li Qun Xi. Already has 271 views.

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